+# Bash script an easy setup of NextcloudBackup.sh and NextcloudRestore.sh
+# Version 2.3.0
+# Usage:
+# - call the setup.sh script
+# - Enter the required information
+# - You NextcloudBackup.sh and NextcloudRestore.sh scripts will be tailored to match you installation.
+# The script is based on an installation of Nextcloud using nginx and MariaDB, see https://decatec.de/home-server/nextcloud-auf-ubuntu-server-18-04-lts-mit-nginx-mariadb-php-lets-encrypt-redis-und-fail2ban/
+# The setup.sh script automated the configuration for the backup/restore scripts.
+# However, you should always check the backup/restore scripts BEFORE executing these!
+# Make sure the script exits when any command fails
+set -Eeuo pipefail