]> git.p6c8.net - pcdenotes.git/history
2022-01-31 Patrick CanterinoMoved CSS file to "notes" subdirectory
2022-01-31 Patrick CanterinoBottom nav looks good now
2022-01-31 Patrick CanterinoMoved more styles to CSS file
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoAdded "static" directory
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoFixed <h2> CSS classes in archive views
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoRemoved needless double quote
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoReplaced some hard-coded URLs in templates with "url"
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoMoved some styles into a CSS file
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoBegan work on footer navigation
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoAnd now we can list the notes in a certain month
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoNow we can list the months in archive
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoFilter drafts when creating year list
2022-01-30 Patrick CanterinoBegan to implement archive view
2022-01-29 Patrick CanterinoRedirect /notes/ to /
2022-01-29 Patrick CanterinoFlipped title of detail view
2022-01-28 Patrick CanterinoWhen an admin is logged on, display drafts
2022-01-24 Patrick CanterinoAdded copyright notice
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoAllow a title of a note used be more than once
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoDo pagination only if there is more than one page
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoMade footer stay at the bottom
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoUsing <header> and <footer> in HTML
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoModified templates
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoFixed some things in the templates
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoAdded pagination
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoChanged the way the .env file is loaded
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoSwitched from SQLite3 to MariaDB / MySQL
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoGet SECRET_KEY and DEBUG from .env
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoAdded STATIC_ROOT
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoAdded basic bootstrap layout
2022-01-23 Patrick CanterinoUse template inheritance
2022-01-21 Patrick CanterinoMoved venv
2022-01-20 Patrick CanterinoFirst commit of my notes Django application
