# Please don't use quotation marks around the keys and values!
-fileroot = D:/Server/WWW/dokumente/devedit-test
+fileroot = D:/WWW/dokumente/devedit-test
httproot = /devedit-test/
timeformat = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M
uselist_file = uselist
lock_file = uselist.lock
lock_timeout = 10
+# ========================================================
+# You don't need to change the values below this comment
+# ========================================================
+# Templates
+tpl_dirlist = templates/dirlist.htm
+tpl_viewfile = templates/viewfile.htm
+tpl_editfile = templates/editfile.htm
+tpl_copyfile = templates/copyfile.htm
+tpl_renamefile = templates/renamefile.htm
+tpl_upload = templates/upload.htm
+tpl_confirm_rmfile = templates/confirm_rmfile.htm
+tpl_confirm_rmdir = templates/confirm_rmdir.htm
+tpl_confirm_unlock = templates/confirm_unlock.htm
+tpl_confirm_replace = templates/confirm_replace.htm
+tpl_dirlist_file = templates/dirlist_file.htm
+tpl_dirlist_dir = templates/dirlist_dir.htm
+tpl_dirlist_up = templates/dirlist_up.htm
+tpl_error = templates/error.htm
+# Error messages
+err_binary = This editor is not able to view/edit binary files.
+err_editdir = You cannot edit directories.
+err_noedit = You have not enough permissions to edit this file.
+err_file_in_use = The file '{FILE}' is currently edited by someone else.
+err_edit_failed = Saving of file '{FILE}' failed. The file could be damaged, please check its integrity.
+err_delete_failed = Could not delete file '{FILE}'.
+err_dir_read_fail = Reading of directory '{DIR}' failed.
+err_mkfile_failed = Could not create file '{FILE}'.
+err_mkdir_failed = Could not create directory '{DIR}'.
+err_copy_failed = Could not copy '{FILE}' to '{NEW_FILE}'.
+err_rename_failed = Could not move/rename '{FILE}' to '{NEW_FILE}'.
+err_above_root = Accessing files and directories above the virtual root directory is forbidden.
+err_create_ar = You aren't allowed to create files and directories above the virtual root directory.
+err_file_exists = A file or directory called '{FILE}' already exists.
+err_exist_edited = The target file '{FILE}' already exists and is edited by someone else.
+err_noview = You have not enough permissions to view this file.
+err_nocopy = You have not enough permissions to copy this file.
+err_dircopy = This editor is not able to copy directories.
+err_cmd_unknown = Unknown command: {COMMAND}
+err_lock_failed = Locking of '{USELIST}' failed. Try it again in a moment. If the problem persists, ask someone to recreate the lock file ('{LOCK_FILE}').
+err_not_exist = File/directory does not exist.
+err_dir_not_exist = The directory where you want to create this file or directory doesn't exist.
# End of configuration file
\ No newline at end of file