+# dos_wildcard_match()
+# Check if a string matches against a DOS-style wildcard
+# Params: 1. Pattern
+# 2. String
+# Return: Status code (Boolean)
+sub dos_wildcard_match($$)
+ my ($pattern,$string) = @_;
+ return 1 if($pattern eq '*');
+ # The following part is stolen from File::DosGlob
+ # escape regex metachars but not glob chars
+ $pattern =~ s:([].+^\-\${}[|]):\\$1:g;
+ # and convert DOS-style wildcards to regex
+ $pattern =~ s/\*/.*/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\?/.?/g;
+ return ($string =~ m|^$pattern$|is);
+# encode_html()
+# Encode HTML control characters (< > " &)
+# Params: String to encode
+# Return: Encoded string
+sub encode_html($)
+ my $string = shift;
+ $string =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $string =~ s/</</g;
+ $string =~ s/>/>/g;
+ $string =~ s/"/"/g;
+ return $string;
+# equal_url()
+# Create URL equal to a file or directory
+# Params: 1. HTTP root
+# 2. Relative path
+# Return: Formatted link (String)
+sub equal_url($$)
+ my ($root,$path) = @_;
+ my $url;
+ $root =~ s!/+$!!;
+ $path =~ s!^/+!!;
+ $url = $root.'/'.$path;
+ return $url;
+# file_name()
+# Return the last part of a path
+# Params: Path
+# Return: Last part of the path
+sub file_name($)
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ tr!\\!/!;
+ unless($path =~ m!^/+$! || ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $path =~ m!^[a-z]:/+$!i))
+ {
+ $path =~ s!/+$!!;
+ $path = substr($path,rindex($path,'/')+1);
+ }
+ return $path;
+# in_array()
+# Check if a value is in an array
+# Params: 1. Value to find
+# 2. Array
+# Return: Status code (Boolean)
+sub in_array($$)
+ my ($string,$array) = @_;
+ foreach my $element(@{$array})
+ {
+ return 1 if($string eq $element);
+ }
+ #foreach
+ return;
+# is_disabled_command()
+# Check if a command is disabled
+# Params: 1. Array Reference containing the list
+# 2. Command to check
+# Return: Status code (Boolean)
+sub is_disabled_command($$)
+ my ($list,$command) = @_;
+ $command =~ s!/+$!!g;
+ foreach my $entry(@$list)
+ {
+ return 1 if(uc($command) eq uc($entry));
+ }
+ return;
+# is_forbidden_file()
+# Check if a file is in the list of forbidden files
+# Params: 1. Array Reference containing the list
+# 2. Filename to check