# with only one command
# Author: Patrick Canterino <patshaping@gmx.net>
-# Last modified: 09-26-2003
+# Last modified: 2004-08-01
use strict;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
use Carp qw(croak);
-use File::Spec;
### Export ###
use base qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(dir_read
+@EXPORT = qw(chgrp
+ dir_read
- file_save);
+ file_save
+ file_unlock);
+# chgrp()
+# Change the group of files or directories
+# Params: 1. Group name
+# 2. List of files
+# Return: Number of files group successfully changed
+# (or false)
+sub chgrp($@)
+ my ($group,@files) = @_;
+ my $gid = ($group !~ /^\d+$/) ? getgrnam($group): $group;
+ return unless($gid);
+ return chown(-1,$gid,@files);
# dir_read()
# Sort the entries
- @entries = sort(@entries);
+ @entries = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} @entries;
my @files;
my @dirs;
next if($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
- if(-d File::Spec->canonpath($dir."/".$entry))
+ if(-d $dir."/".$entry)
return if(-e $file);
- open(FILE,">",$file) or return;
- close(FILE) or return;
+ open(FILE,">$file") or return;
+ close(FILE) or return;
return 1;
my $file = shift;
local *FILE;
- open(FILE,"<",$file) or return;
+ open(FILE,"<$file") or return;
read(FILE, my $content, -s $file);
- close(FILE) or return;
+ close(FILE) or return;
return \$content;
sub file_save($$)
my ($file,$content) = @_;
- my $temp = $file.".temp";
local *FILE;
- open(FILE,">",$temp) or return;
+ open(FILE,">$file") or return;
print FILE $$content or do { close(FILE); return };
close(FILE) or return;
- rename($temp,$file) or return;
return 1;
+# file_unlock()
+# Remove a file from the list of files in use
+# Params: 1. File::UseList object
+# 2. File to remove
+# Return: -nothing-
+sub file_unlock($$)
+ my ($uselist,$file) = @_;
+ $uselist->remove_file($file);
+ $uselist->save;
+ return;
# it's true, baby ;-)