<string id="EncryptedMediaExtensions_group">DRM-Medien Erweiterungen</string>
<string id="PDFjs_group">PDF.js</string>
<string id="PictureInPicture_group">Bild in Bild</string>
+ <string id="ProxySettings_group">Proxy Settings</string>
<string id="Allow">Erlaubte Seiten</string>
<string id="AllowSession">Erlaubte Seiten (Session Only)</string>
<string id="Block">Gesperrte Seiten</string>
<string id="AppUpdatePin_Explain">Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung aktiviert ist, können Sie eine Firefox-Version als xx. oder xx.xx. angeben und Firefox wird nicht über diese Haupt- oder Nebenversion hinaus aktualisiert.
Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung deaktiviert oder nicht konfiguriert ist, wird Firefox normal aktualisiert.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Locked">Do not allow proxy settings to be changed</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Locked_Explain">If this policy is enabled, proxy settings cannot be changed by the user.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can change their proxy settings.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_ConnectionType">Connection Type</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_ConnectionType_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the connection type.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox defaults to using the system proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_HTTPProxy">HTTP Proxy</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_HTTPProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the HTTP Proxy used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTP Proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols">Use HTTP proxy for HTTPS</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the HTTP Proxy is used for HTTPS when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTPS Proxy unless specified.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SSLProxy">HTTPS Proxy</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SSLProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the HTTPS Proxy used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTPS Proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SOCKSProxy">SOCKS Host</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SOCKSProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the SOCKS Host and version used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use a SOCKS Host.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoConfigURL">Automatic proxy configuration URL</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoConfigURL_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the automatic proxy configuration URL.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an automatic proxy configuration URL.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Passthrough">Proxy Passthrough</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Passthrough_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the proxy settings are bypassed for the locations specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not bypass the proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoLogin">Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoLogin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not prompt for proxy authentication when a password is saved.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will always prompt for proxy authentication.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS">Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS_Explain">If this policy is enabled, DNS is proxied when using SOCKS v5.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, DNS is not proxied when using SOCKS v5.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung aktiviert ist, ist die Einstellung auf true gesperrt. Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung deaktiviert ist, ist die Einstellung auf false gesperrt.
Für eine Beschreibung der Einstellung, siehe:
<presentation id="JSON">
<multiTextBox refId="JSON"/>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_ConnectionType">
+ <dropdownList refId="Proxy_ConnectionType"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_HTTPProxy">
+ <textBox refId="Proxy_HTTPProxy">
+ <label>Host including port:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_SSLProxy">
+ <textBox refId="Proxy_SSLProxy">
+ <label>Host including port:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_SOCKSProxy">
+ <text>Host including port:</text>
+ <textBox refId="Proxy_SOCKSProxy">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>SOCKS Version:</text>
+ <dropdownList refId="Proxy_SOCKSVersion"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_AutoConfigURL">
+ <textBox refId="Proxy_AutoConfigURL">
+ <label>URL:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy_Passthrough">
+ <text>No proxy for</text>
+ <textBox refId="Proxy_Passthrough">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>Example: .mozilla.org, .net.nz,</text>
+ <text>Connections to localhost,, and ::1 are never proxied.</text>
+ </presentation>