<form action = "<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method = "post">
+ <tr>
+ <input type = "hidden" name = "action" value = "clean_async"/>
+ <td class = "info">
+ <?php echo t('Clean old unfinished transferts'); ?>
+ </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>
+ <input type = "submit" value = "<?php echo t('Clean'); ?>" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </form>
+ <form action = "<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method = "post">
<input type = "hidden" name = "action" value = "list"/>
<td class = "info">
echo t('Number of cleaned files') . ' : ' . $total;
echo '</p></div>';
+ elseif (strcmp ($_POST['action'], 'clean_async') == 0)
+ {
+ $total = jirafeau_admin_clean_async ();
+ echo '<div class="message">' . NL;
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo t('Number of cleaned files') . ' : ' . $total;
+ echo '</p></div>';
+ }
elseif (strcmp ($_POST['action'], 'list') == 0)
jirafeau_admin_list ("", "", "");
+header ('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
header ('Content-Length: ' . $link['file_size']);
-header ('Content-Type: ' . $link['mime_type']);
if (!jirafeau_is_viewable ($link['mime_type']) || !$cfg['preview'] || $button_download)
header ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
$link['file_name'] . '"');
+ header ('Content-Type: ' . $link['mime_type']);
+/* Read file */
+$r = fopen (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['md5'], 'r');
+while (!feof ($r))
+ print fread ($r, 1024);
+ ob_flush();
-readfile (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['md5']);
+fclose ($r);
+//readfile (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['md5']);
if ($link['onetime'] == 'O')
jirafeau_delete_link ($link_name);
document.getElementById('send').style.display = '';
- <p class="config">
- <?php echo t('Maximum file size') . ': ' . jirafeau_get_max_upload_size (); ?>
- </p>
+ <p id="max_file_size" class="config"></p>
<input type="submit" id="send" value="<?php echo t('Send'); ?>"
document.getElementById('upload').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('uploading').style.display = '';
- start_upload('<?php echo $cfg['web_root']; ?>');
+ upload ('<?php echo $cfg['web_root']; ?>', <?php echo jirafeau_get_max_upload_size_bytes (); ?>);
<div id="options">
document.getElementById('upload_finished').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('options').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('send').style.display = 'none';
+ if (!check_html5_file_api ())
+ document.getElementById('max_file_size').innerHTML = '<?php
+ echo t('You browser may not support HTML5 so the maximum file size is ') . jirafeau_get_max_upload_size ();
+ ?>';
<?php require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/template/footer.php'); ?>
$path . '</code><br />' . $solution_str .
'<br />' . $mkdir_str2);
- foreach (array ('files', 'links') as $subdir)
+ foreach (array ('files', 'links', 'async') as $subdir)
$subpath = $path.$subdir;
document.getElementById('validity').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('uploading').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('upload').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('upload_finished').style.display = '';
+function show_upload_progression (p)
+ document.getElementById('uploaded_percentage').innerHTML = p;
function upload_progress (e)
if (!e.lengthComputable)
* to give a response before providing the link.
var p = Math.round (e.loaded * 99 / e.total);
- document.getElementById('uploaded_percentage').innerHTML = p.toString() + '%';
+ show_upload_progression (p.toString() + '%');
function upload_failed (e)
alert ('Sorry, upload failed');
-function upload (url, file, time, password, one_time)
+function classic_upload (url, file, time, password, one_time)
var req = new XMLHttpRequest ();
- req.upload.addEventListener("progress", upload_progress, false);
- req.addEventListener("error", upload_failed, false);
- req.addEventListener("abort", upload_failed, false);
+ req.upload.addEventListener ("progress", upload_progress, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("error", upload_failed, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("abort", upload_failed, false);
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200)
d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 604800);
else if (time == 'month')
d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 2419200);
+ else
+ return;
show_link (url, res[0], res[1], d.toString());
req.send (form);
-function start_upload (url)
+function check_html5_file_api ()
+ if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+var async_global_transfered = 0;
+var async_global_url = '';
+var async_global_file;
+var async_global_ref = '';
+var async_global_max_size = 0;
+var async_global_time;
+var async_global_transfering = 0;
+function async_upload_start (url, max_size, file, time, password, one_time)
- upload (url,
+ async_global_transfered = 0;
+ async_global_url = url;
+ async_global_file = file;
+ async_global_max_size = max_size;
+ async_global_time = time;
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest ();
+ req.addEventListener ("error", upload_failed, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("abort", upload_failed, false);
+ req.onreadystatechange = function ()
+ {
+ if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200)
+ {
+ var res = req.responseText;
+ if (res == "Error")
+ return;
+ res = res.split ("\n");
+ async_global_ref = res[0];
+ var code = res[1];
+ async_upload_push (code);
+ }
+ }
+ req.open ("POST", async_global_url + 'script.php?init_async' , true);
+ var form = new FormData();
+ form.append ("filename", async_global_file.name);
+ form.append ("type", async_global_file.type);
+ if (time)
+ form.append ("time", time);
+ if (password)
+ form.append ("key", password);
+ if (one_time)
+ form.append ("one_time_download", '1');
+ req.send (form);
+function async_upload_progress (e)
+ if (!e.lengthComputable && async_global_file.size != 0)
+ return;
+ var p = Math.round ((e.loaded + async_global_transfered) * 99 / (async_global_file.size));
+ show_upload_progression (p.toString() + '%');
+function async_upload_push (code)
+ if (async_global_transfered == async_global_file.size)
+ {
+ async_upload_end (code);
+ return;
+ }
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest ();
+ req.upload.addEventListener ("progress", async_upload_progress, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("error", upload_failed, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("abort", upload_failed, false);
+ req.onreadystatechange = function ()
+ {
+ if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200)
+ {
+ var res = req.responseText;
+ if (res == "Error")
+ return;
+ res = res.split ("\n");
+ var code = res[0]
+ async_global_transfered = async_global_transfering;
+ async_upload_push (code);
+ }
+ }
+ req.open ("POST", async_global_url + 'script.php?push_async' , true);
+ var chunk_size = parseInt (async_global_max_size * 0.90);
+ var start = async_global_transfered;
+ var end = start + chunk_size;
+ if (end >= async_global_file.size)
+ end = async_global_file.size;
+ var blob = async_global_file.slice (start, end);
+ async_global_transfering = end;
+ var form = new FormData();
+ form.append ("ref", async_global_ref);
+ form.append ("data", blob);
+ form.append ("code", code);
+ req.send (form);
+function async_upload_end (code)
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest ();
+ req.addEventListener ("error", upload_failed, false);
+ req.addEventListener ("abort", upload_failed, false);
+ req.onreadystatechange = function ()
+ {
+ if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200)
+ {
+ var res = req.responseText;
+ if (res == "Error")
+ return;
+ res = res.split ("\n");
+ if (async_global_time != 'none')
+ {
+ var d = new Date();
+ if (async_global_time == 'minute')
+ d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 60);
+ else if (async_global_time == 'hour')
+ d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 3600);
+ else if (async_global_time == 'day')
+ d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 86400);
+ else if (async_global_time == 'week')
+ d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 604800);
+ else if (async_global_time == 'month')
+ d.setSeconds (d.getSeconds() + 2419200);
+ else
+ return;
+ show_link (async_global_url, res[0], res[1], d.toString());
+ }
+ else
+ show_link (async_global_url, res[0], res[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ req.open ("POST", async_global_url + 'script.php?end_async' , true);
+ var form = new FormData();
+ form.append ("ref", async_global_ref);
+ form.append ("code", code);
+ req.send (form);
+function upload (url, max_size)
+ if (check_html5_file_api ()
+ && document.getElementById('file_select').files[0].size >= max_size)
+ {
+ async_upload_start (url,
+ max_size,
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ classic_upload (url,
+ document.getElementById('file_select').files[0],
+ document.getElementById('select_time').value,
+ document.getElementById('input_key').value,
+ document.getElementById('one_time_download').checked
+ );
+ }
return $o;
+ * Generate a random code.
+ * @param $l code length
+ * @return random code.
+ */
+jirafeau_gen_random ($l)
+ if ($l <= 0)
+ return 42;
+ $code="";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++)
+ $code .= dechex (rand (0, 15));
+ return $code;
jirafeau_human_size ($octets)
return $bytes;
+ * gets the maximum upload size according to php.ini
+ * @returns the maximum upload size in bytes
+ */
+jirafeau_get_max_upload_size_bytes ()
+ return min (jirafeau_ini_to_bytes (ini_get ('post_max_size')),
+ jirafeau_ini_to_bytes (ini_get ('upload_max_filesize')));
* gets the maximum upload size according to php.ini
* @returns the maximum upload size string
'delete_link' => ''));
- /* increment or create count file */
+ /* Increment or create count file. */
$counter = 0;
if (file_exists (VAR_FILES . $p . $md5 . '_count'))
fclose ($handle);
/* Create delete code. */
- $delete_link_code = 0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
- $delete_link_code .= dechex (rand (0, 16));
+ $delete_link_code = jirafeau_gen_random (8);
/* md5 password or empty */
$password = '';
$handle = fopen ($link_tmp_name, 'w');
fwrite ($handle,
$name . NL. $mime_type . NL. $size . NL. $password . NL. $time .
- NL . $md5. NL . ($one_time_download ? 'O' : 'R') . NL.date ('U') .
- NL. $ip . NL. $delete_link_code . NL);
+ NL . $md5. NL . ($one_time_download ? 'O' : 'R') . NL . date ('U') .
+ NL . $ip . NL. $delete_link_code . NL);
fclose ($handle);
$md5_link = base_16_to_64 (md5_file ($link_tmp_name));
$l = s2p ("$md5_link");
return false;
// Error handling functions.
//! Global array that contains all registered errors.
$error_list = array ();
if (!is_writable (VAR_LINKS))
add_error (t('The link directory is not writable!'), VAR_LINKS);
+ if (!is_writable (VAR_ASYNC))
+ add_error (t('The async directory is not writable!'), VAR_ASYNC);
/* Check if the install.php script is still in the directory. */
if (file_exists (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'install.php'))
return $count;
+ * Clean old async transferts.
+ * @return number of cleaned files.
+ */
+jirafeau_admin_clean_async ()
+ $count = 0;
+ /* Get all links files. */
+ $stack = array (VAR_ASYNC);
+ while (($d = array_shift ($stack)) && $d != NULL)
+ {
+ $dir = scandir ($d);
+ foreach ($dir as $node)
+ {
+ if (strcmp ($node, '.') == 0 || strcmp ($node, '..') == 0 ||
+ preg_match ('/\.tmp/i', "$node"))
+ continue;
+ if (is_dir ($d . $node))
+ {
+ /* Push new found directory. */
+ $stack[] = $d . $node . '/';
+ }
+ elseif (is_file ($d . $node))
+ {
+ /* Read async informations. */
+ $a = jirafeau_get_async_ref (basename ($node));
+ if (!count ($a))
+ continue;
+ /* Delete transferts older than 1 hour. */
+ if (date ('U') - $a['last_edited'] > 3600)
+ {
+ jirafeau_async_delete (basename ($node));
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $count;
+ * Read async transfert informations
+ * @return array containing informations.
+ */
+jirafeau_get_async_ref ($ref)
+ $out = array ();
+ $refinfos = VAR_ASYNC . s2p ("$ref") . "$ref";
+ if (!file_exists ($refinfos))
+ return $out;
+ $c = file ($refinfos);
+ $out['file_name'] = trim ($c[0]);
+ $out['mime_type'] = trim ($c[1]);
+ $out['key'] = trim ($c[2], NL);
+ $out['time'] = trim ($c[3]);
+ $out['onetime'] = trim ($c[4]);
+ $out['ip'] = trim ($c[5]);
+ $out['last_edited'] = trim ($c[6]);
+ $out['next_code'] = trim ($c[7]);
+ return $out;
+ * Delete async transfert informations
+ */
+jirafeau_async_delete ($ref)
+ $p = s2p ("$ref");
+ if (file_exists (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref))
+ unlink (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref);
+ if (file_exists (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref . '_data'))
+ unlink (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref . '_data');
+ $parse = VAR_ASYNC . $p;
+ $scan = array();
+ while (file_exists ($parse)
+ && ($scan = scandir ($parse))
+ && count ($scan) == 2 // '.' and '..' folders => empty.
+ && basename ($parse) != basename (VAR_ASYNC))
+ {
+ rmdir ($parse);
+ $parse = substr ($parse, 0, strlen($parse) - strlen(basename ($parse)) - 1);
+ }
+ * Init a new asynchronous upload.
+ * @param $finename Name of the file to send
+ * @param $one_time One time upload parameter
+ * @param $key eventual password (or blank)
+ * @param $time time limit
+ * @param $ip ip address of the client
+ * @return a string containing a temporary reference followed by a code or the string "Error"
+ */
+jirafeau_async_init ($filename, $type, $one_time, $key, $time, $ip)
+ $res = 'Error';
+ /* Create temporary folder. */
+ $ref;
+ $p;
+ $code = jirafeau_gen_random (4);
+ do
+ {
+ $ref = jirafeau_gen_random (32);
+ $p = VAR_ASYNC . s2p ($ref);
+ } while (file_exists ($p));
+ @mkdir ($p, 0755, true);
+ if (!file_exists ($p))
+ {
+ echo "Error";
+ return;
+ }
+ /* md5 password or empty */
+ $password = '';
+ if (!empty ($key))
+ $password = md5 ($key);
+ /* Store informations. */
+ $p .= $ref;
+ $handle = fopen ($p, 'w');
+ fwrite ($handle,
+ $filename . NL. $type . NL. $password . NL. $time . NL .
+ ($one_time ? 'O' : 'R') . NL . $ip . NL . date ('U') . NL .
+ $code . NL);
+ fclose ($handle);
+ return $ref . NL . $code ;
+ * Append a piece of file on the asynchronous upload.
+ * @param $ref asynchronous upload reference
+ * @param $file piece of data
+ * @param $code client code for this operation
+ * @return a string containing a next code to use or the string "Error"
+ */
+jirafeau_async_push ($ref, $data, $code)
+ /* Get async infos. */
+ $a = jirafeau_get_async_ref ($ref);
+ /* Check some errors. */
+ if (count ($a) == 0
+ || $a['next_code'] != "$code"
+ || empty ($data['tmp_name'])
+ || !is_uploaded_file ($data['tmp_name']))
+ return "Error";
+ $p = s2p ($ref);
+ /* Concatenate data. */
+ $r = fopen ($data['tmp_name'], 'r');
+ $w = fopen (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref . '_data', 'a');
+ while (!feof ($r))
+ {
+ if (fwrite ($w, fread ($r, 1024)) === false)
+ {
+ fclose ($r);
+ fclose ($w);
+ jirafeau_async_delete ($ref);
+ return "Error";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose ($r);
+ fclose ($w);
+ unlink ($data['tmp_name']);
+ /* Update async file. */
+ $code = jirafeau_gen_random (4);
+ $handle = fopen (VAR_ASYNC . $p . $ref, 'w');
+ fwrite ($handle,
+ $a['file_name'] . NL. $a['mime_type'] . NL. $a['key'] . NL .
+ $a['time'] . NL . $a['onetime'] . NL . $a['ip'] . NL .
+ date ('U') . NL . $code . NL);
+ fclose ($handle);
+ return $code;
+ * Finalyze an asynchronous upload.
+ * @param $ref asynchronous upload reference
+ * @param $code client code for this operation
+ * @return a string containing the download reference followed by a delete code or the string "Error"
+ */
+jirafeau_async_end ($ref, $code)
+ /* Get async infos. */
+ $a = jirafeau_get_async_ref ($ref);
+ if (count ($a) == 0
+ || $a['next_code'] != "$code")
+ return "Error";
+ /* Generate link infos. */
+ $p = VAR_ASYNC . s2p ($ref) . $ref . "_data";
+ if (!file_exists($p))
+ return "Error";
+ $md5 = md5_file ($p);
+ $size = filesize($p);
+ $np = s2p ($md5);
+ $delete_link_code = jirafeau_gen_random (8);
+ /* File already exist ? */
+ if (!file_exists (VAR_FILES . $np))
+ @mkdir (VAR_FILES . $np, 0755, true);
+ if (!file_exists (VAR_FILES . $np . $md5))
+ rename ($p, VAR_FILES . $np . $md5);
+ /* Increment or create count file. */
+ $counter = 0;
+ if (file_exists (VAR_FILES . $np . $md5 . '_count'))
+ {
+ $content = file (VAR_FILES . $np . $md5. '_count');
+ $counter = trim ($content[0]);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ $handle = fopen (VAR_FILES . $np . $md5. '_count', 'w');
+ fwrite ($handle, $counter);
+ fclose ($handle);
+ /* Create link. */
+ $link_tmp_name = VAR_LINKS . $md5 . rand (0, 10000) . ' .tmp';
+ $handle = fopen ($link_tmp_name, 'w');
+ fwrite ($handle,
+ $a['file_name'] . NL . $a['mime_type'] . NL . $size . NL .
+ $a['key'] . NL . $a['time'] . NL . $md5 . NL . $a['onetime'] . NL .
+ date ('U') . NL . $a['ip'] . NL . $delete_link_code . NL);
+ fclose ($handle);
+ $md5_link = base_16_to_64 (md5_file ($link_tmp_name));
+ $l = s2p ("$md5_link");
+ if (!@mkdir (VAR_LINKS . $l, 0755, true) ||
+ !rename ($link_tmp_name, VAR_LINKS . $l . $md5_link))
+ echo "Error";
+ /* Clean async upload. */
+ jirafeau_async_delete ($ref);
+ return $md5_link . NL . $delete_link_code;
\ No newline at end of file
'One month' => 'Un mois',
'The file directory is not writable' => 'Le dossier \'file\' ne peut être écrit.',
'The link directory is not writable' => 'Le dossier \'link\' ne peut être écrit.',
+ 'The async directory is not writable!' => 'Le dossier \'async\' ne peut être écrit.',
'Installer script still present' => 'Le script d\'installation est toujours présent',
'Please make sure to delete the installer script "install.php" before continuing.' => 'Assurez vous de supprimer le fichier "install.php" avant de continuer.',
'An error occurred.' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite',
'Wrong password.' => 'Mot de passe invalide.',
'Admin interface' => 'Interface d\'adminitration',
'Clean expired files' => 'Nettoie les fichiers périmés',
+ 'Clean old unfinished transferts' => 'Nettoie les vieux transferts inachevés',
'Clean' => 'Nettoyage',
'Search files by name' => 'Rechercher les fichiers par leur nom',
'Search' => 'Rechercher',
'This will return "Ok" if succeded, "Error" otherwhise.' => 'Retourne "OK" en cas de succès, "Error" dans le cas contraire.',
'Get a generated scripts' => 'Récupérer un script généré',
'This will return brut text content of the code.' => 'Renvoie le code sous forme the texte brut.',
+ 'Initalize a asynchronous transfert' => 'Initialiser un transfert asynchrone',
+ 'The goal is to permit to transfert big file, chunk by chunk.' => 'Le but est de permettre de transférer de gros fichiers, morceaux par morceaux.',
+ 'Chunks of data must be sent in order.' => 'Chaque morceau doit être envoyé dans l\'ordre.',
+ 'First line is the asynchronous transfert reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.'
+ => 'La première ligne correspond à la référence de transfert asynchrone, la seconde au code à utiliser dans la prochaine requette.',
+ 'Push data during asynchronous transfert' => 'Envoyer des données pendant un transfert asynchrone',
+ 'Returns the next code to use.' => 'Renvoie le prochain code à utiliser.',
+ 'Finalize asynchronous transfert' => 'Finalise un transfert asynchrone',
\ No newline at end of file
/* Directories. */
define ('VAR_FILES', $cfg['var_root'] . 'files/');
define ('VAR_LINKS', $cfg['var_root'] . 'links/');
+define ('VAR_ASYNC', $cfg['var_root'] . 'async/');
/* Useful constants. */
if (!defined ('NL'))
define ('JIRAFEAU_MINUTE', 60); // 60
define ('JIRAFEAU_HOUR', 3600); // JIRAFEAU_MINUTE * 60
define ('JIRAFEAU_DAY', 86400); // JIRAFEAU_HOUR * 24
-define ('JIRAFEAU_WEEK', 604800); // JIRAFEAU_DAY * 7
-define ('JIRAFEAU_MONTH', 2419200); // JIRAFEAU_WEEK * 4
+define ('JIRAFEAU_WEEK', 604800); // JIRAFEAU_DAY * 7
+define ('JIRAFEAU_MONTH', 2419200); // JIRAFEAU_WEEK * 4
foreach ($script_langages as $lang => $name)\r
echo "$name: <a href=\"" . $web_root . "script.php?lang=$lang\">" . $web_root . "script.php?lang=$lang</a> ";\r
echo '</p>';\r
+ \r
+ echo '<h3>' . t('Initalize a asynchronous transfert') . ':</h3>';\r
+ echo '<p>';\r
+ echo t('The goal is to permit to transfert big file, chunk by chunk.') . ' ';\r
+ echo t('Chunks of data must be sent in order.');\r
+ echo '</p>';\r
+ echo '<p>';\r
+ echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?init_async</i><br />';\r
+ echo '<br />';\r
+ echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
+ echo "<b>filename=</b>file_name.ext<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>type=</b>MIME_TYPE<i> (" . t('Optional') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>time=</b>[minute|hour|day|week|month|none]<i> (" . t('Optional') . ', '. t('default: none') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>password=</b>your_password<i> (" . t('Optional') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>one_time_download=</b>1<i> (" . t('Optional') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo '</p>';\r
+ echo '<p>' . t('This will return brut text content.') . ' ' .\r
+ t('First line is the asynchronous transfert reference and the second line the code to use in the next operation.') . '<br /></p>';\r
+ echo '<h3>' . t('Push data during asynchronous transfert') . ':</h3>';\r
+ echo '<p>';\r
+ echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?push_async</i><br />';\r
+ echo '<br />';\r
+ echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
+ echo "<b>ref=</b>async_reference<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>data=</b>data_chunk<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>code=</b>last_provided_code<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo '</p>';\r
+ echo '<p>' . t('This will return brut text content.') . ' ' .\r
+ t('Returns the next code to use.') . '<br /></p>';\r
+ echo '<h3>' . t('Finalize asynchronous transfert') . ':</h3>';\r
+ echo '<p>';\r
+ echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?end_async</i><br />';\r
+ echo '<br />';\r
+ echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
+ echo "<b>ref=</b>async_reference<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo "<b>code=</b>last_provided_code<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
+ echo '</p>';\r
+ echo '<p>' . t('This will return brut text content.') . ' ' .\r
+ t('First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.') . '<br /></p>';\r
echo '</div><br />';\r
require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/template/footer.php');\r
+ /* Read file. */\r
header ('Content-Length: ' . $link['file_size']);\r
header ('Content-Type: ' . $link['mime_type']);\r
header ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .\r
$link['file_name'] . '"');\r
- readfile (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['md5']);\r
+ $r = fopen (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['md5'], 'r');\r
+ while (!feof ($r))\r
+ {\r
+ print fread ($r, 1024);\r
+ ob_flush();\r
+ }\r
+ fclose ($r);\r
if ($link['onetime'] == 'O')\r
jirafeau_delete_link ($link_name);\r
+/* Initialize an asynchronous upload. */\r
+elseif (isset ($_GET['init_async']))\r
+ if (!isset ($_POST['filename']))\r
+ {\r
+ echo "Error";\r
+ exit;\r
+ }\r
+ $type = '';\r
+ if (isset ($_POST['type']))\r
+ $type = $_POST['type'];\r
+ \r
+ $key = '';\r
+ if (isset ($_POST['password']))\r
+ $key = $_POST['password'];\r
+ $time = time ();\r
+ if (!isset ($_POST['time']))\r
+ else\r
+ switch ($_POST['time'])\r
+ {\r
+ case 'minute':\r
+ $time += JIRAFEAU_MINUTE;\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'hour':\r
+ $time += JIRAFEAU_HOUR;\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'day':\r
+ $time += JIRAFEAU_DAY;\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'week':\r
+ $time += JIRAFEAU_WEEK;\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'month':\r
+ $time += JIRAFEAU_MONTH;\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ echo jirafeau_async_init ($_POST['filename'],\r
+ $type,\r
+ isset ($_POST['one_time_download']),\r
+ $key,\r
+ $time,\r
+/* Continue an asynchronous upload. */\r
+elseif (isset ($_GET['push_async']))\r
+ if ((!isset ($_POST['ref']))\r
+ || (!isset ($_FILES['data']))\r
+ || (!isset ($_POST['code'])))\r
+ echo "Error";\r
+ else\r
+ echo jirafeau_async_push ($_POST['ref'], $_FILES['data'], $_POST['code']); \r
+/* Finalize an asynchronous upload. */\r
+elseif (isset ($_GET['end_async']))\r
+ if (!isset ($_POST['ref'])\r
+ || !isset ($_POST['code']))\r
+ echo "Error";\r
+ else\r
+ echo jirafeau_async_end ($_POST['ref'], $_POST['code']);\r
echo "Error";\r
\ No newline at end of file