+Don't squash several changes or commits into one merge request as this is hard to review.
+Please use `next-release` as base branch and send your merge request to this branch (not `master`).
+Quick walkthrough:
+* Create ticket for new feature
+* Fork the original repository, clone the own repository, add the original repository as upstream
+* Checkout `next-release` branch `git checkout next-release`
+* Create a new branch on top of that one, e.g. `some-feature`: `git checkout -b some-feature`
+* Make your change
+* You may check if the project is still [REUSE Compliant](https://reuse.software/) by running `docker run -v $(pwd):/code --rm fsfe/reuse /bin/sh -c "cd /code && reuse lint"`
+* Commit changes → push → send merge request `git add -A; git commit; git push` MR via GitLab (link shown in console)
+* Feature is reviewed
+ * MR accepted: Reviewer checks out `next-release` branch and cherry-picks the commit `git checkout next-release; git cherry-pick be4369641; git push`
+ * MR declined: Reviewer add some notes, Developer rebases his branch, adds neccessary changes, force pushes the branch, ask a reviewer to review the changes in the merge request ticket (as Gitlab recognizes them automatically) `git checkout some-feature; git rebase upstream/next-release` …[add changes]… `git add -A, git commit --amend; git push -f`
+## New Releases
+* If the release is not done for security purposes: create a new issue and freeze next-release branch for at least week.
+* Compare the [`next-release` branch to `master`](https://gitlab.com/jirafeau/Jirafeau/compare/master...next-release)
+* Add a list of noteworthy features and bugfixes to `CHANGELOG.md`
+* Add eventual upgrade procedure to `CHANGELOG.md`. Make sure to list all new configuration items.
+* Build and test docker image
+* Change the version, using [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/), in `settings.php`
+* Merge `next-release` branch to `master`
+* Tag the `master` with the new version
+* Push branch and tag
+* Push new docker image
+* Update the demo page
+* Dance a little