# Some shared sub routines
# Author: Patrick Canterino <patshaping@gmx.net>
-# Last modified: 10-03-2003
+# Last modified: 2004-02-24
use strict;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
+use CGI qw(redirect);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
### Export ###
@EXPORT = qw(check_path
+ devedit_reload
+ equal_url
# The path points to a file
# We have to extract the directory name and create the absolute path
- my @pathinfo = fileparse($path);
+ my $dir = upper_path($path);
+ my $file = file_name($path);
- # This is only to avoid errors
- my $basename = $pathinfo[0] || '';
- my $dir = $pathinfo[1] || '';
- my $ext = $pathinfo[2] || '';
- $dir = abs_path($dir);
- $path = $dir."/".$basename.$ext;
+ $dir = abs_path($dir);
+ $path = $dir."/".$file;
my $short_path = substr($path,length($root));
$short_path =~ tr!\\!\/!;
- $short_path = "/".$short_path unless($short_path =~ m!^/!);
+ $short_path = "/".$short_path if($short_path !~ m!^/!);
$short_path = $short_path."/" if($short_path !~ m!/$! && -d $path);
return ($path,$short_path);
return $path;
+# devedit_reload()
+# Create a HTTP redirection header to load Dev-Editor
+# with some other parameters
+# Params: Hash Reference (will be merged to a query string)
+# Return: HTTP redirection header (Scalar Reference)
+sub devedit_reload($)
+ my $params = shift;
+ my @list;
+ while(my ($param,$value) = each(%$params))
+ {
+ push(@list,$param."=".$value);
+ }
+ my $query = join("&",@list);
+ my $header = redirect("http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?$query");
+ return \$header;
+# equal_url()
+# Create URL equal to a file or directory
+# Params: 1. HTTP root
+# 2. Relative path
+# Return: Formatted link (String)
+sub equal_url($$)
+ my ($root,$path) = @_;
+ my $url;
+ $root =~ s!/$!!;
+ $path =~ s!^/!!;
+ $url = $root."/".$path;
+ return $url;
# file_name()
-# Returns the last path of a filename
+# Return the last part of a path
# Params: Path
# upper_path()
-# Truncate a path in one of the following ways:
-# - If the path points to a directory, the upper directory
-# will be returned.
-# - If the path points to a file, the directory containing
-# the file will be returned.
+# Cut away the last part of a path
# Params: Path
unless($path eq "/")
$path = substr($path,0,-1) if($path =~ m!/$!);
- $path = substr($path,0,rindex($path,"/"));
- $path = $path."/";
+ $path = substr($path,0,rindex($path,"/")+1);
return $path;