-**These policies are in active development and so might contain changes that do not work with current versions of Firefox.**
-**You should use the [officially released versions](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/releases) if you are deploying changes.**
Policies can be specified using the [Group Policy templates on Windows](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/tree/master/windows), [Intune on Windows](https://support.mozilla.org/kb/managing-firefox-intune), [configuration profiles on macOS](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/tree/master/mac), or by creating a file called `policies.json`. On Windows, create a directory called `distribution` where the EXE is located and place the file there. On Mac, the file goes into `Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/distribution`. On Linux, the file goes into `firefox/distribution`, where `firefox` is the installation directory for firefox, which varies by distribution or you can specify system-wide policy by placing the file in `/etc/firefox/policies`.
| Policy Name | Description
| **[`SanitizeOnShutdown` (Selective)](#sanitizeonshutdown-selective)** | Clear data on shutdown.
| **[`SearchBar`](#searchbar)** | Set whether or not search bar is displayed.
| **[`SearchEngines`](#searchengines-this-policy-is-only-available-on-the-esr)** |
+| **[`SearchEngines -> Add`](#searchengines--add)** | Add new search engines.
| **[`SearchEngines -> Default`](#searchengines--default)** | Set the default search engine.
| **[`SearchEngines -> PreventInstalls`](#searchengines--preventinstalls)** | Prevent installing search engines from webpages.
| **[`SearchEngines -> Remove`](#searchengines--remove)** | Hide built-in search engines.
-| **[`SearchEngines -> Add`](#searchengines--add)** | Add new search engines.
| **[`SearchSuggestEnabled`](#searchsuggestenabled)** | Enable search suggestions.
| **[`SecurityDevices`](#securitydevices)** | Install PKCS #11 modules.
| **[`ShowHomeButton`](#showhomebutton)** | Show the home button on the toolbar.
`Block` is a list of origins (not domains) where cookies are always blocked. You must include http or https.
-`Default` determines whether cookies are accepted at all.
+`Behavior` sets the default behavior for cookies based on the values below.
+`BehaviorPrivateBrowsing` sets the default behavior for cookies in private browsing based on the values below.
+| Value | Description
+| --- | ---
+| accept | Accept all cookies
+| reject-foreign | Reject third party cookies
+| reject | Reject all cookies
+| limit-foreign | Reject third party cookies for sites you haven't visited
+| reject-tracker | Reject cookies for known trackers (default)
+| reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign | Reject cookies for known trackers and partition third-party cookies (Total Cookie Protection) (default for private browsing)
-`AcceptThirdParty` determines how third-party cookies are handled.
+`Default` (Deprecated) determines whether cookies are accepted at all.
+`AcceptThirdParty` (Deprecated) determines how third-party cookies are handled.
`ExpireAtSessionEnd` determines when cookies expire.
-`RejectTracker` only rejects cookies for trackers.
+`RejectTracker` (Deprecated) only rejects cookies for trackers.
`Locked` prevents the user from changing cookie preferences.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (RejectTracker added in Firefox 63, AllowSession added in Firefox 79/78.1)\
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (RejectTracker added in Firefox 63, AllowSession added in Firefox 79/78.1, Behavior added in Firefox 95/91.4)\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `network.cookie.cookieBehavior`, `network.cookie.lifetimePolicy`
+**Preferences Affected:** `network.cookie.cookieBehavior`, `network.cookie.cookieBehavior.pbmode`, `network.cookie.lifetimePolicy`
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\AcceptThirdParty = "always" | "never" | "from-visited"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\ExpireAtSessionEnd = 0x1 | 0x0
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\RejectTracker = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\Behavior = "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\BehaviorPrivateBrowsing = "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<data id="Cookies_Behavior" value="accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"/>
+Value (string):
+<data id="Cookies_BehaviorPrivateBrowsing" value="accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"/>
#### macOS
<true/> | <false/>
<true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Behavior</key>
+ <string>accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign</string>
+ <key>BehaviorPrivateBrowsing</key>
+ <string>accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign</string>
"AcceptThirdParty": "always" | "never" | "from-visited",
"ExpireAtSessionEnd": true | false,
"RejectTracker": true | false,
- "Locked": true | false
+ "Locked": true | false,
+ "Behavior": "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign",
+ "BehaviorPrivateBrowsing": "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign",
| security.tls.version.enable-deprecated | boolean | false
| If true, browser will accept TLS 1.0. and TLS 1.1 (Firefox 86, Firefox 78.8).
| security.warn_submit_secure_to_insecure | boolean | true
-| If false, no warning is shown when submitting s form from https to http.
+| If false, no warning is shown when submitting a form from https to http.
Using the preference as the key, set the `Value` to the corresponding preference value.
If a value is locked, it is also set as the default.
-User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy.
+User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy. An example of this is ```toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets```.
User preferences persist even if the policy is removed, so if you need to remove them, you should use the clear policy.
`ExtensionRecommendations` If false, don't recommend extensions while the user is visiting web pages.
-`FeatureRecommendations` IF false, don't recommend browser features.
+`FeatureRecommendations` If false, don't recommend browser features.
`UrlbarInterventions` If false, Don't offer Firefox specific suggestions in the URL bar.