X-Git-Url: https://git.p6c8.net/jirafeau.git/blobdiff_plain/1d1c1ce521a9788e0e75c82022f7e602f98b12df..d476bcd5e359b590b36e7372833e0e6ebd419587:/lib/locales/da.json
diff --git a/lib/locales/da.json b/lib/locales/da.json
index b0729d0..9fa7145 100644
--- a/lib/locales/da.json
+++ b/lib/locales/da.json
@@ -1,117 +1,122 @@
- "Jirafeau, your web file repository": "",
- "Select a file": "",
- "Send": "",
- "Uploading ...": "",
- "One time download": "",
- "Password": "",
- "Time limit": "",
- "Maximum file size": "",
- "powered by Open-Source project Jirafeau": "",
- "Made with": "",
- "Jirafeau Project": "",
- "One minute": "",
- "One hour": "",
- "One day": "",
- "One week": "",
- "One month": "",
- "One quarter": "",
- "One year": "",
- "None": "",
- "Upload password": "",
- "File is too big": "",
- "File size is limited to": "",
- "The file directory is not writable": "",
- "The link directory is not writable": "",
- "The async directory is not writable!": "",
- "Installer script still present": "",
- "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "",
- "An error occurred.": "",
- "File uploaded !": "",
- "Download page": "",
- "This file is valid until the following date": "",
- "View link": "",
- "Direct download link": "",
- "Delete link": "",
- "Download": "",
- "Preview": "",
- "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "",
- "File not available.": "",
- "File has been deleted.": "",
- "The time limit of this file has expired.": "",
- "Password protection": "",
- "Give the password of this file": "",
- "Access denied": "",
- "You are about to download": "",
- "By using our services, you accept our": "",
- "Terms of Service": "",
- "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "",
- "Internal error during file creation.": "",
- "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "",
- "The following directory could not be created": "",
- "You should create this directory manually.": "",
- "The following directory is not writable": "",
- "You should give the write permission to the web server on this directory.": "",
- "Here is a solution": "",
- "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php
file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib
directory.": "",
- "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php
file.": "",
- "Installation of Jirafeau": "",
- "step": "",
- "out of": "",
- "Administration password": "",
- "Finalisation": "",
- "Jirafeau is setting the website according to the configuration you provided.": "",
- "Previous step": "",
- "Retry this step": "",
- "Jirafeau is now fully operational": "",
- "Information": "",
- "The base address of Jirafeau is the first part of the URL, until (and including) the last slash. For example: \"http://www.example.com/\". Do not forget the trailing slash!": "",
- "Base address": "",
- "The data directory is where your files and information about your files will be stored. You should put it outside your web site, or at least restrict the access to this directory. Do not forget the trailing slash!": "",
- "Data directory": "",
- "Jirafeau is internationalised. Choose a specific langage or choose Automatic (langage is provided by user's browser).": "",
- "Choose the default language": "",
- "Next step": "",
- "Jirafeau has an administration interface (through admin.php). You can set a password to access the interface or leave it empty to disable the interface.": "",
- "Administration password": "",
- "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "",
- "Sorry, you are not authenticated on admin interface.": "",
- "Login": "",
- "Wrong password.": "",
- "Admin interface": "",
- "Clean expired files": "",
- "Clean old unfinished transfers": "",
- "Clean": "",
- "Search files by name": "",
- "Search": "",
- "List all files": "",
- "List": "",
- "Actions": "",
- "Search files by file hash": "",
- "Search a specific link": "",
- "Number of cleaned files": "",
- "Logout": "",
- "You are now loggued out": "",
- "Link deleted": "",
- "Filename": "",
- "file": "",
- "link": "",
- "Type": "",
- "Size": "",
- "Expire": "",
- "Onetime": "",
- "Upload date": "",
- "Origin": "",
- "Action": "",
- "Del link": "",
- "Del file and links": "",
- "Deleted links": "",
- "year": "",
- "day": "",
- "minute": "",
- "hour": "",
- "second": "",
- "less than a second": ""
+ "2_W": "",
+ "REPORTING_AN_ISSUE": "Indberetning et problem",
+ "SIZE_DATA": "Data størrelse",
+ "INCOMPATIBLE_OPTIONS_W": "Følgende konfigurationsmuligheder er inkompatible:",
+ "NO_BROWSER_SUPPORT": "Din browser understøtter muligvis ikke HTML5, så den maksimale filstørrelse er ",
+ "PLURAL_ENDING": "er",
+ "JI_WEB_RE": "Jirafeau, dit web fil arkiv",
+ "SEL_FILE": "Vælg en fil",
+ "SEND": "Send",
+ "UP": "Uploaderâ¦",
+ "ONE_TIME_DL": "Engangs download",
+ "PSW": "Kodeord",
+ "TIME_LIM": "Tidsbegrænsning",
+ "MAX_FILE_SIZE": "Maksimum filstørrelse",
+ "POWERED_BY": "drevet af copyleft, libre software-projektet Jirafeau",
+ "MADE_WITH": "Lavet med",
+ "JI_PROJECT": "Jirafeau Projektet",
+ "1_MIN": "Et minut",
+ "1_H": "En time",
+ "1_D": "En dag",
+ "1_W": "En uge",
+ "1_M": "En måned",
+ "1_Q": "Et kvartal",
+ "1_Y": "Et år",
+ "NONE": "ingen",
+ "UP_PSW": "Upload kodeord",
+ "2_BIG": "Filen er for stor",
+ "FILE_LIM": "Fil størrelsen er begrænset til",
+ "FILE_DIR_W": "Denne mappe er ikke skrivbar.",
+ "LINK_DIR_W": "Linkmappen er ikke skrivbar.",
+ "ASYNC_DIR_W": "Async mappen er ikke skrivbar.",
+ "INSTALL_SCRIPT_HERE": "Installationsscriptet eksisterer stadig",
+ "ERR_OCC": "Der opstod en fejl.",
+ "FILE_UP": "Fil uploadet.",
+ "DL_PAGE": "Download side",
+ "VALID_UNTIL": "Filen er gyldig indtil følgende dato",
+ "VIEW_LINK": "Vis link",
+ "DIRECT_DL": "Direkte download link",
+ "DELETE_LINK": "Slet link",
+ "DL": "Download",
+ "PREVIEW": "Forhåndsvisning",
+ "FILE_404": "Beklager, den ønskede fil blev ikke fundet",
+ "FILE_NOT_AVAIL": "Fil ikke tilgængelig.",
+ "FILE_DELETED": "Filen er slettet.",
+ "FILE_EXPIRED": "Tidsbegrænsningen på denne fil er udløbet.",
+ "PSW_PROTEC": "Kodeordsbeskyttelse",
+ "GIMME_PSW": "Tast kodeord for denne fil",
+ "ACCESS_KO": "Adgang nægtet",
+ "NOW_DOWNLOADING": "Du er ved at downloade",
+ "USING_SERVICE": "Ved at benytte vores service accepterer du vores",
+ "TOS": "Servicevilkår",
+ "AUTO_DESTRUCT": "Advarsel, denne fil vil selvdestruere efter den er blevet åbnet",
+ "INTERNAL_ERROR_DEL": "Intern fejl under filoprettelse.",
+ "CONF_AUTOGEN_COMMENT": "Denne fil blev genereret af installationsprocessen. Du kan redigere den. Se venligst config.original.php for at forstå konfigurationselementerne.",
+ "CANNOT_CREATE_DIR": "Følgende mappe kunne ikke oprettes",
+ "MANUAL_CREATE": "Du bør oprette denne mappe manuelt.",
+ "DIR_NOT_W": "Følgende mappe er ikke skrivbar",
+ "GIMME_W": "Du skal give skrivetilladelsen til webserveren på denne mappe.",
+ "HERE_SOLUTION": "Her er en løsning",
+ "CONF_SOLUTION": "Den lokale konfigurationsfil kunne ikke oprettes. Opret filen lib/config.local.php2
og giv skrivetilladelse til webserveren (anbefalet), eller giv skrivetilladelse til webserveren i lib
+ "CONF_SOLUTION_2": "Den lokale konfiguration er ikke skrivbar af webserveren. Giv skrivetilladelse til webserveren i filen 'lib/config.local.php
+ "JI_INSTALL": "Installation af Jirafeau",
+ "STEP": "trin",
+ "OUT_OF": "af",
+ "ADMIN_PSW": "Admin kodeord",
+ "FINALIZATION": "Afslutning",
+ "SETTING_UP": "Jirafeau opsætter hjemmesiden i henhold til den konfiguration, du har angivet.",
+ "PREV_STEP": "Forrige trin",
+ "RETRY_STEP": "Prøv dette trin igen",
+ "JI_FONCTIONAL": "Jirafeau er nu fuldt operationel",
+ "INFO": "Information",
+ "BASE_ADDR_INFO": "Jirafeau's basisadresse er den første del af URL'en, indtil (og inklusive) den sidste skråstreg. For eksempel: \"http://www.eksempel.dk/\". Glem ikke den efterfølgende skråstreg!",
+ "BASE_ADDR": "Basisadresse",
+ "DATA_DIR_EXPLAINATION": "Datamappen er hvor dine filer og oplysninger om dine filer vil blive gemt. Du bør placere det uden for dit websted, eller i det mindste begrænse adgangen til denne mappe. Glem ikke den efterfølgende skråstreg!",
+ "DATA_DIR": "Datamappe",
+ "NEXT_STEP": "Næste trin",
+ "ADMIN_INTERFACE_INFO": "Jirafeau har en admin-grænseflade (gennem admin.php). Du kan indstille en adgangskode for at få adgang til grænsefladen eller lade den være tom for at deaktivere grænsefladen.",
+ "NO_ADMIN": "Beklager, admin-grænsefladen er ikke aktiveret.",
+ "NO_ADMIN_AUTH": "Beklager, du er ikke logget på admin-grænsefladen.",
+ "LOGIN": "Log ind",
+ "BAD_PSW": "Forkert kodeord.",
+ "ADMIN_INTERFACE": "Admin-grænseflade",
+ "CLEAN_EXPIRED": "Fjern udløbne filer",
+ "CLEAN_INCOMPLETE": "Fjern gamle ufærdige overførsler",
+ "CLEAN": "Fjern",
+ "SEARCH_NAME": "Søg i filer efter navn",
+ "SEARCH": "Søg",
+ "LS_FILES": "Vis alle filer",
+ "LIST": "Vis",
+ "ACTIONS": "Handlinger",
+ "SEARH_BY_HASH": "Søg i filer efter filhash",
+ "SEARCH_LINK": "Søg efter et specifikt link",
+ "CLEANED_FILES_CNT": "Antal fjernede filer",
+ "LOGOUT": "Log ud",
+ "NOW_LOGOUT": "Du er nu logget ud",
+ "LINK_DELETED": "Link slettet",
+ "FILENAME": "Filnavn",
+ "FILE": "fil",
+ "LINK": "link",
+ "TYPE": "Type",
+ "SIZE": "Størrelse",
+ "EXPIRE": "Udløb",
+ "ONETIME": "En-gangs",
+ "UPLOAD_DATE": "Upload dato",
+ "ORIGIN": "Oprindelse",
+ "ACTION": "Handling",
+ "DEL_LINK": "Slet link",
+ "DEL_FILE_LINKS": "Slet fil og links",
+ "DELETED_LINKS": "Slettede links",
+ "YEAR": "Ã¥r",
+ "DAY": "dag",
+ "MINUTE": "minut",
+ "HOUR": "time",
+ "SECOND": "sekund",
+ "LESS_1_SEC": "mindre end et sekund",
+ "GONNA_DEL": "Du er ved at slette",
+ "DELETE": "Slet",
+ "CONFIRM_DEL": "Bekræft sletning"
\ No newline at end of file