# Variables
+if [ -z "$backupMainDir" ]; then
+ # TODO: The directory where you store the Nextcloud backups (when not specified by args)
+ backupMainDir="/mnt/Share/NextcloudBackups"
+echo "Backup directory: $backupMainDir"
currentDate=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
-# TODO: The directory where you store the Nextcloud backups
# The actual directory of the current backup - this is a subdirectory of the main directory above with a timestamp
# TODO: The directory of your Nextcloud installation (this is a directory under your web root)
# Backup DB
echo "Backup Nextcloud database..."
+# MySQL/MariaDB:
mysqldump --single-transaction -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" "${nextcloudDatabase}" > "${backupdir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
+# PostgreSQL (uncomment if you are using PostgreSQL as Nextcloud database)
+#PGPASSWORD="${dbPassword}" pg_dump "${nextcloudDatabase}" -h localhost -U "${dbUser}" -f "${backupdir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
echo "Done"