# Execute Dev-Editor's commands
-# Author: Patrick Canterino <patshaping@gmx.net>
-# Last modified: 09-23-2003
+# Author: Patrick Canterino <patrick@patshaping.de>
+# Last modified: 2005-04-10
use strict;
-use vars qw(@EXPORT
- $script);
-use CGI qw(header
- redirect);
+use vars qw(@EXPORT);
+use Fcntl;
use File::Access;
use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use Output;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Tool;
-$script = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
+use CGI qw(header
+ escape);
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Output;
+use Template;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $script = encode_entities($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
+my $users = eval('getpwuid(0)') && eval('getgrgid(0)');
+my %dispatch = ('show' => \&exec_show,
+ 'beginedit' => \&exec_beginedit,
+ 'endedit' => \&exec_endedit,
+ 'mkdir' => \&exec_mkdir,
+ 'mkfile' => \&exec_mkfile,
+ 'upload' => \&exec_upload,
+ 'copy' => \&exec_copy,
+ 'rename' => \&exec_rename,
+ 'remove' => \&exec_remove,
+ 'chprop' => \&exec_chprop,
+ 'about' => \&exec_about
+ );
### Export ###
use base qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(exec_show
- exec_beginedit
- exec_endedit
- exec_mkfile
- exec_mkdir
- exec_workwithfile
- exec_copy
- exec_rename
- exec_remove
- exec_unlock);
+@EXPORT = qw(exec_command);
+# exec_command()
+# Execute the specified command
+# Params: 1. Command to execute
+# 2. Reference to user input hash
+# 3. Reference to config hash
+# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
+sub exec_command($$$)
+ my ($command,$data,$config) = @_;
+ foreach(keys(%dispatch))
+ {
+ if(lc($_) eq lc($command))
+ {
+ my $output = &{$dispatch{$_}}($data,$config);
+ return $output;
+ }
+ }
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'command_unknown'},'/',{COMMAND => encode_entities($command)});
# exec_show()
# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
-sub exec_show($$$)
+sub exec_show($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $output;
+ my $upper_path = encode_entities(upper_path($virtual));
- if(-d $physical)
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ if(-d $physical && not -l $physical)
# Create directory listing
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_dir_access'},$upper_path) unless(-r $physical && -x $physical);
my $direntries = dir_read($physical);
- return error("Reading of directory $virtual failed") unless($direntries);
+ return error($config->{'dir_read_fail'},$upper_path,{DIR => encode_entities($virtual)}) unless($direntries);
my $files = $direntries->{'files'};
my $dirs = $direntries->{'dirs'};
- $output .= htmlhead("Directory listing of $virtual");
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
- $output .= "<hr>\n\n<pre>\n";
+ my $dir_writeable = -w $physical;
+ my $dirlist = '';
+ my $filter1 = $data->{'cgi'}->param('filter') || '*'; # The real wildcard
+ my $filter2 = ($filter1 && $filter1 ne '*') ? $filter1 : ''; # Wildcard for output
# Create the link to the upper directory
- # (only if we are not in the root directory)
+ # (only if the current directory is not the root directory)
- unless($virtual eq "/")
+ unless($virtual eq '/')
- my $upper = $physical."/..";
- my @stat = stat($upper);
+ my @stat = stat($physical.'/..');
- $output .= " [SUBDIR] ";
- $output .= strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",localtime($stat[9]));
- $output .= " " x 10;
- $output .= "<a href=\"$script?command=show&file=".upper_path($virtual)."\">../</a>\n";
- }
- # Get the longest file/directory name
+ my $udtpl = new Template;
+ $udtpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'dirlist_up'});
- my $max_name_len = 0;
+ $udtpl->fillin('UPPER_DIR',$upper_path);
+ $udtpl->fillin('DATE',encode_entities(strftime($config->{'timeformat'},($config->{'use_gmt'}) ? gmtime($stat[9]) : localtime($stat[9]))));
- foreach(@$dirs,@$files)
- {
- my $length = length($_);
- $max_name_len = $length if($length > $max_name_len);
+ $dirlist .= $udtpl->get_template;
# Directories
foreach my $dir(@$dirs)
- my @stat = stat($physical."/".$dir);
+ next unless(dos_wildcard_match($filter1,$dir));
+ my $phys_path = $physical.'/'.$dir;
+ my $virt_path = encode_entities($virtual.$dir.'/');
+ my @stat = stat($phys_path);
+ my $dtpl = new Template;
+ $dtpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'dirlist_dir'});
+ $dtpl->fillin('DIR',$virt_path);
+ $dtpl->fillin('DIR_NAME',encode_entities($dir));
+ $dtpl->fillin('DATE',encode_entities(strftime($config->{'timeformat'},($config->{'use_gmt'}) ? gmtime($stat[9]) : localtime($stat[9]))));
+ $dtpl->fillin('URL',equal_url(encode_entities($config->{'httproot'}),$virt_path));
+ $dtpl->parse_if_block('readable',-r $phys_path && -x $phys_path);
+ $dtpl->parse_if_block('users',$users && -o $phys_path);
- $output .= " ";
- $output .= "[SUBDIR] ";
- $output .= strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",localtime($stat[9]));
- $output .= " " x 10;
- $output .= "<a href=\"$script?command=show&file=$virtual$dir/\">".encode_entities($dir)."/</a>\n";
+ $dirlist .= $dtpl->get_template;
# Files
foreach my $file(@$files)
- my $phys_path = $physical."/".$file; # Not exactly...
- my $virt_path = $virtual.$file;
+ next unless(dos_wildcard_match($filter1,$file));
- my @stat = stat($phys_path);
- my $in_use = $data->{'uselist'}->in_use($virtual.$file);
+ my $phys_path = $physical.'/'.$file;
+ my $virt_path = encode_entities($virtual.$file);
+ my @stat = lstat($phys_path);
+ my $too_large = $config->{'max_file_size'} && $stat[7] > $config->{'max_file_size'};
+ my $ftpl = new Template;
+ $ftpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'dirlist_file'});
- $output .= " " x (10 - length($stat[7]));
- $output .= $stat[7];
- $output .= " ";
- $output .= strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",localtime($stat[9]));
- $output .= ($in_use) ? " (IN USE) " : (-B $phys_path) ? " (BINARY) " : " " x 10;
- $output .= encode_entities($file);
- $output .= " " x ($max_name_len - length($file))."\t (";
+ $ftpl->fillin('FILE',$virt_path);
+ $ftpl->fillin('FILE_NAME',encode_entities($file));
+ $ftpl->fillin('SIZE',$stat[7]);
+ $ftpl->fillin('DATE',encode_entities(strftime($config->{'timeformat'},($config->{'use_gmt'}) ? gmtime($stat[9]) : localtime($stat[9]))));
+ $ftpl->fillin('URL',equal_url(encode_entities($config->{'httproot'}),$virt_path));
- $output .= (-T $phys_path)
- ? "<a href=\"$script?command=show&file=$virt_path\">View</a>"
- : '<span style="color:#C0C0C0">View</span>';
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('link',-l $phys_path);
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('no_link',not -l $phys_path);
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('not_readable',not -r $phys_path);
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('binary',-B $phys_path);
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('readonly',not -w $phys_path);
- $output .= " | ";
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('viewable',(-r $phys_path && -T $phys_path && not $too_large) || -l $phys_path);
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('editable',(-r $phys_path && -w $phys_path && -T $phys_path && not $too_large) && not -l $phys_path);
- $output .= ($in_use || -B $phys_path)
- ? '<span style="color:#C0C0C0">Edit</span>'
- : "<a href=\"$script?command=beginedit&file=$virt_path\">Edit</a>";
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('too_large',$config->{'max_file_size'} && $stat[7] > $config->{'max_file_size'});
- $output .= " | <a href=\"$script?command=workwithfile&file=$virt_path\">Do other stuff</a>)\n";
+ $ftpl->parse_if_block('users',$users && -o $phys_path);
+ $dirlist .= $ftpl->get_template;
- $output .= "</pre>\n\n<hr>\n\n";
- $output .= <<END;
-<table border="0">
-<td>Create new directory:</td>
-<td>$virtual <input type="text" name="newdirname"> <input type="submit" value="Create!"></td>
-<td>Create new file:</td>
-<td>$virtual <input type="text" name="newfilename"> <input type="submit" value="Create!"></td>
- $output .= htmlfoot;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'dirlist'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIRLIST',$dirlist);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',encode_entities($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_entities(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILTER',encode_entities($filter2));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILTER_URL',escape($filter2));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('empty',$dirlist eq '');
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('dir_writeable',$dir_writeable);
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('filter',$filter2);
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('gmt',$config->{'use_gmt'});
+ }
+ elsif(-l $physical)
+ {
+ # Show the target of a symbolic link
+ my $link_target = readlink($physical);
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'viewlink'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_entities($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$upper_path);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_entities(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('LINK_TARGET',encode_entities($link_target));
# View a file
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_view'},$upper_path) unless(-r $physical);
# Check on binary files
+ # We have to do it in this way or empty files will be recognized
+ # as binary files
- if(-B $physical)
- {
- # Binary file
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'binary_file'},$upper_path) unless(-T $physical);
- return error("This editor is not able to view/edit binary files.");
- }
- else
- {
- # Text file
+ # Is the file too large?
- $output = htmlhead("Contents of file $virtual");
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
- $output .= dir_link($virtual);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_too_large'},$upper_path,{SIZE => $config->{'max_file_size'}}) if($config->{'max_file_size'} && -s $physical > $config->{'max_file_size'});
- $output .= '<div style="background-color:#FFFFE0;border:1px solid black;margin-top:10px;width:100%">'."\n";
- $output .= '<pre style="color:#0000C0;">'."\n";
- $output .= encode_entities(${file_read($physical)});
- $output .= "\n</pre>\n</div>";
+ # View the file
- $output .= htmlfoot;
- }
+ my $content = file_read($physical);
+ $$content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'viewfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_entities($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$upper_path);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_entities(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('editable',-w $physical);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_entities($$content));
- return \$output
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
# exec_beginedit
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $uselist = $data->{'uselist'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
- return error("You cannot edit directories.") if(-d $physical);
- return error_in_use($virtual) if($uselist->in_use($virtual));
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_edit'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_edit'}, $dir) if(-d $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_edit'}, $dir) unless(-r $physical && -w $physical);
# Check on binary files
- if(-B $physical)
- {
- # Binary file
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'binary_file'},$dir) unless(-T $physical);
- return error("This editor is not able to view/edit binary files.");
- }
- else
- {
- # Text file
- $uselist->add_file($virtual);
- $uselist->save;
- my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
- my $content = encode_entities(${file_read($physical)});
- my $output = htmlhead("Edit file $virtual");
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
- $output .= <<END;
-<p><b style="color:#FF0000">Caution!</b> This file is locked for other users while you are editing it. To unlock it, click <i>Save and exit</i> or <i>Exit WITHOUT saving</i>. Please <b>don't</b> click the <i>Reload</i> button in your browser! This will confuse the editor.</p>
-<form action="$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}" method="get">
-<input type="hidden" name="command" value="canceledit">
-<input type="hidden" name="file" value="$virtual">
-<p><input type="submit" value="Exit WITHOUT saving"></p>
-<form action="$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}" method="post">
-<input type="hidden" name="command" value="endedit">
-<input type="hidden" name="file" value="$virtual">
-<table width="100%" border="1">
-<td width="50%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="save_as_new_file" value="1"> Save as new file: $dir <input type=text name="new_filename" value=""></td>
-<td width="50%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="encode_iso" value="1"> Encode ISO-8859-1 special chars</td>
-<td align="center"><input type="reset" value="Reset form"></td>
-<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Save and exit"></td>
-<textarea name="filecontent" rows="25" cols="120">$content</textarea>
- $output .= htmlfoot;
+ # Is the file too large?
- return \$output;
- }
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_too_large'},$dir,{SIZE => $config->{'max_file_size'}}) if($config->{'max_file_size'} && -s $physical > $config->{'max_file_size'});
+ # ... and show the editing form
+ my $content = file_read($physical,1);
+ my $md5sum = md5_hex($$content);
+ $$content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'editfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('MD5SUM',$md5sum);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_entities($$content));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('error',0);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
# exec_endedit()
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $content = $data->{'cgi'}->param('filecontent');
- return error("You cannot edit directories.") if(-d $physical);
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
+ my $content = $cgi->param('filecontent');
+ my $md5sum = $cgi->param('md5sum');
+ my $output;
- if($data->{'cgi'}->param('encode_iso'))
+ if(defined $content && $md5sum)
- # Encode all ISO-8859-1 special chars
+ # Normalize newlines
- $content = encode_entities($content,"\200-\377");
- }
+ $content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
- if(file_save($physical,\$content))
- {
- # Saving of the file was successfull - so unlock it!
+ if($cgi->param('saveas') && $data->{'new_physical'} ne '' && $data->{'new_virtual'} ne '')
+ {
+ # Create the new filename
- return exec_unlock($data,$config);
- }
- else
- {
- return error("Saving of file '$virtual' failed'");
+ $physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ $virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ }
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_edit'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_edit'},$dir) if(-d $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_edit'},$dir) if(-e $physical && !(-r $physical && -w $physical));
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'text_to_binary'},$dir) if(-e $physical && not -T $physical);
+ # For technical reasons, we can't use file_save() for
+ # saving the file...
+ local *FILE;
+ sysopen(FILE,$physical,O_RDWR | O_CREAT) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'edit_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual});
+ file_lock(*FILE,LOCK_EX) or do { close(FILE); return error($config->{'errors'}->{'edit_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual}) };
+ binmode(FILE);
+ my $md5 = new Digest::MD5;
+ $md5->addfile(*FILE);
+ my $md5_new = $md5->hexdigest;
+ if($md5_new ne $md5sum && not $cgi->param('saveas'))
+ {
+ # The file changed meanwhile
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'editfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('ERROR',$config->{'errors'}->{'edit_file_changed'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('MD5SUM',$md5_new);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_entities($content));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('error',1);
+ my $data = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $data .= $tpl->get_template;
+ $output = \$data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # The file was saved successfully!
+ seek(FILE,0,0);
+ truncate(FILE,0);
+ print FILE $content;
+ $output = devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ #return error($config->{'errors'}->{'edit_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual});
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return $output;
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'beginedit', file => $virtual});
# exec_mkfile()
sub exec_mkfile($$)
- 1;
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) if(-e $new_physical);
+ file_create($new_physical) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkfile_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'mkfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR','/');
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
# exec_mkdir()
sub exec_mkdir($$)
- 1;
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) if(-e $new_physical);
+ mkdir($new_physical,0777) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkdir_failed'},$dir,{DIR => $new_virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'mkdir'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR','/');
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
-# exec_workwithfile()
+# exec_upload()
-# Display a form for renaming/copying/deleting/unlocking a file
+# Process a file upload
# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
# 2. Reference to config hash
# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
-sub exec_workwithfile($$)
+sub exec_upload($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $unused = $data->{'uselist'}->unused($virtual);
- my $output = htmlhead("Work with file $virtual");
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
- $output .= dir_link($virtual);
- $output .= "<p><b>Note:</b> On UNIX systems, filenames are <b>case-sensitive</b>!</p>\n\n";
- $output .= "<p>Someone else is currently editing this file. So not all features are available.</p>\n\n" unless($unused);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
- $output .= <<END;
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_directory'},upper_path($virtual),{FILE => $virtual}) unless(-d $physical && not -l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_no_create'},$virtual,{DIR => $virtual}) unless(-w $physical);
-<p>Copy file '$virtual' to: <input type="text" name="newfilename" size="50"> <input type="submit" value="Copy!"></p>
+ if(my $uploaded_file = $cgi->param('uploaded_file'))
+ {
+ # Process file upload
+ my $filename = file_name($uploaded_file);
+ my $file_phys = $physical.'/'.$filename;
+ my $file_virt = $virtual.$filename;
- if($unused)
- {
- # File is not locked
- # Allow renaming and deleting the file
+ if(-e $file_phys)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_replace'},$virtual) if(-l $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_replace'},$virtual) if(-d $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'exist_no_write'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt}) unless(-w $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt}) unless($cgi->param('overwrite'));
+ }
- $output .= <<END;
+ my $ascii = $cgi->param('ascii');
+ my $handle = $cgi->upload('uploaded_file');
-<p>Move/Rename file '$virtual' to: <input type="text" name="newfilename" size="50"> <input type="submit" value="Move/Rename!"></p>
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'invalid_upload'},$virtual) unless($handle);
+ # Read transferred file and write it to disk
+ read($handle, my $data, -s $handle);
+ $data =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g if($ascii); # Replace line separators if transferring in ASCII mode
+ file_save($file_phys,\$data,not $ascii) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkfile_failed'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt});
-<form action="$script" method="get">
-<input type="hidden" name="file" value="$virtual">
-<input type="hidden" name="command" value="remove">
-<p><input type="submit" value="Delete file '$virtual'!"></p>
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $virtual});
- # File is locked
- # Just display a button for unlocking it
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'upload'});
- $output .= <<END;
-<h2>Unlock file</h2>
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
-<p>Someone else is currently editing this file. At least, the file is marked so. Maybe, someone who was editing the file has forgotten to unlock it. In this case (and <b>only</b> in this case) you can unlock the file using this button:</p>
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
-<form action="$script" method="get">
-<input type="hidden" name="file" value="$virtual">
-<input type="hidden" name="command" value="unlock">
-<p><input type="submit" value="Unlock file '$virtual'"></p>
+ return \$output;
- $output .= "\n<hr>";
- $output .= htmlfoot;
- return \$output;
# exec_copy()
sub exec_copy($$)
- 1;
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
+ my $virtual = encode_entities($data->{'virtual'});
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_copy'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_copy'},$dir) if(-d $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_copy'},$dir) unless(-r $physical);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ my $new_dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ if(-e $new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_replace'},$new_dir) if(-l $new_physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_replace'},$new_dir) if(-d $new_physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'exist_no_write'},$new_dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) unless(-w $new_physical);
+ if(not $data->{'cgi'}->param('confirmed'))
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'confirm_replace'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_FILE',$new_virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_FILENAME',file_name($new_virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_DIR',$new_dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('COMMAND','copy');
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
+ }
+ copy($physical,$new_physical) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'copy_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual, NEW_FILE => $new_virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $new_dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'copyfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
# exec_rename()
sub exec_rename($$)
- 1;
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
+ my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'rename_root'},'/') if($virtual eq '/');
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_rename'},$dir) unless(-w upper_path($physical));
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ my $new_dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ if(-e $new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_replace'},$new_dir) if(-d $new_physical && not -l $new_physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'exist_no_write'},$new_dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) unless(-w $new_physical);
+ if(not $data->{'cgi'}->param('confirmed'))
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'confirm_replace'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_FILE',$new_virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_FILENAME',file_name($new_virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('NEW_DIR',$new_dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('COMMAND','rename');
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
+ }
+ move($physical,$new_physical) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'rename_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual, NEW_FILE => $new_virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $new_dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'renamefile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
# exec_remove()
-# Remove a file and return to directory view
+# Remove a file or a directory and return to directory view
# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
# 2. Reference to config hash
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'remove_root'},'/') if($virtual eq '/');
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_delete'},$dir) unless(-w upper_path($physical));
+ if(-d $physical && not -l $physical)
+ {
+ # Remove a directory
+ if($data->{'cgi'}->param('confirmed'))
+ {
+ rmtree($physical);
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'confirm_rmdir'});
- return error_in_use($virtual) if($data->{'uselist'}->in_use($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('UPPER_DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
- my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
- unlink($physical) or return error("Could not delete file '$virtual'.");
+ return \$output;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Remove a file
- my $output = redirect("http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$script?command=show&file=$dir");
- return \$output;
+ if($data->{'cgi'}->param('confirmed'))
+ {
+ unlink($physical) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'delete_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'confirm_rmfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
+ }
-# exec_unlock()
+# exec_chprop()
-# Remove a file from the list of used files and
-# return to directory view
+# Change the mode and the group of a file or a directory
# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
# 2. Reference to config hash
# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
-sub exec_unlock($$)
+sub exec_chprop($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $uselist = $data->{'uselist'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_users'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual}) unless($users);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'chprop_root'},'/') if($virtual eq '/');
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'not_owner'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual}) unless(-o $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'chprop_link'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
+ my $mode = $cgi->param('mode');
+ my $group = $cgi->param('group');
+ if($mode || $group)
+ {
+ if($mode)
+ {
+ # Change the mode
+ chmod(oct($mode),$physical);
+ }
+ if($group)
+ {
+ # Change the group using the `chgrp` system command
- my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'invalid_group'},$dir,{GROUP => encode_entities($group)}) unless($group =~ /^[a-z0-9_]+[a-z0-9_-]*$/i);
+ system('chgrp',$group,$physical);
+ }
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Display the form
+ my @stat = stat($physical);
+ my $mode = $stat[2];
+ my $gid = $stat[5];
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'chprop'});
+ # Insert file properties into the template
+ $tpl->fillin('MODE_OCTAL',substr(sprintf('%04o',$mode),-4));
+ $tpl->fillin('MODE_STRING',mode_string($mode));
+ $tpl->fillin('GID',$gid);
+ if(my $group = getgrgid($gid))
+ {
+ $tpl->fillin('GROUP',encode_entities($group));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',0);
+ }
+ # Insert other information
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',$virtual);
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$dir);
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
+# exec_about()
+# Display some information about Dev-Editor
+# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
+# 2. Reference to config hash
+# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
+sub exec_about($$)
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'about'});
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ # Dev-Editor's version number
+ $tpl->fillin('VERSION',$data->{'version'});
+ # Some path information
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT_PHYS',encode_entities($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}));
+ $tpl->fillin('CONFIG_PATH',encode_entities($data->{'configfile'}));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE_ROOT', encode_entities($config->{'fileroot'}));
+ $tpl->fillin('HTTP_ROOT', encode_entities($config->{'httproot'}));
+ # Perl
+ $tpl->fillin('PERL_PROG',encode_entities($^X));
+ $tpl->fillin('PERL_VER', sprintf('%vd',$^V));
+ # Information about the server
+ $tpl->fillin('HTTPD',encode_entities($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}));
+ $tpl->fillin('OS', encode_entities($^O));
+ $tpl->fillin('TIME', encode_entities(strftime($config->{'timeformat'},($config->{'use_gmt'}) ? gmtime : localtime)));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('gmt',$config->{'use_gmt'});
+ # Process information
+ $tpl->fillin('PID',$$);
+ # The following information is only available on systems supporting
+ # users and groups
+ if($users)
+ {
+ # Dev-Editor is running on a system which allows users and groups
+ # So we display the user and the group of our process
+ my $uid = POSIX::getuid;
+ my $gid = POSIX::getgid;
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('users',1);
+ # ID's of user and group
+ $tpl->fillin('UID',$uid);
+ $tpl->fillin('GID',$gid);
+ # Names of user and group
+ if(my $user = getpwuid($uid))
+ {
+ $tpl->fillin('USER',encode_entities($user));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('user_detected',1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('user_detected',0);
+ }
+ if(my $group = getgrgid($gid))
+ {
+ $tpl->fillin('GROUP',encode_entities($group));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',0);
+ }
+ # Process umask
+ $tpl->fillin('UMASK',sprintf('%04o',umask));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('users',0);
+ }
- $uselist->remove_file($virtual);
- $uselist->save;
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
- my $output = redirect("http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$script?command=show&file=$dir");
return \$output;