From 7dd194ef30800534bb97c1e4a4cccbf93c59d5e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan Untenzu <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 11:14:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [FEATURE] Bash script: Enhance help and add version

Enhance the help and show all available options in
a common structure.
Move description of available options to one place.

Also add the version of the Jirafeau version which
generated the bash script. This way a user may
find out about changes (because his script was
generated with Jirafeau 1.1.2, but the current version
on the server may be 3.2.5 already).
 script.php | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/script.php b/script.php
index c5adf95..3905d2f 100644
--- a/script.php
+++ b/script.php
@@ -243,16 +243,15 @@ elseif (isset ($_GET['lang']))
-# This script has been auto-generated by Jirafeau but you can still edit
-# options below.
+# This script has been auto-generated by Jirafeau but you can still edit options below.
-# Config
-proxy='' # ex: proxy='' or set JIRAFEAU_PROXY global variable
-url='<?php echo $cfg['web_root'] . 'script.php'; ?>' # or set JIRAFEAU_URL ex: url='http://mysite/jirafeau/script.php'
-time='<?php echo $cfg['availability_default']; ?>' # minute, hour, day, week, month, quarted, year or none. Or set JIRAFEAU_TIME.
-one_time='' # ex: one_time="1" or set JIRAFEAU_ONE_TIME.
-curl='' # curl path to download or set JIRAFEAU_CURL_PATH.
-# End of config
+# Config begin
+proxy='' # Or set JIRAFEAU_PROXY.
+url='<?php echo $cfg['web_root'] . 'script.php'; ?>' # Or set JIRAFEAU_URL.
+time='<?php echo $cfg['availability_default']; ?>' # Or set JIRAFEAU_TIME.
+one_time='' # Or set JIRAFEAU_ONE_TIME.
+curl='' # Or set JIRAFEAU_CURL_PATH.
+# Config end
 if [ -n "$JIRAFEAU_PROXY" ]; then
@@ -292,17 +291,22 @@ if [ -z "$curl" ]; then
 if [ -z "$2" ]; then
-    echo "man:"
-    echo "    $0 send PATH [PASSWORD]"
+    echo "Jirafeau Bash Script <?php echo JIRAFEAU_VERSION; ?>"
+    echo "--------------------------"
+    echo "Usage:"
+    echo "    $0 OPTIONS"
+    echo
+    echo "Options:"
+    echo "    $0 send FILE [PASSWORD]"
     echo "    $0 get URL [PASSWORD]"
     echo "    $0 delete URL"
-    echo ""
+    echo
     echo "Global variables to export:"
-    echo "    JIRAFEAU_PROXY : example:"
-    echo "    JIRAFEAU_URL : example: http://mysite/jirafeau/script.php"
-    echo "    JIRAFEAU_TIME : minute, hour, day, week, quarter, year, month or none"
-    echo "    JIRAFEAU_ONE_TIME : set anything or set empty"
-    echo "    JIRAFEAU_CURL : path to your curl binary"
+    echo "    JIRAFEAU_PROXY: Domain and port of proxy server, eg. »«"
+    echo "    JIRAFEAU_URL : URI to Jirafeau installation and API page with trailing slash, eg. »«"
+    echo "    JIRAFEAU_TIME : expiration time, eg. »minute«, »hour«, »day«, »week«, »month«, »quarter«, »year« or »none«"
+    echo "    JIRAFEAU_ONE_TIME : self-destroy after first download, eg. »1« to enable or »« (empty) to disable"
+    echo "    JIRAFEAU_CURL : alternative path to curl binary"
     exit 0