* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// Jirafeau constants
-define('JIRAFEAU_PACKAGE', 'Jirafeau');
-define('JIRAFEAU_VERSION', '0.4');
-// directories
-define('VAR_FILES', $cfg['var_root'] . 'files/');
-define('VAR_LINKS', $cfg['var_root'] . 'links/');
-// i18n
-setlocale(LC_ALL, $cfg['lang']);
-bindtextdomain(JIRAFEAU_PACKAGE, JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/locale');
-// useful constants
-if(!defined('NL')) {
- define('NL', "\n");
-define('JIRAFEAU_INFINITY', -1);
-define('JIRAFEAU_MINUTE', 60); // 60
-define('JIRAFEAU_HOUR', 3600); // JIRAFEAU_MINUTE * 60
-define('JIRAFEAU_DAY', 86400); // JIRAFEAU_HOUR * 24
-define('JIRAFEAU_WEEK', 604800); // JIRAFEAU_DAY * 7
-define('JIRAFEAU_MONTH', 2419200); // JIRAFEAU_WEEK * 4
+/* Jirafeau constants */
+define ('JIRAFEAU_PACKAGE', 'Jirafeau');
+define ('JIRAFEAU_VERSION', '1.0');
+/* Directories. */
+define ('VAR_FILES', $cfg['var_root'] . 'files/');
+define ('VAR_LINKS', $cfg['var_root'] . 'links/');
+define ('VAR_ASYNC', $cfg['var_root'] . 'async/');
+/* Useful constants. */
+if (!defined ('NL'))
+ define ('NL', "\n");
+define ('JIRAFEAU_INFINITY', -1);
+define ('JIRAFEAU_MINUTE', 60); // 60
+define ('JIRAFEAU_HOUR', 3600); // JIRAFEAU_MINUTE * 60
+define ('JIRAFEAU_DAY', 86400); // JIRAFEAU_HOUR * 24
+define ('JIRAFEAU_WEEK', 604800); // JIRAFEAU_DAY * 7
+define ('JIRAFEAU_MONTH', 2419200); // JIRAFEAU_WEEK * 4