-**Main features**:
-- One upload => One download link & One delete linkp
-- Send any large files (thanks to HTML5)
-- NO database, only use basic PHP
-- Shows progression: speed, percentage and remaining upload time
-- Preview content in browser (if possible)
-- Optional Password protection (for uploading or downloading)
-- Time limitation
-- Option to self-destruct after reading
-- Simple language support :gb: :fr: :de: :it: :nl: :ro: :sk: :hu:
-- Small administration interface
-- File level [Deduplication](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_deduplication) for storage optimization
-- A basic Terms Of Service which can be adapted to your needs
-- Shortened URLs using base 64 encoding
-- API interface
-- Optional data encryption
-- Skins
+Latest CI Status:
+Master [](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/commits/master)
+Next Release [](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/commits/master)
+[All Branch Builds](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/pipelines?scope=branches)
+## Main features
+- One upload → One download link & one delete link
+- Send any large files (thanks to the HTML5 file API → PHP post_max_size limit not relevant)
+- Shows progression: speed, percentage and remaining upload time
+- Preview content in browser (if possible)
+- Optional password protection (for uploading or downloading)
+- Set expiration time for downloads
+- Option to self-destruct after first download
+- Shortened URLs using base 64 encoding
+- Maximal upload size configurable
+- NO database, only use basic PHP
+- Simple language support with a lot of langages (help us on [weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/jirafeau/)!)
+- File level [Deduplication](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_deduplication) for storage optimization (does store duplicate files only once, but generate multiple links)
+- Optional data encryption
+- Small administration interface
+- CLI script to remove expired files automatically with a cronjob
+- Basic, adaptable »Terms Of Service« page
+- Basic API
+- Bash script to upload files via command line
+- Themes