-Jirafeau is a web site permitting to upload a file in a simple way and give an unique link to it.
-A demonstration of the latest version is available on [jirafeau.net](http://jirafeau.net/)
-**Main features**:
-- One upload => One download link & One delete linkp
-- Send any large files (thanks to HTML5)
-- NO database, only use basic PHP
-- Shows progression: speed, percentage and remaining upload time
-- Preview content in browser (if possible)
-- Optional Password protection (for uploading or downloading)
-- Time limitation
-- Option to self-destruct after reading
-- Simple language support :gb: :fr: :de: :it: :nl: :ro: :sk: :hu: :cn: :gr: :ru:
-- Small administration interface
-- File level [Deduplication](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_deduplication) for storage optimization
-- A basic Terms Of Service which can be adapted to your needs
-- Shortened URLs using base 64 encoding
-- API interface
-- Optional data encryption
-- Skins
-Jirafeau is a fork of the original project [Jyraphe](http://home.gna.org/jyraphe/) based on the 0.5 (stable version) with a **lot** of modifications.
+Jirafeau is a "one-click-filesharing": Select your file, upload, share a link. That's it.
+See [jirafeau.net](https://jirafeau.net/) for a demo.
+This project is a fork of the [discontinued project](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/) by [Jérôme Jutteau](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/).
+If you've also forked the original project, feel free to mention it in [comments](https://gitlab.com/mojo42/Jirafeau/-/issues/360). Jérôme will add it there.
+In this repository we are aiming to continue development of the original Jirafeau project. Feel free to contribute to this fork by participating in discussions and providing merge requests, so we can build the best version of Jirafeau together!
+## Main features
+- One upload → one download link and one delete link
+- Send any large files (thanks to the HTML5 file API → PHP `post_max_size` limit not relevant)
+- Shows upload progress: speed, percentage and remaining upload time
+- Preview content in browser (if possible)
+- Optional password protection (for uploading or downloading)
+- Option to require, check or generate file download passwords
+- Set expiration time for downloads
+- Option to self-destruct after first download
+- Shortened URLs using Base64 encoding
+- Maximal upload size configurable
+- No database, only use basic PHP
+- Simple language support with a lot of languages
+- File level [deduplication](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_deduplication) for storage optimization (does store duplicate files only once, but generate multiple links)
+- Optional data encryption
+- Small administration interface
+- CLI script to remove expired files automatically with a cronjob
+- Basic, adaptable "Terms Of Service" page
+- Basic API
+- Bash script to upload files via command line
+- Themes
+Jirafeau is a fork of the original project [Jyraphe](https://web.archive.org/web/20170506133242/home.gna.org/jyraphe) based on the 0.5 (stable version) with a **lot** of modifications.