X-Git-Url: https://git.p6c8.net/jirafeau_mojo42.git/blobdiff_plain/8435b608be88a1b612cede53989a3a8952e495e4..33c3f08cac2785129f87e93fd754e5b872a9b3b5:/lib/locales/es.json
diff --git a/lib/locales/es.json b/lib/locales/es.json
index 5a90d57..97793a9 100644
--- a/lib/locales/es.json
+++ b/lib/locales/es.json
@@ -1,141 +1,111 @@
- "Jirafeau, your web file repository": "",
- "Select a file": "",
- "Send": "",
- "Uploading ...": "",
- "One time download": "",
- "Password": "",
- "Time limit": "",
- "Maximum file size": "Taille maximale",
- "powered by Open-Source project Jirafeau": "",
- "Jirafeau Project": "",
- "One minute": "",
- "One hour": "",
- "One day": "",
- "One week": "",
- "One month": "",
- "One year": "",
- "None": "",
- "Upload password": "",
- "File is too big": "",
- "File size is limited to": "",
- "The file directory is not writable": "",
- "The link directory is not writable": "",
- "The async directory is not writable!": "",
- "Installer script still present": "",
- "Please make sure to delete the installer script \"install.php\" before continuing.": "",
- "An error occurred.": "",
- "File uploaded !": "",
- "Download page": "",
- "This file is valid until the following date": "",
- "View link": "",
- "Direct download link": "",
- "Delete link": "",
- "Download": "",
- "Preview": "",
- "Sorry, the requested file is not found": "",
- "File not available.": "",
- "File has been deleted.": "",
- "The time limit of this file has expired.": "",
- "Password protection": "",
- "Give the password of this file": "",
- "Access denied": "",
- "You are about to download": "",
- "By using our services, you accept our": "",
- "Term Of Service": "",
- "Warning, this file will self-destruct after being read": "",
- "Internal error during file creation.": "",
- "This file was generated by the install process. You can edit it. Please see config.original.php to understand the configuration items.": "",
- "The following directory could not be created": "",
- "You should create this directory manually.": "",
- "The following directory is not writable": "",
- "You should give the write permission to the web server on this directory.": "",
- "Here is a solution": "",
- "The local configuration file could not be created. Create a lib/config.local.php
file and give the write permission to the web server (preferred solution), or give the write permission to the web server on the lib
directory.": "",
- "The local configuration is not writable by the web server. Give the write permission to the web server on the 'lib/config.local.php
file.": "",
- "Installation of Jirafeau": "",
- "step": "",
- "out of": "",
- "Administration password": "",
- "Finalisation": "",
- "Jirafeau is setting the website according to the configuration you provided.": "",
- "Previous step": "",
- "Retry this step": "",
- "Jirafeau is now fully operational": "",
- "Information": "",
- "The base address of Jirafeau is the first part of the URL, until (and including) the last slash. For example: \"http://www.example.com/\". Do not forget the trailing slash!": "",
- "Base address": "",
- "The data directory is where your files and information about your files will be stored. You should put it outside your web site, or at least restrict the access to this directory. Do not forget the trailing slash!": "",
- "Data directory": "",
- "Jirafeau is internationalised. Choose a specific langage or choose Automatic (langage is provided by user's browser).": "",
- "Choose the default language": "",
- "Next step": "",
- "Jirafeau has an administration interface (through admin.php). You can set a password to access the interface or leave it empty to disable the interface.": "",
- "Administration password": "",
- "Sorry, the admin interface is not enabled.": "",
- "Sorry, you are not authenticated on admin interface.": "",
- "Login": "",
- "Wrong password.": "",
- "Admin interface": "",
- "Clean expired files": "",
- "Clean old unfinished transfers": "",
- "Clean": "",
- "Search files by name": "",
- "Search": "",
- "List all files": "",
- "List": "",
- "Actions": "",
- "Search files by file hash": "",
- "Search a specific link": "",
- "Number of cleaned files": "",
- "Logout": "",
- "You are now loggued out": "",
- "Link deleted": "",
- "Filename": "",
- "file": "",
- "link": "",
- "Type": "",
- "Size": "",
- "Expire": "",
- "Onetime": "",
- "Upload date": "",
- "Origin": "",
- "Action": "",
- "Del link": "",
- "Del file and links": "",
- "Deleted links": "",
- "Welcome to Jirafeau's query interface": "",
- "This interface permits to script your uploads and downloads.": "",
- "The instructions above show how to query this interface.": "",
- "Get server capacity": "",
- "Maximal allowed size of an uploaded file": "",
- "First line returns size (in MB).": "",
- "Get Jirafeau's version": "",
- "Send a GET query to": "",
- "Send a POST query to": "",
- "Upload a file": "",
- "Get a file": "",
- "Required": "",
- "Optional": "",
- "Parameters": "",
- "This will return brut text content.": "",
- "First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.": "",
- "First line is the server capacity (in Bytes).": "",
- "Example": "",
- "If a password has been set, send a POST request with it.": "",
- "Delete a file": "",
- "This will return \"Ok\" if succeeded, \"Error\" otherwhise.": "",
- "Get a generated script": "",
- "This will return brut text content of the code.": "",
- "Initalize an asynchronous transfer": "",
- "The goal is to permit to transfer big file, chunk by chunk.": "",
- "Chunks of data must be sent in order.": "",
- "First line is the asynchronous transfer reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.": "",
- "Push data during asynchronous transfer": "",
- "Returns the next code to use.": "",
- "Finalize asynchronous transfer": "",
- "This will return \"Ok\" or \"Error\" string.": ""
+ "ACCESS_KO": "Acceso denegado",
+ "ACTION": "Acción",
+ "ACTIONS": "Acciones",
+ "ADMIN_INTERFACE": "Panel de Administración",
+ "ADMIN_PSW": "Contraseña de Administración",
+ "ERR_OCC": "Ocurrió un error",
+ "BASE_ADDR": "Dirección base",
+ "USING_SERIVCE": "Al utilizar nuestros servicios, acepta nuestros",
+ "CLEAN": "Limpiar",
+ "CLEAN_EXPIRED": "Limpiar archivos caducados",
+ "CLEAN_INCOMPLETE": "Limpiar las transferencias sin terminar",
+ "DATA_DIR": "Directorio de datos",
+ "DEL_FILE_LINKS": "Borrar archivos y enlaces",
+ "DEL_LINK": "Borrar enlace",
+ "DELETE_LINK": "Eliminar enlace",
+ "DELETED_LINKS": "Eliminar enlaces",
+ "DIRECT_DL": "Enlace de descarga directa",
+ "DL": "Descargar",
+ "DL_PAGE": "Página de descarga",
+ "EXPIRE": "Expira",
+ "FILE_DELETED": "El archivos ha sido borrado",
+ "2_BIG": "El archivo es demasiado grande",
+ "FILE_NOT_AVAIL": "Archivo no disponible",
+ "FILE_LIM": "El tamaño del archivo está limitado a",
+ "FILE_UP": "¡Archivo subido!",
+ "FILENAME": "Nombre del archivo",
+ "FINALIZATION": "Finalización",
+ "GIMME_PSW": "Contraseña para el archivo",
+ "HERE_SOLUTION": "Aquà hay una solución",
+ "INFO": "Información",
+ "JI_INSTALL": "Instalación de Jirafeau",
+ "INSTALL_SCRIPT_HERE": "El Script de instalación todavÃa existe",
+ "INTERNAL_ERROR_DEL": "Error interno durante la creación del archivo",
+ "JI_PROJECT": "Proyecto Jirafeau",
+ "ADMIN_INTERFACE_INFO": "Jirafeau tiene una panel de administración (a través de admin.php). Puede establecer una contraseña para acceder al panel o dejarla vacÃa para deshabilitarla.",
+ "JI_FONCTIONAL": "Jirafeau está ahora completamente operativo",
+ "SETTING_UP": "Jirafeau está configurado de acuerdo a la configuración proporcionada.",
+ "Jirafeau, su repositorio de archivos web": "",
+ "LINK_DELETED": "Enlace eliminado",
+ "LIST": "Lista",
+ "LS_FILES": "Listar todos los archivos",
+ "LOGIN": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "LOGOUT": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "MAX_FILE_SIZE": "Tamaño máximo de archivo",
+ "NEXT_STEP": "Siguiente paso",
+ "NONE": "Ninguna",
+ "CLEANED_FILES_CNT": "Número de archivos eliminados",
+ "1_D": "Un dÃa",
+ "1_H": "Una hora",
+ "1_MIN": "Un minuto",
+ "1_M": "Un mes",
+ "ONE_TIME_DL": "Descargar una vez",
+ "1_W": "Una semana",
+ "1_Y": "Un año",
+ "ONETIME": "Una vez",
+ "ORIGIN": "Origen",
+ "PSW": "Contraseña",
+ "PSW_PROTEC": "Protección por Contraseña",
+ "PREVIEW": "Vista previa",
+ "PREV_STEP": "Paso anterior",
+ "RETRY_STEP": "Reintentar este paso",
+ "SEARCH": "Buscar",
+ "SEARCH_LINK": "Buscar un enlace especÃfico",
+ "SEARH_BY_HASH": "Buscar archivos por HASH de archivo",
+ "SEARCH_NAME": "Buscar archivos por nombre",
+ "SEL_FILE": "Seleccione un archivo",
+ "SEND": "Enviar",
+ "SIZE": "Tamaño",
+ "NO_ADMIN": "Lo sentimos, el panel de administración no está habilitado.",
+ "FILE_404": "Lo sentimos, no se ha encontrado el archivo solicitado",
+ "NO_ADMIN_AUTH": "Lo siento, no estás autenticado en el panel de administración.",
+ "Term Of Service": "Términos del servicio",
+ "ASYNC_DIR_W": "¡No se puede escribir en el directorio asÃncrono!",
+ "BASE_ADDR_INFO": "La dirección base de Jirafeau es la primera parte de la URL, hasta (e incluyendo) la última barra diagonal. Por ejemplo: \"http://www.example.com/\". ¡No olvide la barra diagonal de finalización!",
+ "DATA_DIR_EXPLAINATION": "El directorio de datos es donde se almacenarán los archivos e información acerca de sus archivos, debe ponerlo fuera de su sitio web o, al menos, restringir el acceso a este directorio. ¡No olvide la barra diagonal!",
+ "FILE_DIR_W": "No se puede escribir en el directorio de archivos.",
+ "CANNOT_CREATE_DIR": "No se puede crear el siguiente directorio",
+ "DIR_NOT_W": "No puede escribirse en el siguiente directorio",
+ "LINK_DIR_W": "No se pudo crear el siguiente directorio.",
+ "CONF_SOLUTION": "No se pudo crear el archivo de configuración local. Crear un archivo lib/config.local.php
y dar el permiso de escritura al servidor web (mejor solución) o dar el permiso de escritura al directorio lib/config.local.php
+ "CONF_SOLUTION_2": "La configuracÃon local no puede ser escrita. Dé permisos de escritura al archivo 'lib/config.local.php
+ "FILE_EXPIRED": "El lÃmite de tiempo de este archivo ha finalizado.",
+ "VALID_UNTIL": "Este archivo es válido hasta la siguiente fecha",
+ "CONF_AUTOGEN_COMMENT": "Este archivo ha sido generado por el proceso de instalación. Puede editarlo. Por favor consulte config.original.php para entender los elementos de configuración.",
+ "TIME_LIM": "Tiempo lÃmite",
+ "TYPE": "Tipo",
+ "UPLOAD_DATE": "Fecha de subida",
+ "UP_PSW": "Contraseña de subida",
+ "UP": "Subiendo ...",
+ "VIEW_LINK": "Ver enlace",
+ "AUTO_DESTRUCT": "Advertencia, este archivo se autodestruirá después de ser leÃdo",
+ "BAD_PSW": "Contraseña incorrecta",
+ "NOW_DOWNLOADING": "Estás a punto de descargar",
+ "NOW_LOGOUT": "Ahora estás desconectado",
+ "MANUAL_CREATE": "Debes crear este directorio manualmente.",
+ "GIMME_W": "Debe dar el permiso de escritura a este directorio",
+ "DAY": "dÃa",
+ "FILE": "archivo",
+ "HOUR": "hora",
+ "LESS_1_SEC": "menos de un segundo",
+ "LINK": "enlace",
+ "MINUTE": "minuto",
+ "OUT_OF": "fuera de",
+ "POWERED_BY": "Impulsado por el proyecto Open-Source Jirafeau",
+ "SECOND": "segundo",
+ "STEP": "paso",
+ "YEAR": "año"