+/* Upload password(s). Empty array disable password authentification.
+ * $cfg['upload_password'] = array(); // No password
+ * $cfg['upload_password'] = array('psw1'); // One password
+ * $cfg['upload_password'] = array('psw1', 'psw2'); // Two passwords
+ * ... and so on
+ */
+$cfg['upload_password'] = array();
+/* An empty admin password will disable the classic admin password
+ * authentication.
+ */
+$cfg['admin_password'] = '';
+/* If set, let's the user to be authenticated as administrator.
+ * The user provided here is the user authenticated by HTTP authentication.
+ * Note that Jirafeau does not manage the HTTP login part, it just check
+ * that the provided user is logged.
+ * If admin_password parameter is also set, admin_password is ignored.
+ */
+$cfg['admin_http_auth_user'] = '';
+/* Select different options for availability of uploaded files.
+ * Possible values in array:
+ * 'minute': file is available for one minute
+ * 'hour': file available for one hour
+ * 'day': file available for one day
+ * 'week': file available for one week
+ * 'month': file is available for one month
+ * 'year': file available for one year
+ * 'none': unlimited availability
+ */
+$cfg['availabilities'] = array ('minute' => true,
+ 'hour' => true,
+ 'day' => true,
+ 'week' => true,
+ 'month' => true,
+ 'year' => false,
+ 'none' => false);
+/* Installation is done ? */
+$cfg['installation_done'] = false;