-elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ]; then
+elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "pgsql" ]; then
if ! [ -x "$(command -v psql)" ]; then
errorecho "ERROR: PostgreSQL not installed (command psql not found)."
errorecho "ERROR: No restore of database possible!"
if ! [ -x "$(command -v psql)" ]; then
errorecho "ERROR: PostgreSQL not installed (command psql not found)."
errorecho "ERROR: No restore of database possible!"
#echo "Deleting old Nextcloud local external storage directory..."
#rm -r "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#mkdir -p "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#echo "Deleting old Nextcloud local external storage directory..."
#rm -r "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#mkdir -p "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#echo "Restoring Nextcloud data directory..."
#tar -xmpzf "${currentRestoreDir}/${fileNameBackupExternalDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#echo "Done"
#echo "Restoring Nextcloud data directory..."
#tar -xmpzf "${currentRestoreDir}/${fileNameBackupExternalDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}"
#echo "Done"
mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${nextcloudDatabase} CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci"
# TODO: Use this if the database from the backup DOES NOT use UTF8 with multibyte support (e.g. for emoijs in filenames):
#mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${nextcloudDatabase}"
mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${nextcloudDatabase} CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci"
# TODO: Use this if the database from the backup DOES NOT use UTF8 with multibyte support (e.g. for emoijs in filenames):
#mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${nextcloudDatabase}"
-elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ]; then
+elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "pgsql" ]; then
if [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mysql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mariadb" ]; then
mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" "${nextcloudDatabase}" < "${currentRestoreDir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
if [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mysql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mariadb" ]; then
mysql -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" "${nextcloudDatabase}" < "${currentRestoreDir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
-elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ]; then
+elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "pgsql" ]; then
echo "Setting directory permissions..."
chown -R "${webserverUser}":"${webserverUser}" "${nextcloudFileDir}"
chown -R "${webserverUser}":"${webserverUser}" "${nextcloudDataDir}"
echo "Setting directory permissions..."
chown -R "${webserverUser}":"${webserverUser}" "${nextcloudFileDir}"
chown -R "${webserverUser}":"${webserverUser}" "${nextcloudDataDir}"
echo "Updating the system data-fingerprint..."
sudo -u "${webserverUser}" php ${nextcloudFileDir}/occ maintenance:data-fingerprint
echo "Updating the system data-fingerprint..."
sudo -u "${webserverUser}" php ${nextcloudFileDir}/occ maintenance:data-fingerprint