From: Jerome Jutteau Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 22:46:20 +0000 (+0200) Subject: remove remaining translations from scripting interface X-Git-Tag: 1.1~51 X-Git-Url:;hp=48a4d0a7e7535a5c05a5f6d2dde44c1ec066d822 remove remaining translations from scripting interface Also enable Slovak language Signed-off-by: Jerome Jutteau --- diff --git a/lib/lang.php b/lib/lang.php index 0aec1e4..cc70b3d 100644 --- a/lib/lang.php +++ b/lib/lang.php @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ 'fr' => 'Français', 'it' => 'Italiano', 'nl' => 'Nederlands', - 'ro' => 'Limba română'); + 'ro' => 'Limba română', + 'sk' => 'Slovenčina'); /* Translation */ function t ($text) diff --git a/lib/locales/ar.json b/lib/locales/ar.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/ar.json +++ b/lib/locales/ar.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/bn_IN.json b/lib/locales/bn_IN.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/bn_IN.json +++ b/lib/locales/bn_IN.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/cs.json b/lib/locales/cs.json index edd87ad..172325a 100644 --- a/lib/locales/cs.json +++ b/lib/locales/cs.json @@ -14,13 +14,11 @@ "Data directory": "Data adresář", "Del file and links": "", "Del link": "", - "Delete a file": "Smazat soubor", "Delete link": "Odkaz na smazání", "Deleted links": "Smazané odkazy", "Direct download link": "Přímý odkaz na stažení", "Download": "Stáhnout", "Download page": "", - "Example": "Příklad", "Expire": "Vyprší", "File has been deleted.": "Soubor byl smazán.", "File is too big": "Soubor je moc velký", @@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Zobrazit všechny soubory", "Login": "Přihlášení", "Logout": "Odhlásit", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Maximální povolená velikost pro nahrání souboru", "Maximum file size": "Maximální velikost souboru", "Next step": "", "None": "", @@ -59,15 +56,12 @@ "One week": "Týden", "One year": "Rok", "Onetime": "Jednorázové", - "Optional": "Volitelné", "Origin": "Původ", - "Parameters": "Parametry", "Password": "Heslo", "Password protection": "", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Prosím ujistěte se, že jste odstranili soubor \"install.php\" předtím než budete pokračovat.", "Preview": "Náhled", "Previous step": "Přechozí krok", - "Required": "Vyžádováno", "Retry this step": "Zkusit znovu", "Search": "Hledat", "Search a specific link": "Hledat odkaz", @@ -92,11 +86,8 @@ "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Časový limit souboru již vypršel.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Tento soubor vyprší po následujícím datu", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Tento soubor byl vygenerovaný během instalačního procesu. Můžete jej editovat. Pro konfigurační možnosti se můžete podívat do souboru config.original.php.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "", "Time limit": "Časový limit", "Type": "Typ", - "Upload a file": "Nahrát soubor", "Upload date": "Datum nahrání", "Upload password": "", "Uploading ...": "Nahrávání ...", diff --git a/lib/locales/de.json b/lib/locales/de.json index 9258adb..adaa5d7 100644 --- a/lib/locales/de.json +++ b/lib/locales/de.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Basisadresse", "By using our services, you accept our": "Durch die Nutzung unserer Dienste, akzeptieren Sie unsere", "Choose the default language": "Wählen Sie die Standardsprache", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Datenblöcke müssen in der Reihenfolge gesendet werden.", "Clean": "Aufräumen", "Clean expired files": "Abgelaufene Dateien löschen", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Alten unfertigen Übertragungen löschen", "Data directory": "Datenverzeichnis", "Del file and links": "Datei und Link löschen", "Del link": "Link löschen", - "Delete a file": "Datei löschen", "Delete link": "Link zum Löschen der Datei", "Deleted links": "Gelöschte Links", "Direct download link": "Direkter Download-Link", "Download": "Herunterladen", "Download page": "Download-Seite", - "Example": "Beispiel", "Expire": "Ablauffrist", "File has been deleted.": "Die Datei wurde gelöscht.", "File is too big": "Die Datei ist zu groß", @@ -30,18 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Die Datei wurde hochgeladen!", "Filename": "Dateiname", "Finalisation": "Abschluss", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Asynchrone Übertragung abschließen", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "Der erste Satz beinhaltet den Downloadlink, der zweite den Löschlink.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "Die erste Zeile ist die Server-Kapazität (in Byte).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "Die erste Zeile gibt die Größe (in MB) zurück.", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Zeige Jirafeau's Version", - "Get a file": "Zeige eine Datei", - "Get a generated script": "Zeige einen generierten Script", - "Get server capacity": "Zeige Serverkapazität", "Give the password of this file": "Bitte Passwort für diese Datei eingeben", "Here is a solution": "Hier ist eine Lösung", "Information": "Information", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Asynchrone Übertragung initialisieren", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Installation von Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Installer-Skript noch vorhanden", "Internal error during file creation.": "Interner Fehler während der Dateierstellung.", @@ -56,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Alle Dateien auflisten", "Login": "Login", "Logout": "Ausloggen", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Maximal zulässige Größe einer hochgeladenen Datei", "Maximum file size": "Maximale Dateigröße", "Next step": "Nächster Schritt", "None": "Nie", @@ -69,15 +56,12 @@ "One week": "Eine Woche", "One year": "Ein Jahr", "Onetime": "Einmalig", - "Optional": "Optional", "Origin": "Ursprung", - "Parameters": "Parameter", "Password": "Passwort", "Password protection": "Passwort-Schutz", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Bitte achten Sie darauf, das Installationsskript \"install.php\" zu löschen, bevor Sie fortfahren.", "Preview": "Vorschau", "Previous step": "Vorherigen Schritt", - "Required": "Erforderlich", "Retry this step": "Diesen Schritt wiederholen", "Search": "Suchen", "Search a specific link": "Einen bestimmten Link suchen", @@ -85,7 +69,6 @@ "Search files by name": "Dateien nach Name suchen", "Select a file": "Datei auswählen", "Send": "Hochladen", - "Send a POST query to": "Senden Sie eine POST-Anfrage an", "Size": "Größe", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Sorry, die Admin-Oberfläche ist deaktiviert.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Leider wurde die angeforderte Datei nicht gefunden", @@ -97,26 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "Das Dateiverzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar", "The following directory could not be created": "Der folgende Ordner konnte nicht erstellt werden", "The following directory is not writable": "Das folgende Verzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Das Ziel ist, dass große Dateien, Stück für Stück übertragen werden.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Die oben aufgeführten Anleitungen zeigen, wie diese Schnittstelle abgefragt werden.", "The link directory is not writable": "Das Link-Verzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Die lokale Konfiguration-Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden. Erstellen Sie die Datei lib/config.local.php und geben Sie die Schreibberechtigung auf dem Webserver (bevorzugte Lösung) oder geben Sie die Schreibberechtigung für dem Webserver in das Lib-Verzeichnis.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Die lokale Konfiguration ist nicht vom Webserver beschreibbar. Geben Sie die Schreibberechtigung auf dem Webserver auf die \"lib/config.local.php Datei.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Die zeitliche Begrenzung dieser Datei ist abgelaufen.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Diese Datei ist gültig bis", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Diese Datei wurde vom Installationsprozess generiert. Sie können diese bearbeiten. Sehen Sie config.original.php, um die Konfigurationsparameter zu verstehen.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Dieses Interface erlaubt es einen Script zum Up- und Download zu erstellen.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Dies wird ein \"OK\" zurückmelden wenn es Erfolgreich war, sonst \"Error\".", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Dadurch wird \"Ok\" oder \"Error\" zurückgegeben.", "Time limit": "Ablauffrist", "Type": "Typ", - "Upload a file": "Datei hochladen", "Upload date": "Datum", "Upload password": "Passwort", "Uploading ...": "Lädt hoch ...", "View link": "Vorschau-Link", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Achtung, diese Datei wird automatisch gelöscht, nachdem diese gelesen wird", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Herzlich Willkommen auf Jirafeaus-Abfrage-Schnittstelle", "Wrong password.": "Falsches Passwort.", "You are about to download": "Es wird heruntergeladen", "You are now loggued out": "Sie wurden abgemeldet", diff --git a/lib/locales/es.json b/lib/locales/es.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/es.json +++ b/lib/locales/es.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/fi.json b/lib/locales/fi.json index b5a184c..a471b4d 100644 --- a/lib/locales/fi.json +++ b/lib/locales/fi.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Perusosoite", "By using our services, you accept our": "Käyttäessäsi palvelua, hyväksyt", "Choose the default language": "Valitse oletuskieli", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Tietojen palat tulee lähettää järjestyksessä.", "Clean": "Siivoa", "Clean expired files": "Siivoa vanhentuneet tiedostot", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Siivoa vanhat keskeneräiset lataukset", "Data directory": "Data hakemisto", "Del file and links": "Poista tiedosto ja linkit", "Del link": "Poista linkki", - "Delete a file": "Poista tiedosto", "Delete link": "Poistolinkki", "Deleted links": "Poistetut linkit", "Direct download link": "Suora latauslinkki", "Download": "Lataa", "Download page": "Lataussivu", - "Example": "Esimerkki", "Expire": "Vanhentuu", "File has been deleted.": "Tiedosto poistettu.", "File is too big": "Tiedosto on liian iso", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Tiedosto ladattu!", "Filename": "Tiedostonimi", "Finalisation": "Viimeistely", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Viimeistellään asynkronia lähetystä", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "Ensimmäisellä rivillä on asynkroninen viite ja toisen rivin koodia käytetään seuraavassa toiminnassa.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "Ensimmäisellä rivillä on latausviite ja toisella poistokoodi.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "Ensimmäisellä rivillä on palvelimen kapasiteetti (Bytes).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "Ensimmäisellä rivillä koko (MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Hae Jirafeaun versio", - "Get a file": "Hae tiedosto", - "Get a generated script": "Hae generoitu skripti", - "Get server capacity": "Hae palvelimen kapasiteetti", "Give the password of this file": "Anna salasana tiedostolle", "Here is a solution": "Tässä on ratkaisu", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Jos salasana on asetettu, lähetä POST pyyntö sen mukana.", "Information": "Tietoja", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Valmistellaan asynkronista lähetystä", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Jirafeaun asennus", "Installer script still present": "Asennus skripti edelleen löytyy", "Internal error during file creation.": "Sisäinen virhe ilmaantui tiedostoa luodessa.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Näytä kaikki tiedostot", "Login": "Kirjaudu sisään", "Logout": "Kirjaudu ulos", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Maksimi sallittu tiedoston koko", "Maximum file size": "Maksimi tiedostokoko", "Next step": "Seuraava vaihe", "None": "Ikuisesti", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "Yksi viikko", "One year": "Yksi vuosi", "Onetime": "Kertalataus", - "Optional": "Valinnainen", "Origin": "Alkuperä", - "Parameters": "Parametrit", "Password": "Salasana", "Password protection": "Salasanasuojaus", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Varmista, että poistat \"install.php\" asennustiedoston ennen kuin jatkat.", "Preview": "Esikatsele", "Previous step": "Edellinen vaihe", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Lähetä dataa asynkronisen lähetyksen aikana", - "Required": "Pakollinen", "Retry this step": "Aloita alusta tämä vaihe", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Palauttaa seuraavan koodin käyttöön.", "Search": "Etsi", "Search a specific link": "Etsi tiettyä linkkiä", "Search files by file hash": "Etsi tiedostoja tiedoston hashilla", "Search files by name": "Etsi tiedostoja nimellä", "Select a file": "Valitse tiedosto", "Send": "Lähetä", - "Send a GET query to": "Lähetä GET kysely", - "Send a POST query to": "Lähetä POST kysely", "Size": "Koko", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Ylläpitotilaa ei otettu käyttöön.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Valitettavasti hakemaasi tiedostoa ei löytynyt", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "Tiedostojen hakemistoon ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta", "The following directory could not be created": "Seuraavaa hakemistoa ei voitu luoda", "The following directory is not writable": "Seuraava hakemistoon ei kirjoitusoikeutta", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Tavoitteena on mahdollistaa siirtää iso tiedosto, pala palalta.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Alla ohjeet, kuinka käyttää rajapintaa.", "The link directory is not writable": "Linkkien hakemistoon ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Tiedosto config.local.php ei voitu luoda. Luo lib/config.local.php tiedosto ja palvelimelle kirjoitusoikeus siihen (suositeltu ratkaisu) tai anna palvelimelle oikeus lib hakemistoon.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Palvelimella ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta tiedostoon. Anna kirjoitusoikeus palvelimelle lib/config.local.php tiedostoon.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Tiedoston voimassaoloaika umpeutunut.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Tiedosto on voimassa", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Tämä tiedosto luotiin asennusvaiheessa. Voit muokata sitä. Katso config.original.php ymmärtääksesi sen määrittelyt.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Tämä rajapinta mahdollistaa skriptin käytön latauksissa.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Tämä palauttaa \"Ok\" onnistuiessaan, muuten \"Error\".", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Tämä palauttaa \"Ok\" tai \"Error\" rivin.", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Tämä palauttaa tekstisisällön koodista.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Tämä palauttaa tekstisisällön.", "Time limit": "Voimassaoloaika", "Type": "Laji", - "Upload a file": "Lähetä tiedosto", "Upload date": "Latauspäivämäärä", "Upload password": "Lähetä salasana", "Uploading ...": "Lähetetään...", "View link": "Näytä linkki", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Varoitus! Tämä tiedosto tuhoutuu, kun se on ladattu", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Tervetuloa Jirafeaun rajapintaan", "Wrong password.": "Väärä salasana.", "You are about to download": "Olet lataamassa tiedostoa", "You are now loggued out": "Olet nyt kirjautunut ulos", diff --git a/lib/locales/fr.json b/lib/locales/fr.json index 97ef721..819d657 100644 --- a/lib/locales/fr.json +++ b/lib/locales/fr.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Adresse d'origine", "By using our services, you accept our": "En utilisant nos services, vous acceptez nos", "Choose the default language": "Choisissez la langue par défaut", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Chaque morceau doit être envoyé dans l'ordre.", "Clean": "Nettoyage", "Clean expired files": "Nettoyer les fichiers périmés", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Nettoyer les anciens transferts inachevés", "Data directory": "Dossier de stockage des données", "Del file and links": "Supprimer fichier et liens", "Del link": "Supprimer le lien", - "Delete a file": "Supprimer un fichier", "Delete link": "Lien de suppression", "Deleted links": "Liens supprimés", "Direct download link": "Lien de téléchargement direct", "Download": "Télécharger", "Download page": "Page de téléchargement", - "Example": "Exemple", "Expire": "Expiration", "File has been deleted.": "Le fichier a été supprimé.", "File is too big": "Le fichier est trop volumineux", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Fichier envoyé !", "Filename": "Nom", "Finalisation": "Finalisation", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Finaliser un transfert asynchrone", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "La première ligne correspond à la référence de transfert asynchrone, la seconde au code à utiliser dans la prochaine requête.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "La première ligne correspond à la référence de l'envoie et la seconde ligne correspond au code de suppression.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "La première ligne correspond à la capacité du serveur (en octets).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "La première ligne correspond à la taille (en MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Récupérer la version de Jirafeau", - "Get a file": "Récupérer un ficher", - "Get a generated script": "Récupérer un script généré", - "Get server capacity": "Récupérer la capacité d'envoi du serveur", "Give the password of this file": "Donnez le mot de passe pour ce fichier", "Here is a solution": "Une solution possible", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Si un mot de passe a été définis, envoyer une requette POST avec.", "Information": "Information", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Initialiser un transfert asynchrone", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Installation de Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Le script d'installation est toujours présent", "Internal error during file creation.": "Erreur interne lors la création de fichier.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Lister tous les fichiers", "Login": "Connexion", "Logout": "Déconnexion", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Récupérer la taille maximal autorisée d'un envoie de fichier", "Maximum file size": "Taille maximale", "Next step": "Étape suivante", "None": "Aucune", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "Une semaine", "One year": "Une année", "Onetime": "Une fois", - "Optional": "Optionnel", "Origin": "Origine", - "Parameters": "Paramètres", "Password": "Mot de passe", "Password protection": "Protection par mot de passe", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Merci de supprimer le fichier \"install.php\" avant de continuer.", "Preview": "Prévisualiser", "Previous step": "Étape précédente", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Envoyer des données pendant un transfert asynchrone", - "Required": "Requis", "Retry this step": "Ressayer cette étape", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Renvoie le prochain code à utiliser.", "Search": "Rechercher", "Search a specific link": "Rechercher un lien particulier", "Search files by file hash": "Rechercher par empreinte de fichier", "Search files by name": "Rechercher les fichiers par leur nom", "Select a file": "Sélectionner un fichier à envoyer:", "Send": "Envoyer", - "Send a GET query to": "Envoyez une requête GET à", - "Send a POST query to": "Envoyez une requête POST à", "Size": "Taille", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Désolé, l'interface d'administration n'est pas activée.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Désolé, le fichier que vous demandez n'existe pas ou n'existe plus", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "Le dossier 'file' ne peut être écrit", "The following directory could not be created": "Le dossier suivant ne peut être créé", "The following directory is not writable": "Le dossier suivant ne peut être créé", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Le but est de permettre de transférer de gros fichiers, morceaux par morceaux.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Les instructions ci-dessous montrent comment interroger cette interface.", "The link directory is not writable": "Le dossier 'link' ne peut être écrit", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Le fichier de configuration local ne peut être créé. Créez le fichier lib/config.local.php et donnez lui les droits d'écriture par le serveur web (solution préférable) ou bien donnez les accès en écriture au dossier lib.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Le fichier de configuration local ne peut être écrit. Donnez les droits d'écriture au fichier lib/config.local.php par le serveur web.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "La limite de temps est dépassée.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Ce fichier est valable jusqu'à la date suivante", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Ce fichier a été généré par le processus d'installation. Vous pouvez l'éditer. Merci de se référer à config.original.php pour comprendre les éléments de configuration.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Cette interface permet de programmer vos envoie et téléversements.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Retourne \"OK\" en cas de succès, \"Error\" dans le cas contraire.", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Retourne la chaine \"Ok\" ou \"Error\".", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Renvoie le code sous forme de texte brut.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Retourne un texte brut.", "Time limit": "Limite de temps", "Type": "Type", - "Upload a file": "Envoyer un fichier", "Upload date": "Date d’envoi", "Upload password": "Mot de passe", "Uploading ...": "Envoi en cours ...", "View link": "Lien d'affichage", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Attention, ce fichier s'auto-détruira après sa lecture", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Bienvenue sur l'interface programmable de Jirafeau", "Wrong password.": "Mot de passe invalide.", "You are about to download": "Vous êtes sur le point de télécharger", "You are now loggued out": "Vous êtes maintenant déconnecté", diff --git a/lib/locales/hi.json b/lib/locales/hi.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/hi.json +++ b/lib/locales/hi.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/it.json b/lib/locales/it.json index 9b80b1a..5387665 100644 --- a/lib/locales/it.json +++ b/lib/locales/it.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Indirizzo base", "By using our services, you accept our": "Utilizzando i nostri servizi, accettate i nostri", "Choose the default language": "Scegliere la lingua predefinita", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "I blocchi di dati devono essere inviati in ordine.", "Clean": "Ripulisci", "Clean expired files": "Rimuovi i file scaduti", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Rimuovi i vecchi trasferimenti non conclusi", "Data directory": "Directory data", "Del file and links": "Canc file e links", "Del link": "Canc link", - "Delete a file": "Cancella un file", "Delete link": "Link di cancellazione", "Deleted links": "Links cancellati", "Direct download link": "Link per il download diretto", "Download": "Scarica", "Download page": "Pagina di download", - "Example": "Esempio", "Expire": "Scadenza", "File has been deleted.": "Il file è stato cancellato.", "File is too big": "Il file è troppo grande", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "File caricato !", "Filename": "Nome file", "Finalisation": "Finalizzazione", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Finalizzare il trasferimento asincrono", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "La prima linea è il riferimento per il trasferimento asincrono e la seconda linea il codice da utilizzare nell'operazione successiva.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "La prima linea è il riferimenti per il download e la seconda è il codice per la cancellazione.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "La prima linea è la capacità del server (in Bytes).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "La prima linea restituisce la dimensione (in MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Visualizza la versione di Jirafeau", - "Get a file": "Scarica un file", - "Get a generated script": "Visualizza uno script generato", - "Get server capacity": "Visualizza la capacità del server", "Give the password of this file": "Fornire la password per questo file", "Here is a solution": "Ecco una soluzione", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Se è stata impostata una password, invia una richiesta POST con la stessa.", "Information": "Informazioni", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Inizializza un trasferimento asincrono", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Installazione di Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Script di installazione ancora presente", "Internal error during file creation.": "Errore interno durante la creazione del file.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Elenca tutti i file", "Login": "Entra", "Logout": "Esci", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Dimensione massima consentita per un file caricato", "Maximum file size": "Dimensione massima del file", "Next step": "Passo successivo", "None": "Nessuno", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "Una settimana", "One year": "Un anno", "Onetime": "Download unico", - "Optional": "Opzionale", "Origin": "Origine", - "Parameters": "Parametri", "Password": "Password", "Password protection": "Protezione con password", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Per favore verificare di aver cancellato lo script di installazione \"install.php\" prima di continuare.", "Preview": "Anteprima", "Previous step": "Passo precedente", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Invia i dati durante un trasferimento asincrono", - "Required": "Richiesto", "Retry this step": "Riprovare questo passaggio", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Restituisce il prossimo codice da usare.", "Search": "Cerca", "Search a specific link": "Cerca un link specifico", "Search files by file hash": "Cerca file per hash", "Search files by name": "Cerca files per nome", "Select a file": "Seleziona un file", "Send": "Carica", - "Send a GET query to": "Invia una query GET a", - "Send a POST query to": "Invia una query POST a", "Size": "Dimensione", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Spiacente, l'interfaccia di amministrazione non è abilitata.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Spiacente, il file richiesto non è stato trovato", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "La directory dei file non è scrivibile", "The following directory could not be created": "Non è stato possibile creare la seguente directory", "The following directory is not writable": "La seguente directory non è scrivibile", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Lo scopo è di permettere il trasferimento di grandi file, pezzo per pezzo.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Le istruzioni sopra mostrano come interrogare questa interfaccia.", "The link directory is not writable": "La directory dei link non è scrivibile", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Non è stato possibile creare il file di configurazione locale. Creare un file lib/config.local.php e dare al server web i permessi in scrittura al file stesso (soluzione preferita), oppure dare i permessi in scrittura al server web all'intera directory lib.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Il server web non può scrivere la configurazione locale. Dare al web server i permessi di scrittura per il file 'lib/config.local.php.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Il tempo limite di questo file è scaduto.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Questo file è valido fino alla seguente data", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Questo file è stato generato dal processo di installazione. E' possibile editarlo. Per capire le possibili voci di configurazione vedere config.original.php.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Questa interfaccia permette di programmare i caricamenti e gli scaricamenti.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Questo restituirà \"Ok\" se riuscito, \"Error\" altrimenti.", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Questo restituisce la stringa \"Ok\" o \"Error\".", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Questo restituirà il testo grezzo del codice.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Questo restituisce il contenuto grezzo del testo.", "Time limit": "Limite di tempo", "Type": "Tipo", - "Upload a file": "Carica un file", "Upload date": "Data di caricamento", "Upload password": "Password per caricare file", "Uploading ...": "Sto caricando ...", "View link": "Visualizza link", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Attenzione, questo file si auto distruggerà dopo essere stato letto", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Benvenuti nell'interfaccia per le query di Jirafeau", "Wrong password.": "Password errata.", "You are about to download": "Stai per scaricare", "You are now loggued out": "Hai eseguito il logout", diff --git a/lib/locales/ja.json b/lib/locales/ja.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/ja.json +++ b/lib/locales/ja.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/ko.json b/lib/locales/ko.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/ko.json +++ b/lib/locales/ko.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/nl.json b/lib/locales/nl.json index 36492ac..eb9bccd 100644 --- a/lib/locales/nl.json +++ b/lib/locales/nl.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Basis URL", "By using our services, you accept our": "Door deze dienst te gebruiken, ga je akkoord met de", "Choose the default language": "Kies de standaard taal", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Gedeeltes van bestanden moeten op volgorde verstuurd worden.", "Clean": "Opschonen", "Clean expired files": "Verlopen bestanden opschonen", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Schoon oude onvoltooide overdrachten op", "Data directory": "Datamap", "Del file and links": "Verwijder bestand en links", "Del link": "Verwijder link", - "Delete a file": "Verwijder een bestand", "Delete link": "Verwijder link", "Deleted links": "Verwijderde links", "Direct download link": "Rechtstreekse downloadlink", "Download": "Downloaden", "Download page": "Downloadpagina", - "Example": "Voorbeeld", "Expire": "Verloopt", "File has been deleted.": "Bestand is verwijderd.", "File is too big": "Bestand is te groot", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Bestand geupload!", "Filename": "Bestandsnaam", "Finalisation": "Afronding", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Asynchrone overdracht afronden", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "Eerste regel is de asynchrone overdrachtsreferentie en de tweede regel is de code om in de volgende opdracht te gebruiken.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "Eerste regel is de downloadreferentie en de tweede regel is de verwijdercode.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "Eerste regel is de servercapaciteit (in Bytes).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "Eerste regel toont de grootte (in MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Jirafeau's versie ophalen", - "Get a file": "Bestand ophalen", - "Get a generated script": "Gegenereerd script ophalen", - "Get server capacity": "Servercapaciteit ophalen", "Give the password of this file": "Geef het wachtwoord van dit bestand op", "Here is a solution": "Hier is een oplossing", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Indien een wachtwoord is ingesteld, verstuur deze dan via een POST-verzoek.", "Information": "Informatie", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Start een asynchrone overdracht", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Installatie van Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Installatiescript nog aanwezig", "Internal error during file creation.": "Interne fout tijdens aanmaken van bestand.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Toon alle bestanden", "Login": "Inloggen", "Logout": "Uitloggen", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Maximale grootte van een geupload bestand", "Maximum file size": "Maximale bestandsgrootte", "Next step": "Volgende stap", "None": "Geen", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "Een week", "One year": "Een jaar", "Onetime": "Eenmalig", - "Optional": "Optioneel", "Origin": "Origineel", - "Parameters": "Opties", "Password": "Wachtwoord", "Password protection": "Wachtwoordbeveiliging", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Verwijder het installatiescript \"install.php\" voordat je verder gaat.", "Preview": "Voorbeeld", "Previous step": "Vorige stap", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Stuur gegevens tijdens asynchrone overdracht", - "Required": "Verplicht", "Retry this step": "Stap nogmaals uitvoeren", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Toont de volgende code om te gebruiken.", "Search": "Zoeken", "Search a specific link": "Zoek een specifieke link", "Search files by file hash": "Zoek bestanden op hash", "Search files by name": "Zoek bestanden op naam", "Select a file": "Selecteer een bestand", "Send": "Versturen", - "Send a GET query to": "Verstuur een GET-verzoek naar", - "Send a POST query to": "Stuur een POST-verzoek naar", "Size": "Grootte", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Sorry, de beheerdersinterface is niet ingeschakeld.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Sorry, het opgevraagde bestand is niet gevonden", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "De bestandsmap is niet schrijfbaar", "The following directory could not be created": "De volgende map kon niet worden aangemaakt", "The following directory is not writable": "De volgende map is niet schrijfbaar", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Het doel is om overdracht van grote bestanden mogelijk te maken, deel voor deel.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Bovenstaande instructie toont hoe deze interface bevraagd kan worden.", "The link directory is not writable": "De linkmap is niet schrijfbaar", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Het lokale configuratiebestand kon niet worden aangemaakt. Maak het bestand lib/config.local.php aan en geef de webserver hierop schrijfpermissies (voorkeursoptie). Als alternatief, geef de webserver schrijfpermissies op de map lib.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Het lokale configuratiebestand kon niet worden weggeschreven door de webserver. Geef de webserver schrijfpermissies op het lib/config.local.php bestand.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "De tijdslimiet van het bestand is verlopen.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Dit bestand is geldig tot het volgende tijdstip", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Dit bestand is gegenereerd door het installatieproces. Je kan deze aanpassen. Zie config.original.php om de configuratieopties te bekijken.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Deze interface maakt het mogelijk om uploads en downloads te automatiseren.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Dit toont \"Ok\" indien succesvol; anders \"Error\".", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Dit toont de \"Ok\" of \"Error\" waarde.", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Dit toont de code als platte tekst.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Dit toont platte tekst.", "Time limit": "Tijdslimiet", "Type": "Type", - "Upload a file": "Bestand uploaden", "Upload date": "Uploaddatum", "Upload password": "Uploadwachtwoord", "Uploading ...": "Uploaden...", "View link": "Link bekijken", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Waarschuwing, dit bestand wordt na het lezen automatisch verwijderd", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Welkom op Jirafeau's bevragingsinterface", "Wrong password.": "Verkeerd wachtwoord.", "You are about to download": "Je staat op het punt om te downloaden:", "You are now loggued out": "Je bent nu uitgelogd", diff --git a/lib/locales/pt.json b/lib/locales/pt.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/pt.json +++ b/lib/locales/pt.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/ro.json b/lib/locales/ro.json index 9dd597e..3466767 100644 --- a/lib/locales/ro.json +++ b/lib/locales/ro.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Adresa de bază", "By using our services, you accept our": "Utilizând serviciile noastre, accepţi", "Choose the default language": "Alege limba implicită", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Fragmentele de date trebuie trimise în ordine.", "Clean": "Curăţă", "Clean expired files": "Şterge fişierele expirate", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Şterge transferurile vechi nefinalizate", "Data directory": "Director date", "Del file and links": "Şterge fişierul şi link-urile", "Del link": "Şterge link", - "Delete a file": "Şterge un fişier", "Delete link": "Şterge link", "Deleted links": "Link-uri şterse", "Direct download link": "Link de descărcare directă", "Download": "Descărcare", "Download page": "Pagina de descărcare", - "Example": "Exemplu", "Expire": "Expiră", "File has been deleted.": "Fişierul a fost şters.", "File is too big": "Fişierul este prea mare", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Fişier încărcat !", "Filename": "Nume fişier", "Finalisation": "Finalizare", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Finalizează transferul asincron", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "Prima linie este referinţa transferului asincron iar a 2 este codul utilizat pentru următoarea operaţiune.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "Prima linie este referinţa de descărcare iar a 2 a codul de ştergere.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "Prima linie este capacitatea serverului(în Bytes).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "Prima linie returnează dimensiunea(în MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Obţine versiunea Jirafeau", - "Get a file": "Obţine un fişier", - "Get a generated script": "Obţine un script generat", - "Get server capacity": "Obţine capacitatea de stocare a serverului", "Give the password of this file": "Introdu parola acestui fişier", "Here is a solution": "Iată o soluţie", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Dacă a fost setată o parolă, trimite un POST cu ea.", "Information": "Informaţii", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Iniţiază un transfer asincron", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Instalare Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Scriptul de instalare este încă prezent", "Internal error during file creation.": "Eroare internă în timpul creării fişierului.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Listează toate fişierele", "Login": "Logare", "Logout": "Deconectare", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Dimensiunea maximă permisă a unui fişier încărcat", "Maximum file size": "Dimensiunea maximă a fişierului", "Next step": "Următorul pas", "None": "Nimic", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "O săptămână", "One year": "Un an", "Onetime": "O singură dată", - "Optional": "Opţional", "Origin": "Origine", - "Parameters": "Parametri", "Password": "Parolă", "Password protection": "Protecţie cu parolă", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Asigură-te că ai şters scriptul de instalare \"install.php\" înainte de a continua.", "Preview": "Previzualizare", "Previous step": "Pasul anterior", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Pune datele în timpul transferului asincron", - "Required": "Obligatoriu", "Retry this step": "Re-încearcă acest pas", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Returnează următorul cod care poate fi utilizat.", "Search": "Cautare", "Search a specific link": "Caută un link specific", "Search files by file hash": "Caută fişiere după hash", "Search files by name": "Caută fişiere după nume", "Select a file": "Selectează un fişier", "Send": "Trimite", - "Send a GET query to": "Trimite un GET query to", - "Send a POST query to": "Trimite un POST query to", "Size": "Dimensiune", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Ne pare rău, interfaţa de administrare nu este activată.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Ne pare rău, fişierul solicitat nu a fost găsit", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "Directorul de fişiere nu are drepturi de scriere", "The following directory could not be created": "Următorul director nu poate fi creat", "The following directory is not writable": "Următorul director nu are drepturi de scriere", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Scopul este de a permite trasferul de fişiere mari, bucată cu bucată.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Instrucţiunile de mai sus îţi arată cum poţi interoga această interfaţă.", "The link directory is not writable": "Directorul de link-uri nu are drepturi de scriere", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Fişierul de configuraţie locală nu poate fi creat. Creează un fişier lib/config.local.php şi dă drepturi de scriere pe el(recomandat), sau acordă drepturi de scriere pe directorul lib.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Configuraţia locală nu poate fi editată de serverul web. Dă permisiuni de scriere pe fişierul 'lib/config.local.php.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Durata de stocare a fişierului a expirat.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Acest fişier este valid până la următoarea dată", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Acest fişier a fost generat la instalare. Îl poţi edita. Vezi config.original.php pentru a înţelege elementele de configurare.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Această interfaţă permite scripting-ul încărcărilor şi descărcărilor.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Va returna \"Ok\" dacă operaţiunea este finalizată, \"Eroare\" altfel.", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Va returna \"Ok\" sau \"Error\" string.", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Returnează conţinutul text brut al codului.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Va returna conţinutul text brut.", "Time limit": "Limita de timp", "Type": "Tip", - "Upload a file": "Încarcă un fişier", "Upload date": "Data încărcare", "Upload password": "Încarcă o parolă", "Uploading ...": "Se încarcă..", "View link": "Vizualizare link", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Atenţie, acest fişier se auto-distruge după ce este citit", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Bine ai venit la interfaţa de interogare Jirafeau", "Wrong password.": "Parolă incorectă.", "You are about to download": "Eşti pe cale să descarci", "You are now loggued out": "Acum eşti deconectat", diff --git a/lib/locales/ru.json b/lib/locales/ru.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/ru.json +++ b/lib/locales/ru.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/sk.json b/lib/locales/sk.json index 2bd7376..d309ccc 100644 --- a/lib/locales/sk.json +++ b/lib/locales/sk.json @@ -8,20 +8,17 @@ "Base address": "Základná adresa", "By using our services, you accept our": "Používaním tejto služby akceptujete naše", "Choose the default language": "Vyberte si predvolený jazyk", - "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "Časti súboru musia byť posielané v správnom poradí.", "Clean": "Vyčistiť", "Clean expired files": "Zmazať exspirované súbory", "Clean old unfinished transfers": "Vyčistiť staré nedokončené prenosy", "Data directory": "Adresár data", "Del file and links": "Zmazať súbor aj odkazy", "Del link": "Zmazať odkaz", - "Delete a file": "Zmazať súbor", "Delete link": "Zmazať odkaz", "Deleted links": "Zmazané odkazy", "Direct download link": "Priamy odkaz na stiahnutie", "Download": "Stiahnuť", "Download page": "Stránka so súborom", - "Example": "Príklad", "Expire": "Platnosť do", "File has been deleted.": "Súbor bol zmazaný.", "File is too big": "Súbor je príliš veľký", @@ -30,20 +27,9 @@ "File uploaded !": "Súbor bol odoslaný!", "Filename": "Názov súboru", "Finalisation": "Finalizácia", - "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "Dokončiť asynchrónny prenos", - "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "Prvý riadok je referenčné číslo asynchrónneho prenosu a druhý riadok je kód na použitie pri nasledujúcom volaní.", - "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "Prvý riadok je referenčné číslo súboru pre download a druhý riadok je kód na zmazanie.", - "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "Prvý riadok je kapacita servera (v B).", - "First line returns size (in MB).": "Prvý riadok predstavuje veľkosť (v MB).", - "Get Jirafeau's version": "Zistiť verziu Jirafeau", - "Get a file": "Stiahnuť súbor", - "Get a generated script": "Získať generovaný skript", - "Get server capacity": "Získať kapacitu servera", "Give the password of this file": "Zadajte heslo k tomuto súboru", "Here is a solution": "Tu je riešenie", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Ak je nastavené heslo, pošlite POST request.", "Information": "Informácie", - "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "Začať asynchrónny prenos", "Installation of Jirafeau": "Inštalácia Jirafeau", "Installer script still present": "Inštalačný skript stále existuje", "Internal error during file creation.": "Interná chyba počas vytvárania súboru.", @@ -58,7 +44,6 @@ "List all files": "Zobraziť všetky súbory", "Login": "Prihlásenie", "Logout": "Odhlásiť", - "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "Maximálna povolená veľkosť nahraného súboru", "Maximum file size": "Maximálna veľkosť súboru", "Next step": "Ďalší krok", "None": "Neobmedzená", @@ -71,26 +56,19 @@ "One week": "Jeden týždeň", "One year": "Jeden rok", "Onetime": "Na jedno stiahnutie", - "Optional": "Nepovinné", "Origin": "Pôvod", - "Parameters": "Parametre", "Password": "Heslo", "Password protection": "Ochrana heslom", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "Uistite sa, že ste zmazali skript \"install.php\" pred tým, ako budete pokračovať, prosím.", "Preview": "Náhľad", "Previous step": "Predchádzajúci krok", - "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "Posiela dáta asynchrónnym prenosom", - "Required": "Povinné", "Retry this step": "Opakovať tento krok", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Vráti kód na ďalšie použitie.", "Search": "Hľadať", "Search a specific link": "Hľadať konkrétny odkaz", "Search files by file hash": "Hľadať súbor podľa hash", "Search files by name": "Hľadať súbory podľa mena", "Select a file": "Vybrať súbor", "Send": "Poslať", - "Send a GET query to": "Pošlite HTTP GET požiadavku na", - "Send a POST query to": "Pošlite HTTP POST požiadavku na", "Size": "Veľkosť", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Prepáčte, rozhranie pre správcu nie je povolené.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "Prepáčte, požadovaný súbor nebol nájdený", @@ -102,28 +80,19 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "Nie je možné zapisovať do zoznamu súborov", "The following directory could not be created": "Adresár sa nepodarilo vytvoriť", "The following directory is not writable": "Do nasledujúceho adresáru nie je možné zapisovať", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Cieľom je umožniť posielanie veľkých súborov, kúsok po kúsku.", - "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "Inštrukcie vyššie ukazujú, ako používať automatizačné rozhranie.", "The link directory is not writable": "Nie je možné zapisovať do súboru so zoznamom odkazov", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť lokálny konfiguračný súbor. Vytvorte súbor lib/config.local.php a nastavte oprávnenia na zápis do neho pre web server (preferované riešenie), alebo dajte web serveru prístup na zápis do adresára lib.", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Web server nemôže zapisovať do súboru s lokálnou konfiguráciou. Dajte web serveru oprávnenie na zápis do súboru 'lib/config.local.php.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Platnosť daného súboru vypršala.", "This file is valid until the following date": "Súbor exspiruje", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Tento súbor bol vygenerovaný inštalátorom. Môžete ho upraviť podľa potreby. Vysvetlivky ku konfiguračným parametrom nájdete v súbore config.original.php.", - "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "Toto rozhranie umožňuje posielať a sťahovať súbory pomocou skriptov.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Vráti \"Ok\" pri úspechu a inak vráti \"Error\".", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Vráti reťazec \"Ok\" alebo \"Error\".", - "This will return brut text content of the code.": "Vráti textovú odpoveď.", - "This will return brut text content.": "Vráti jednoduchý text.", "Time limit": "Doba olatnosti", "Type": "Typ", - "Upload a file": "Poslať súbor", "Upload date": "Dátum nahratia", "Upload password": "Heslo k súboru", "Uploading ...": "Odosielanie ...", "View link": "Zobraziť odkaz", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Pozor, tento súbor bude po prečítaní zmazaný", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Vitajte v automatizačnom rozhraní Jirafeau", "Wrong password.": "Nesprávne heslo.", "You are about to download": "Tu si môžete stiahnuť", "You are now loggued out": "Boli ste odhlásení", diff --git a/lib/locales/sr.json b/lib/locales/sr.json index f5194c8..5d35625 100644 --- a/lib/locales/sr.json +++ b/lib/locales/sr.json @@ -14,13 +14,11 @@ "Data directory": "", "Del file and links": "Бриши фајл и везе", "Del link": "", - "Delete a file": "Обриши фајл", "Delete link": "", "Deleted links": "Обрисане везе", "Direct download link": "Веза за директно преузимање", "Download": "", "Download page": "Страница преузимања", - "Example": "Пример", "Expire": "Истиче", "File has been deleted.": "", "File is too big": "Фајл је превелик", @@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ "Finalisation": "", "Give the password of this file": "Дајте лозинку за овај фајл", "Here is a solution": "Ево решења", - "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "Ако је постављена лозинка, пошаљите „POST“ захтев са њом.", "Information": "", "Installation of Jirafeau": "", "Installer script still present": "Инсталациона скрипта је и даље присутна", @@ -59,23 +56,19 @@ "One week": "једна седмица", "One year": "једна година", "Onetime": "Једном", - "Optional": "Опционо", "Origin": "Порекло", - "Parameters": "Параметри", "Password": "", "Password protection": "", "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "", "Preview": "", "Previous step": "", "Retry this step": "Понови овај корак", - "Returns the next code to use.": "Враћа следећи код за коришћење.", "Search": "", "Search a specific link": "Тражи одређену везу", "Search files by file hash": "Тражи фајл по хешу", "Search files by name": "Тражи фајл по називу", "Select a file": "Изаберите фајл", "Send": "Пошаљи", - "Send a POST query to": "Пошаљи „POST“ упит на", "Size": "", "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "Нажалост, администраторско сучеље је искључено.", "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "", @@ -87,15 +80,12 @@ "The file directory is not writable": "", "The following directory could not be created": "Следећи директоријум се не може направити", "The following directory is not writable": "", - "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "Циљ је дозволити пренос великих фајлова, део по део.", "The link directory is not writable": "", "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib directory.": "", "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php file.": "Локална подешавања нису уписива за веб сервер. Дајте веб серверу права уписа у фајлу „lib/config.local.php“.", "The time limit of this file has expired.": "Временско ограничење за фајл је истекло.", "This file is valid until the following date": "", "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "Овај фајл је генерисао инсталациони процес. Можете га мењати. Погледајте „config.original.php“ да бисте разумели конфигурационе ставке.", - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "Ово ће вратити „Ok“ ако успе, „Error“ у супротном.", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "Ово ће вратити „Ok“ или „Error“ поруку.", "Time limit": "", "Type": "", "Upload date": "", @@ -103,7 +93,6 @@ "Uploading ...": "", "View link": "", "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "Пажња, овај фајл ће се самоуништити након читања", - "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "Добродошли у Жирафино сучеље за упите", "Wrong password.": "Погрешна лозинка.", "You are about to download": "", "You are now loggued out": "", diff --git a/lib/locales/vi.json b/lib/locales/vi.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/vi.json +++ b/lib/locales/vi.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" } diff --git a/lib/locales/zh.json b/lib/locales/zh.json index 67bde51..4c06beb 100644 --- a/lib/locales/zh.json +++ b/lib/locales/zh.json @@ -105,8 +105,5 @@ "Action": "", "Del link": "", "Del file and links": "", - "Deleted links": "", - - "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "", - "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": "" + "Deleted links": "" }