+# version 4.3.0
+- Fix various docker errors
+- Fix various upload errors
+- Add composer (useful for CI)
+- Code cleanin
+- Upgrade from 4.2.0: in-place upgrade
+# version 4.2.0
+- New file_hash option to eventually speed-up file identification process
+- one_time_download is now optional
+- Litespeed workaround for large files
+- Admin interface can compute data folder size
+- REUSE compliance test
+- multiple docker features: mcrypt support, daily cleanup, unprivilidged user
+- Add upload password capability in script options
+- Various bugfixes around retries and error management
+- Automatically lower chunk size sent to server refusing large chunks
+- Romanian lang support and other various lang support
+- Upgrade from 4.1.1: in-place upgrade