+ "SearchEngines": {
+ "Add": [
+ {
+ "Name": "",
+ "URLTemplate": "URL including {searchTerms} to substitute for the terms",
+ "Method": ["GET", "POST"],
+ "IconURL": "URL to icon",
+ "Alias": "Alias that can be used to access the engine",
+ "Description": "Description",
+ "SuggestURLTemplate": "URL for suggestions using {searchTerms}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Default": "Name of engine",
+ "PreventInstalls": [true|false]
+ }
+ }
+### Permissions
+This policy allows you to change the permissions associated with camera, microphone, location, and notifications
+ "policies": {
+ "Permissions": {
+ "Camera": {
+ "Allow": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where camera access is allowed by default */
+ "Block": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where camera access is blocked by default */
+ "BlockNewRequests": [true|false], /* Block new requests to access the camera */
+ "Locked": [true|false] /* Don't allow the user to change the camera preferences */
+ },
+ "Microphone": {
+ "Allow": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where microphone access is allowed by default */
+ "Block": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where microphone access is blocked by default */
+ "BlockNewRequests": [true|false], /* Block new requests to access the microphone */
+ "Locked": [true|false] /* Don't allow the user to change the microphone preferences */
+ },
+ "Location": {
+ "Allow": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where location access is allowed by default */
+ "Block": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where location access is blocked by default */
+ "BlockNewRequests": [true|false], /* Block new requests to access location */
+ "Locked": [true|false] /* Don't allow the user to change the location preferences */
+ },
+ "Notifications": {
+ "Allow": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where sending notifications is allowed by default */
+ "Block": ["http://example.org/"], /* Origins where sending notifications is blocked by default */
+ "BlockNewRequests": [true|false], /* Block new requests to send notifications */
+ "Locked": [true|false] /* Don't allow the user to change the notification preferences */
+ }
+ }