- "Access denied": "拒绝访问",
- "Action": "操作",
- "Actions": "操作",
- "Admin interface": "管理界面",
- "Administration password": "管理密码",
- "An error occurred.": "发生错误。",
- "Base address": "基础地址",
- "By using our services, you accept our": "使用我们的服务表示您同意我们的",
- "Choose the default language": "选择默认语言",
- "Clean": "清理",
- "Clean expired files": "清除过期的文件",
- "Clean old unfinished transfers": "清除旧的未完成传输",
- "Data directory": "数据目录",
- "Del file and links": "删除文件和链接",
- "Del link": "删除链接",
- "Delete link": "删除链接",
- "Deleted links": "已删除链接",
- "Direct download link": "直接下载链接",
- "Download": "下载",
- "Download page": "下载页面",
- "Expire": "过期时间",
- "File has been deleted.": "文件已被删除。",
- "File is too big": "文件太大",
- "File not available.": "文件不可用。",
- "File size is limited to": "文件大小限制为",
- "File uploaded !": "文件已上传!",
- "Filename": "文件名",
- "Finalisation": "决定",
- "Give the password of this file": "请提供此文件的密码",
- "Here is a solution": "这是一个解决方案",
- "Information": "信息",
- "Installation of Jirafeau": "安装 Jirafeau",
- "Installer script still present": "安装脚本仍然存在",
- "Internal error during file creation.": "文件创建时发生内部错误。",
- "Jirafeau Project": "Jirafeau 项目",
- "Jirafeau has an administration interface (through admin.php). You can set a password to access the interface or leave it empty to disable the interface.": "",
- "Jirafeau is internationalised. Choose a specific langage or choose Automatic (langage is provided by user's browser).": "Jirafeau 是国际化的。请选择一个语言或者选择“自动”(按用户的浏览器提供)。",
- "Jirafeau is now fully operational": "Jirafeau 已全面运行",
- "Jirafeau is setting the website according to the configuration you provided.": "",
- "Jirafeau, your web file repository": "Jirafeau,您在网页上的文件库",
- "Link deleted": "链接已删除",
- "List": "列表",
- "List all files": "列出所有文件",
- "Login": "登录",
- "Logout": "退出",
- "Maximum file size": "文件最大大小",
- "Next step": "下一步",
- "None": "无",
- "Number of cleaned files": "已清除文件的数量",
- "One day": "一天",
- "One hour": "一小时",
- "One minute": "一分钟",
- "One month": "一个月",
- "One time download": "一次下载",
- "One week": "一周",
- "One year": "一年",
- "Onetime": "一次",
- "Origin": "",
- "Password": "密码",
- "Password protection": "密码保护",
- "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "请在继续前确保删除安装脚本 \"install.php\"。",
- "Preview": "预览",
- "Previous step": "上一步",
- "Retry this step": "重试此步骤",
- "Search": "搜索",
- "Search a specific link": "搜索一个特定链接",
- "Search files by file hash": "按文件散列搜索",
- "Search files by name": "按名称搜索文件",
- "Select a file": "选择一个文件",
- "Send": "发送",
- "Size": "大小",
- "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "抱歉,管理界面未启用。",
- "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "抱歉,请求的文件未找到",
- "Sorry, you are not authenticated on admin interface.": "抱歉,您未被授权使用管理界面。",
+ "ACCESS_KO": "拒绝访问",
+ "ACTION": "操作",
+ "ACTIONS": "操作",
+ "ADMIN_INTERFACE": "管理界面",
+ "ADMIN_PSW": "管理密码",
+ "ERR_OCC": "发生错误。",
+ "BASE_ADDR": "基础地址",
+ "USING_SERIVCE": "使用我们的服务表示您同意我们的",
+ "CLEAN": "清理",
+ "CLEAN_EXPIRED": "清除过期的文件",
+ "CLEAN_INCOMPLETE": "清除旧的未完成传输",
+ "DATA_DIR": "数据目录",
+ "DEL_FILE_LINKS": "删除文件和链接",
+ "DEL_LINK": "删除链接",
+ "DELETE_LINK": "删除链接",
+ "DELETED_LINKS": "已删除链接",
+ "DIRECT_DL": "直接下载链接",
+ "DL": "下载",
+ "DL_PAGE": "下载页面",
+ "EXPIRE": "过期时间",
+ "FILE_DELETED": "文件已被删除。",
+ "2_BIG": "文件太大",
+ "FILE_NOT_AVAIL": "文件不可用。",
+ "FILE_LIM": "文件大小限制为",
+ "FILE_UP": "文件已上传!",
+ "FILENAME": "文件名",
+ "GIMME_PSW": "请提供此文件的密码",
+ "HERE_SOLUTION": "这是一个解决方案",
+ "INFO": "信息",
+ "JI_INSTALL": "安装 Jirafeau",
+ "INSTALL_SCRIPT_HERE": "安装脚本仍然存在",
+ "INTERNAL_ERROR_DEL": "文件创建时发生内部错误。",
+ "JI_PROJECT": "Jirafeau 项目",
+ "JI_FONCTIONAL": "Jirafeau 已全面运行",
+ "SETTING_UP": "",
+ "JI_WEB_RE": "Jirafeau,您在网页上的文件库",
+ "LINK_DELETED": "链接已删除",
+ "LIST": "列表",
+ "LS_FILES": "列出所有文件",
+ "LOGIN": "登录",
+ "LOGOUT": "退出",
+ "MAX_FILE_SIZE": "文件最大大小",
+ "NEXT_STEP": "下一步",
+ "NONE": "无",
+ "CLEANED_FILES_CNT": "已清除文件的数量",
+ "1_D": "一天",
+ "1_H": "一小时",
+ "1_MIN": "一分钟",
+ "1_M": "一个月",
+ "ONE_TIME_DL": "一次下载",
+ "1_W": "一周",
+ "1_Y": "一年",
+ "ONETIME": "一次",
+ "ORIGIN": "",
+ "PSW": "密码",
+ "PSW_PROTEC": "密码保护",
+ "PREVIEW": "预览",
+ "PREV_STEP": "上一步",
+ "RETRY_STEP": "重试此步骤",
+ "SEARCH": "搜索",
+ "SEARCH_LINK": "搜索一个特定链接",
+ "SEARH_BY_HASH": "按文件散列搜索",
+ "SEARCH_NAME": "按名称搜索文件",
+ "SEL_FILE": "选择一个文件",
+ "SEND": "发送",
+ "SIZE": "大小",
+ "NO_ADMIN": "抱歉,管理界面未启用。",
+ "FILE_404": "抱歉,请求的文件未找到",
+ "NO_ADMIN_AUTH": "抱歉,您未被授权使用管理界面。",