+ # View the file
- $output .= htmlfoot;
- }
+ my $content = file_read($physical);
+ $$content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'viewfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_html($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE_URL',escape($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',$upper_path->{'html'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR_URL',$upper_path->{'url'});
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_html(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('editable',-w $physical);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_html($$content));
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
return \$output;
@@ -273,70 +307,44 @@ sub exec_beginedit($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $uselist = $data->{'uselist'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
- return error("You cannot edit directories.",upper_path($virtual)) if(-d $physical);
- return error_in_use($virtual) if($uselist->in_use($virtual));
- return error("You have not enough permissions to edit this file.",upper_path($virtual)) unless(-r $physical && -w $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_edit'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_edit'}, $dir) if(-d $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_edit'}, $dir) unless(-r $physical && -w $physical);
# Check on binary files
- unless(-T $physical)
- {
- # Binary file
- return error("This editor is not able to view/edit binary files.",upper_path($virtual));
- }
- else
- {
- # Text file
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'binary_file'},$dir) unless(-T $physical);
- $uselist->add_file($virtual);
- $uselist->save;
+ # Is the file too large?
- my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
- my $content = encode_entities(${file_read($physical)});
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_too_large'},$dir,{SIZE => $config->{'max_file_size'}}) if($config->{'max_file_size'} && -s $physical > $config->{'max_file_size'});
- my $equal_url = equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
+ # Show the editing form
- $virtual = encode_entities($virtual);
+ my $content = file_read($physical);
+ my $md5sum = md5_hex($$content);
+ $$content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
- my $output = htmlhead("Edit file $virtual");
- $output .= $equal_url;
- $output .= <Caution! This file is locked for other users while you are editing it. To unlock it, click Save and exit or Exit WITHOUT saving. Please don't click the Reload button in your browser! This will confuse the editor.
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'editfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_html($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE_URL',escape($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',encode_html($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR_URL',escape($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_html(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('MD5SUM',$md5sum);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_html($$content));
- $output .= htmlfoot;
- return \$output;
- }
+ return \$output;
# exec_endedit()
@@ -353,40 +361,117 @@ sub exec_endedit($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $content = $data->{'cgi'}->param('filecontent');
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
+ my $content = $cgi->param('filecontent');
+ my $md5sum = $cgi->param('md5sum');
+ my $output;
- return error("You cannot edit directories.") if(-d $physical);
- return error("You have not enough permissions to edit this file.",upper_path($virtual)) unless(-r $physical && -w $physical);
+ if(defined $content && $md5sum)
+ {
+ # Normalize newlines
- # Normalize newlines
+ $content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
- $content =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g;
+ if($cgi->param('saveas') && $data->{'new_physical'} ne '' && $data->{'new_virtual'} ne '')
+ {
+ # Create the new filename
- if($data->{'cgi'}->param('encode_iso'))
- {
- # Encode all ISO-8859-1 special chars
+ $physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ $virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ }
- $content = encode_entities($content,"\200-\377");
- }
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_edit'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_edit'},$dir) if(-d $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_edit'},$dir) if(-e $physical && !(-r $physical && -w $physical));
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'text_to_binary'},$dir) if(-e $physical && not -T $physical);
- if($data->{'cgi'}->param('saveas'))
- {
- # Create the new filename
+ # For technical reasons, we can't use file_save() for
+ # saving the file...
- $physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
- $virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
- }
+ local *FILE;
- if(file_save($physical,\$content))
- {
- # Saving of the file was successful - so unlock it!
+ sysopen(FILE,$physical,O_RDWR | O_CREAT) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'edit_failed'},$dir,{FILE => encode_html($virtual)});
+ file_lock(*FILE,LOCK_EX) or do { close(FILE); return error($config->{'errors'}->{'edit_failed'},$dir,{FILE => encode_html($virtual)}) };
- return exec_unlock($data,$config);
- }
- else
- {
- return error("Saving of file '".encode_entities($virtual)."' failed'.",upper_path($virtual));
+ my $md5 = new Digest::MD5;
+ $md5->addfile(*FILE);
+ my $md5file = $md5->hexdigest;
+ my $md5data = md5_hex($content);
+ if($md5file ne $md5sum && $md5data ne $md5file && not $cgi->param('saveas'))
+ {
+ # The file changed meanwhile
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'editfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('ERROR',$config->{'errors'}->{'edit_file_changed'});
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_html($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE_URL',escape($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',encode_html($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR_URL',escape($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_html(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ $tpl->fillin('MD5SUM',$md5file);
+ $tpl->fillin('CONTENT',encode_html($content));
+ $tpl->parse_if_block('error',1);
+ my $data = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $data .= $tpl->get_template;
+ $output = \$data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($md5data ne $md5file)
+ {
+ seek(FILE,0,0);
+ truncate(FILE,0);
+ print FILE $content;
+ }
+ $output = ($cgi->param('continue'))
+ ? devedit_reload({command => 'beginedit', file => $virtual})
+ : devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return $output;
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'beginedit', file => $virtual});
+# exec_download()
+# Execute a HTTP download of a file
+# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
+# 2. Reference to config hash
+# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
+sub exec_download($$)
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
+ my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ return return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_download'},$dir,{FILE => $virtual}) if((not -r $physical) || (-d $physical || -l $physical));
+ my $filename = file_name($virtual);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'application/octet-stream', -attachment => $filename);
+ $output .= ${ file_read($physical,1) };
+ return \$output;
# exec_mkfile()
@@ -404,12 +489,36 @@ sub exec_mkfile($$)
my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
my $dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
- $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_html($new_virtual);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) if(-e $new_physical);
+ file_create($new_physical) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkfile_failed'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual});
+ if($data->{'cgi'}->param('edit'))
+ {
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'beginedit', file => $new_virtual});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'mkfile'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR','/');
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
- return error("A file or directory called '$new_virtual' already exists.",$dir) if(-e $new_physical);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
- file_create($new_physical) or return error("Could not create file '$new_virtual'.",$dir);
- return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ return \$output;
+ }
# exec_mkdir()
@@ -427,327 +536,750 @@ sub exec_mkdir($$)
my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
my $dir = upper_path($new_virtual);
- $new_virtual = encode_entities($new_virtual);
+ $new_virtual = encode_html($new_virtual);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$dir,{FILE => $new_virtual}) if(-e $new_physical);
+ mkdir($new_physical,0777) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkdir_failed'},$dir,{DIR => $new_virtual});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'mkdir'});
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR','/');
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
- return error("A file or directory called '$new_virtual' already exists.",$dir) if(-e $new_physical);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
- mkdir($new_physical,0777) or return error("Could not create directory '$new_virtual'.",$dir);
- return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $dir});
+ return \$output;
+ }
-# exec_workwithfile()
+# exec_upload()
-# Display a form for renaming/copying/deleting/unlocking a file
+# Process a file upload
# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
# 2. Reference to config hash
# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
-sub exec_workwithfile($$)
+sub exec_upload($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
- my $unused = $data->{'uselist'}->unused($virtual);
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
- my $dir = encode_entities(upper_path($virtual));
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_directory'},upper_path($virtual),{FILE => encode_html($virtual)}) unless(-d $physical && not -l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_no_create'},$virtual,{DIR => encode_html($virtual)}) unless(-w $physical);
- my $output = htmlhead("Work with file ".encode_entities($virtual));
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
+ if(my $uploaded_file = $cgi->param('uploaded_file'))
+ {
+ if($cgi->param('remote_file'))
+ {
+ $uploaded_file = $cgi->param('remote_file');
- $virtual = encode_entities($virtual);
+ $uploaded_file =~ s!/!!g;
+ $uploaded_file =~ s!\\!!g;
+ }
- $output .= dir_link($virtual);
- $output .= "
Note: On UNIX systems, filenames are case-sensitive!
+ # Process file upload
- $output .= "
Someone else is currently editing this file. So not all features are available.
\n\n" unless($unused);
+ my $filename = file_name($uploaded_file);
+ my $file_phys = $physical.'/'.$filename;
+ my $file_virt = encode_html($virtual.$filename);
- $output .= "\n\n";
+ if(-e $file_phys)
+ {
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_replace'},$virtual) if(-l $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'dir_replace'},$virtual) if(-d $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'exist_no_write'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt}) unless(-w $file_phys);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'file_exists'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt}) unless($cgi->param('overwrite'));
+ }
- # Copying of the file is always allowed - but we need read access
+ my $ascii = $cgi->param('ascii');
+ my $handle = $cgi->upload('uploaded_file');
- if(-r $physical)
- {
- $output .= <Copy
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'invalid_upload'},$virtual) unless($handle);
+ # Read transferred file and write it to disk
+ read($handle, my $data, -s $handle);
+ $data =~ s/\015\012|\012|\015/\n/g if($ascii); # Replace line separators if transferring in ASCII mode
+ file_save($file_phys,\$data,not $ascii) or return error($config->{'errors'}->{'mkfile_failed'},$virtual,{FILE => $file_virt});
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $virtual});
- if($unused)
+ else
- # File is not locked
- # Allow renaming and deleting the file
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'upload'});
- $output .= <Move/rename
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',encode_html($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR_URL',escape($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_html(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
+ }
+# exec_unpack()
+# Unpack an archive
+# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
+# 2. Reference to config hash
+# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
Click on the button below to remove the file '$virtual'.
+sub exec_unpack($$)
+ my ($data,$config) = @_;
+ my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
+ my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
+ my $new_virtual = $data->{'new_virtual'};
+ my $cgi = $data->{'cgi'};
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ archive_unpack($physical,$new_physical);
+ return devedit_reload({command => 'show', file => $new_virtual});
- # File is locked
- # Just display a button for unlocking it
+ my $tpl = new Template;
+ $tpl->read_file($config->{'templates'}->{'unpack'});
- $output .= <Unlock file
+ $tpl->fillin('FILE',encode_html($virtual));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR',encode_html($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('DIR_URL',escape($dir));
+ $tpl->fillin('URL',encode_html(equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual)));
+ $tpl->fillin('SCRIPT',$script);
Someone else is currently editing this file. At least, the file is marked so. Maybe, someone who was editing the file has forgotten to unlock it. In this case (and only in this case) you can unlock the file using this button:
+ my $output = header(-type => 'text/html');
+ $output .= $tpl->get_template;
+ return \$output;
- $output .= "\n";
- $output .= htmlfoot;
- return \$output;
-# exec_workwithdir()
+# exec_copy()
-# Display a form for renaming/deleting a directory
+# Copy a file and return to directory view
# Params: 1. Reference to user input hash
# 2. Reference to config hash
# Return: Output of the command (Scalar Reference)
-sub exec_workwithdir($$)
+sub exec_copy($$)
my ($data,$config) = @_;
my $physical = $data->{'physical'};
my $virtual = $data->{'virtual'};
+ my $dir = upper_path($virtual);
+ my $new_physical = $data->{'new_physical'};
- my $dir = encode_entities(upper_path($virtual));
- my $output = htmlhead("Work with directory ".encode_entities($virtual));
- $output .= equal_url($config->{'httproot'},$virtual);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'link_copy'},$dir) if(-l $physical);
+ return error($config->{'errors'}->{'no_copy'},$dir) unless(-r $physical);
- $virtual = encode_entities($virtual);
+ if($new_physical)
+ {
+ my $new_virtual = multi_string($data->{'new_virtual'});
+ my $new_dir = upper_path($new_virtual->{'normal'});
- $output .= dir_link($virtual);
- $output .= "
Note: On UNIX systems, filenames are case-sensitive!