+Then the command can be placed in a cron file to automatize the process. For example:
+# m h dom mon dow user command
+12 3 * * * www-data php /path/to/jirafeau/admin.php clean_expired
+16 3 * * * www-data php /path/to/jirafeau/admin.php clean_async
+### I have some troubles with IE
+If you have some strange behavior with IE, you may configure [compatibility mode](http://feedback.dominknow.com/knowledgebase/articles/159097-internet-explorer-ie8-ie9-ie10-and-ie11-compat).
+Anyway I would recommend you to use another web browser. :)
+### How can I change the theme?
+You may change the default theme to any of the existing ones or a custom.
+Open your ```lib/config.local.php``` and change setting in the »`style`« key to the name of any folder in the ```/media``` directory.
+Hint: To create a custom theme just copy the »courgette« folder and name your theme »custom« (this way it will be ignored by git and not overwritten during updates). You are invited to enhance the existing themes and send pull requests however.
+### I found a bug, what should I do?
+Feel free to open a bug in the [GitLab's issues](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/issues).
+If you can, please copy-paste informations related to bug opening provided in admin interface.
+Admin interface can be reached by accessing `/admin.php`.
+### How to set maximum file size?