+ # Some path information
+ $tpl->set_var('SCRIPT_PHYS',encode_html($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}));
+ $tpl->set_var('CONFIG_PATH',encode_html($data->{'configfile'}));
+ $tpl->set_var('FILE_ROOT', encode_html($config->{'fileroot'}));
+ $tpl->set_var('HTTP_ROOT', encode_html($config->{'httproot'}));
+ # Perl
+ $tpl->set_var('PERL_PROG',encode_html($^X));
+ $tpl->set_var('PERL_VER', sprintf('%vd',$^V));
+ # Information about the server
+ $tpl->set_var('HTTPD',encode_html($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}));
+ $tpl->set_var('OS', encode_html($^O));
+ $tpl->set_var('TIME', encode_html(strftime($config->{'timeformat'},($config->{'use_gmt'}) ? gmtime : localtime)));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('gmt',$config->{'use_gmt'});
+ # Process information
+ $tpl->set_var('PID',$$);
+ # The following information is only available on systems supporting
+ # users and groups
+ if($users)
+ {
+ # Dev-Editor is running on a system which allows users and groups
+ # So we display the user and the group of our process
+ my $uid = POSIX::getuid;
+ my $gid = POSIX::getgid;
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('users',1);
+ # IDs of user and group
+ $tpl->set_var('UID',$uid);
+ $tpl->set_var('GID',$gid);
+ # Names of user and group
+ if(my $user = getpwuid($uid))
+ {
+ $tpl->set_var('USER',encode_html($user));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('user_detected',1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('user_detected',0);
+ }
+ if(my $group = getgrgid($gid))
+ {
+ $tpl->set_var('GROUP',encode_html($group));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('group_detected',0);
+ }
+ # Process umask
+ $tpl->set_var('UMASK',sprintf('%04o',umask));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('users',0);
+ }
+ $tpl->parse;
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;