-### Update from 1.0 to 1.1
-1. Backup you Jirafeau installation
-2. Block access to Jirafeau
-3. Checkout new version using git tag 1.1
-4. With you browser, go to your Jirafeau root page
-5. Follow installation wizard, it should propose you the same data folder
-6. Add a rewrite rule in your web server configuration to rename file.php to f.php to make old url work again
-7. Go in you lib/config.local.php and lib/config.original.php to check new options and eventually change skin to 'courgette'
+## Version 1.2.0
+- Link on API page to generate bash script
+- More informative error codes for API
+- Security Fix: Prevent authentication bypass for admin interface
+- CLI script to remove expired files automatically with a cronjob
+- SHA-256 hash the admin password
+- New theme "elegantish"
+- Fix for JavaScript MIME-Type, prevents blocking the resource on some servers
+- Show download link for a file in admin interface
+- Default time for expiration (set to 'month' by default)
+- New expiration time: 'quarter'
+- A lof of translation contributions
+- Code cleanups
+## Version 2.0.0
+- Various documentation improvements
+- Simplify automatic generation of local configuration file
+- Set a custom title
+- Bash Script: Enhanced help, show version, return link to web view as well
+- »Terms of Service« refactored - Enable admin to overwrite the ToS, without changing existing source code → breaking, see upgrade notes
+## Version 3.0.0
+- Remove XHTML doctype, support HTML5 only → breaking change for older browsers
+- Remove redundant code
+- Remove baseurl usage and set absolute links instead, which for example fixes SSL issues
+- Extend contribution guide
+- Switch to PSR-2 code style (fix line endings, indentations, whitespaces, etc)
+- Declare system requirements
+- Catch API errors in upload form
+- Allow clients to upload files depending on IP or password
+- Set UTC as timezone to prevent date/time issues
+- Show readable date & time information
+- Fix UI glitches in admin panel and upload form
+## Version 3.1.0
+- Fix regression on user authentication (see #113)
+- Some cosmetic change
+## Version 3.2.0
+- Update translations from Update translations from weblate
+- Better style
+- Fix regression on admin password setting
+## Version 3.2.1
+- fix download view after an upload
+## Version 3.3.0
+- Added Docker Support
+- Added a copy button next to links to copy URLs in clipboard
+- Now use a delete page to confirm file deletion (#136)
+- Fixed object ProgressEvent Error (#127)
+- Added configuration tips for web servers
+- More translations
+- Style fixes
+- Removed useless alias API support (some old toy)
+## Version 3.4.0
+- Add encryption support in bash script
+- Refactoring of lang system for simpler management
+- Removed installation step asking for language
+- Merged weblate contributions
+- Fixed some spelling issues
+## Version 3.4.1
+- Security fixes, thanks [Bishopfox Team](https://www.bishopfox.com/)
+- Translation fixes
+- Docker fix
+- Advertise javascript license for LibreJS compatibility
+- other minor fixes
+## Version 4.0.0
+- Removed plain-text password support for admin auth (breaking change). Update `admin_password` option using `echo -n MyNewPassw0rd | sha256sum` command.
+- Default folder sub-division to 8 characters (breaking change).
+- New option `upload_ip_nopassword` to allow a list of IP to access Jirafeau without password
+- Bugfix with LibreJS
+- Other minor bug fixes
+- More languages supported