| `force_installed`| The extension is automatically installed and can't be removed by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `normal_installed`| The extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. If installing from the local file system, use a file:/// URL. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi.
| `force_installed`| The extension is automatically installed and can't be removed by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `normal_installed`| The extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. If installing from the local file system, use a file:/// URL. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi.