-To specify ports, append them to the URLs with a colon (:). If Locked is set to true, the values can't be changed by the user.
- "Proxy": {
- "Mode": ["none", "system", "manual", "autoDetect", "autoConfig"]
- "Locked": [true, false]
- "UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols": [true, false]
- "SSLProxy": "URL_TO_PROXY",
- "FTPProxy": "URL_TO_PROXY",
- "SOCKSProxy": { "URL_TO_PROXY",
- "SOCKSVersion": [4, 5],
- "Passthrough": "List of passthrough addresses/domains",
- "AutoLogin": [true, false],
- "UseProxyForDNS": [true, false]
+To specify ports, append them to the hostnames with a colon (:). If Locked is set to true, the values can't be changed by the user.
+ "policies": {
+ "Proxy": {
+ "Mode": ["none", "system", "manual", "autoDetect", "autoConfig"],
+ "Locked": [true, false],
+ "HTTPProxy": "hostname",
+ "UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols": [true, false],
+ "SSLProxy": "hostname",
+ "FTPProxy": "hostname",
+ "SOCKSProxy": "hostname",
+ "SOCKSVersion": [4, 5],
+ "Passthrough": "List of passthrough addresses/domains",
+ "AutoLogin": [true, false],
+ "UseProxyForDNS": [true, false]
+ }
+ }
+### SanitizeOnShutdown
+If this policy is set to true, all data is cleared when Firefox is closed. This includes Browsing & Download History, Cookies, Active Logins, Cache, Form & Search History, Site Preferences and Offline Website Data.
+ "policies": {
+ "SanitizeOnShutdown": [true|false]
+ }
+### SearchBar
+This policy can be used to determine if the search bar is separate or combined with the URL bar.
+ "policies": {
+ "SearchBar": ["unified", "separate"]
+ }
+### WebsiteFilter (Machine only)
+This policy blocks websites from being visited. The parameters take an array of Match Patterns, as documented in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Match_patterns. Only http/https addresses are supported at the moment. The arrays are limited to 1000 entries each.
+ "policies": {
+ "WebsiteFilter": {
+ "Block": ["<all_urls>"],
+ "Exceptions": ["http://example.org/*"]
+ }
+ }
+### Search Engines (This policy is only available on the ESR.)
+This policy allows you to add new search engines, as well as set the default and prevent the install of search engines from web pages. Only Name and URLTemplate is required.
+ "policies": {
+ "SearchEngines": {
+ "Add": [
+ {
+ "Name": "",
+ "URLTemplate": "URL including {searchTerms} to substitute for the terms",
+ "Method": ["GET", "POST"],
+ "IconURL": "URL to icon",
+ "Alias": "Alias that can be used to access the engine",
+ "Description": "Description",
+ "SuggestURLTemplate": "URL for suggestions using {searchTerms}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Default": "Name of engine",
+ "PreventInstalls": [true|false]
+ }