From: Patrick Canterino <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 14:39:23 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Begin a new release cycle

Begin a new release cycle

diff --git a/ b/
index a5d94ae..a8e247e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ This is a list of people who contributed to Jirafeau over the years. The list wa
 - Vasilis Giann
 - Victor Lamoine
 - Viktar Vauchkevich
-- Weblate
 - Wim Livens
 - Yaron Shahrabani
 - YFdyh000
diff --git a/ b/
index 6f55e08..c3e5aba 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,12 +12,28 @@
 5. Follow the installation wizard, it should propose you the same data folder or even update automatically
 6. Check your `/lib/config.local.php` and compare it with the `/lib/config.original.php` to see if new configuration items are available. If a new item is missing in your `config.local.php`, this may trigger some errors as Jirafeau may expect to have them.
-## Current snapshots
+## Version 4.6.x (not yet released)
+- ...
+## Version 4.6.2
+- Allow to configure the language and the availabilities for files for a Docker container (issue [#20](
+- Added an example `docker-compose.yaml` file for configuring the Docker container
+- Fixed an error occuring on some systems while building the Docker image (issue [#24](
+- Script upload was broken due to a missing `return` statement (issue [#23](
+- Upgrade from 4.6.1: in-place upgrade
+## Version 4.6.1
 - Removed the download button and the corresponding link for encrypted files from the admin interface
+- Fixed an issue with sending the wrong filesize after decrypting an encrypted file
+- Fixed the possibility to bypass the check for [CVE-2022-30110]( (prevent preview of SVG images) by sending a manipulated HTTP request with a MIME type like "image/svg+XML". This issue has subsequently been reported as [CVE-2024-12326](
+- We now provide Docker images for AMD64 and ARM64 systems
 - Lots of code refactoring and cleanup
 - Few more little fixes
 - Typo and spelling mistakes
+- Upgrade from 4.6.0: in-place upgrade
 New configuration items:
 - `one_time_download_preselected` for preselecting the checkbox for deleting the file after the first download
@@ -32,6 +48,7 @@ New configuration items:
 - Removed usage of deprecated `strftime()` function
 - Few more little fixes
 - Typo and spelling mistakes
+- Upgrade from 4.5.0: in-place upgrade
 New configuration items:
 - `download_password_requirement`, `download_password_gen_len`, `download_password_gen_chars`, `download_password_policy` and `download_password_policy_regex` for configuring file download passwords
diff --git a/ b/
index c80c1cd..bde45e8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ view only to show the most important files and their role.
 ## Translations
-Translation may be added via [Jirafeau's Weblate](
+Translations may be added by creating a new JSON file under `locales` and submitting a merge request.
 ## Coding style
-- This project follows the [PSR-2]( Coding Style
+- This project follows the [PSR-12]( coding style
 - Files must be in UTF-8 without BOM and use Unix Line Endings (LF)
 ## Branches
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ Quick walkthrough:
 ## New Releases
-* Fetch weblate and rebase and import translations
 * If the release is not done for security purposes: create a new issue and freeze next-release branch for at least week.
 * Compare the [`next-release` branch to `master`](
 * Add a list of noteworthy features and bugfixes to ``
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index d4854a8..6bf9788 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 FROM php:8.1-fpm-alpine
 LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=""
+ARG INI="php"
 # base install
 RUN apk update && \
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ RUN apk update && \
 COPY --chmod=550 docker/ docker/  /
 COPY --chmod=640 docker/docker_config.php /docker_config.php
-COPY docker/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
+COPY docker/${INI}.ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
 COPY docker/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
 # Install Jirafeau
@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ RUN --mount=type=bind,source=.,target=/mnt \
     cp -r /mnt/* /www/ && \
     rm -rf /www/docker && \
     touch /www/lib/config.local.php && \
-    chown -R $(id -u lighttpd).$(id -g www-data) /www && \
+    chown -R $(id -u lighttpd):$(id -g www-data) /www && \
     chmod 770 /www
 CMD ["/"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker-compose.yaml b/docker-compose.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2de68f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  web:
+    build:
+      no_cache: true
+      #args:
+        # INI: php_debug #change the ini
+      context: . # or ../Dockerfile if we put it in the ./docker folder
+    volumes:
+      - ./jirafeau_data:/data
+    environment:
+      ADMIN_PASSWORD: p4ssw0rd
+      #LANG: en
+      #WEB_ROOT: ''
+      #STYLE: 'my_jirafeau_theme'
+      #DARK_STYLE: 'my_jirafeau_theme'
+        {
+          "minute": true,
+          "hour": true,
+          "day": true,
+          "week": true,
+          "fortnight": true,
+          "month": true,
+          "quarter": false,
+          "year": false,
+          "none": false
+        }
+    ports:
+      - 8080:80
diff --git a/docker/ b/docker/
index 33c9fc0..d170d70 100644
--- a/docker/
+++ b/docker/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Run Jirafeau through a pre-made Docker image
-Jirafeau is a small PHP application so running it inside a docker container is pretty straightforward.
+Jirafeau is a small PHP application so running it inside a Docker container is pretty straightforward. Container images are built for AMD64 and ARM64 systems and can be downloaded from our registry at ``.
 docker pull
@@ -20,6 +20,47 @@ cd Jirafeau
 docker build -t your/jirafeau:latest .
+## Docker Compose
+You can use the `docker-compose.yaml` from [here](../docker-compose.yaml)
+### Run Container
+docker compose up -d
+### Custom Theme
+1. copy the theme data from the running container
+    ```sh
+    docker compose cp web:/www/media jirafeau_media
+    ```
+2. mount the theme data
+    ```yaml
+    #....
+    volumes:
+        - ./jirafeau_media/your_theme:/www/media/your_theme
+    ```
+3. set the environment variable
+    ```yaml
+    # ....
+    environment:
+    STYLE: 'your_theme'
+    DARK_STYLE: 'your_theme'
+    ```
+4. run the compose file
+    ```sh
+    docker compose up -d
+    ```
 ## Security
 You may be interested in running Jirafeau on port 80:
@@ -36,8 +77,11 @@ Jirafeau's docker image accepts some options through environment variables to ea
 More details about options in `lib/config.original.php`.
 Available options:
 - `ADMIN_PASSWORD`: setup a specific admin password. If not set, a random password will be generated.
 - `ADMIN_IP`: set one or more ip allowed to access admin interface (separated by comma).
+- `LANG`: choose the language for jirafeau (default auto).
+- `AVAILABILITIES`: change the array for availablibilities that the user can select (see `docker-compose.yaml` for an example how to do that). Availability is the time the file should be available before it can be deleted.
 - `WEB_ROOT`: setup a specific domain to point at when generating links (e.g. '').
 - `VAR_ROOT`: setup a specific path where to place files. default: '/data'.
 - `FILE_HASH`: can be set to `md5`, `partial_md5` or `random` (default).
@@ -49,6 +93,7 @@ Available options:
 - `DARK_STYLE`: apply a specific style for browsers in dark mode.
 - `AVAILABILITY_DEFAULT`: setup which availability shows by default.
 - `ONE_TIME_DOWNLOAD`: set to 1 or 0 to enable or disable one time downloads.
+- `ONE_TIME_DOWNLOAD_PRESELECTED`: set to 1 or 0 to preselect the checkbox for one time downloads.
 - `ENABLE_CRYPT`: set to 1 or 0 to enable or disable server side encryption.
 - `DEBUG`: set to 1 or 0 to enable or disable debug mode.
 - `MAXIMAL_UPLOAD_SIZE`: maximal file size allowed (expressed in MB).
@@ -86,9 +131,10 @@ It is also possible to put Jirafeau data into an already existing directory outs
 mkdir /tmp/jirafeau_data
 docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 -v /tmp/jirafeau_data:/data
+Please note that the files and directories created in the directory outside the container will probably be owned by UID 100.
 ## Few notes
 - `var-...` folder where lives all uploaded data is protected from direct access
diff --git a/docker/docker_config.php b/docker/docker_config.php
index 976f366..6037ec6 100644
--- a/docker/docker_config.php
+++ b/docker/docker_config.php
@@ -91,6 +91,26 @@ function env_2_cfg_string_array(&$cfg, $config_name)
     return true;
+function env_2_cfg_array_from_json(&$cfg, $config_name)
+    $env_name = strtoupper($config_name);
+    $env_string = getenv($env_name);
+    if ($env_string === false) {
+        return;
+    }
+    $result = json_decode($env_string, true);
+    if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
+        // JSON is valid
+        $c = count($result);
+        echo("setting $config_name array with $c value(s)n\n");
+    } else {
+        echo("ERROR - invalid json for environment key $config_name \n");
+    }
+    $cfg[$config_name] = $result;
+    return true;
 function setup_admin_password(&$cfg)
     if (strlen($cfg['admin_password']) > 0) {
@@ -165,11 +185,13 @@ function run_setup(&$cfg)
     env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'preview');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'title', false);
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'organisation');
+    env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'lang');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'contactperson');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'style');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'availability_default');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'dark_style');
     env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'one_time_download');
+    env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'one_time_download_preselected');
     env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'enable_crypt');
     env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'debug');
     env_2_cfg_int($cfg, 'maximal_upload_size');
@@ -178,6 +200,8 @@ function run_setup(&$cfg)
     env_2_cfg_string_array($cfg, 'admin_ip');
     env_2_cfg_string_array($cfg, 'upload_ip_nopassword');
     env_2_cfg_string_array($cfg, 'proxy_ip');
+    // this is a key value based value
+    env_2_cfg_array_from_json($cfg, 'availabilities');
     env_2_cfg_bool($cfg, 'store_uploader_ip');
     env_2_cfg_string($cfg, 'download_password_requirement');
     env_2_cfg_int($cfg, 'download_password_gen_len');
diff --git a/lib/functions.php b/lib/functions.php
index 9091af7..7ac4c9e 100644
--- a/lib/functions.php
+++ b/lib/functions.php
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ function jirafeau_upload($file, $one_time_download, $key, $time, $ip, $crypt, $l
                  'link' => '',
                  'delete_link' => ''));
-    jirafeau_add_file($file, $one_time_download, $key, $time, $ip, $crypt, $link_name_length, $file_hash_method);
+    return jirafeau_add_file($file, $one_time_download, $key, $time, $ip, $crypt, $link_name_length, $file_hash_method);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ function jirafeau_is_viewable($mime)
     if (!empty($mime)) {
         $viewable = array('image', 'video', 'audio');
         $decomposed = explode('/', $mime);
-        if (in_array($decomposed[0], $viewable) && strpos($mime, 'image/svg+xml') === false) {
+        if (in_array($decomposed[0], $viewable) && stripos($mime, 'image/svg+xml') === false) {
             return true;
         $viewable = array('text/plain');
diff --git a/lib/template/footer.php b/lib/template/footer.php
index 637ce42..64132c7 100644
--- a/lib/template/footer.php
+++ b/lib/template/footer.php
@@ -4,14 +4,18 @@
           echo t('MADE_WITH') .
             ' <a href="' . JIRAFEAU_WEBSITE . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . t('JI_PROJECT') . '</a>' .
-            '<p> ' . t('DESIGNED')  . ' ' .  $cfg['contactperson'] . '</p>'  .
             ' (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><abbr title="GNU Affero General Public License v3">AGPL-3.0</abbr></a>)';
         <!-- Installation dependent links -->
         if (false === empty($cfg['installation_done'])) {
+            if(false === empty($cfg['organisation'])) {
+                echo ' <span>|</span> ';
+                echo ' ' . t('DESIGNED')  . ' ' .  $cfg['organisation'];
+            }
             echo ' <span>|</span> ';
-            echo '<a href="tos.php" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . t('TOS') . '</a>';
+            echo '<a href="tos.php" target="_blank" rel="nooener noreferrer">' . t('TOS') . '</a>';