<string id="DisablePocket_Explain">Prevents ability to save webpages to Pocket.</string>
<string id="DisablePrivateBrowsing">Disable Private Browsing</string>
<string id="DisablePrivateBrowsing_Explain">Disables private browsing.</string>
+ <string id="DisableSafeMode">Disable Safe Mode</string>
+ <string id="DisableSafeMode_Explain">Prevents ability to restart in safe mode.</string>
<string id="DisableSysAddonUpdate">Disable System Addon Updates</string>
<string id="DisableSysAddonUpdate_Explain">Prevent the browser from installing and updating system addons.</string>
<string id="DisplayBookmarksToolbar">Display Bookmarks Toolbar</string>
<string id="HomepageURL_Explain">Homepage Settings</string>
<string id="HomepageAdditional">Additional Homepages</string>
<string id="HomepageAdditional_Explain">If you want to have more than one homepage</string>
+ <string id="Proxy">Proxy Settings</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you should select the connection type and then fill in the appropriate sections. Due to a bug, you must select a value for the SOCKS proxy version.</string>
+ <string id="SOCKSVersion4">SOCKS v4</string>
+ <string id="SOCKSVersion5">SOCKS v5</string>
+ <string id="AutoConfigURL">Automatic proxy configuration URL</string>
+ <string id="AutoConfigURL_Explain">These should only be set if you selected autoConfig</string>
+ <string id="Passthrough">Proxy bypass URLs</string>
+ <string id="Passthrough_Explain">These should only be set if you selected manual proxy</string>
+ <string id="Connection">Connection Type</string>
+ <string id="NoProxy">No Proxy</string>
+ <string id="SystemProxy">Use system proxy settings</string>
+ <string id="ManualProxy">Manual proxy configuration</string>
+ <string id="AutoDetectProxy">Auto-detect proxy settings</string>
+ <string id="AutoConfigProxy">Automatic proxy configuration</string>
<presentation id="PopupsAllow"><listBox refId="PopupsAllowDesc">Allow popups for websites</listBox></presentation>
+ <presentation id="Proxy">
+ <checkBox refId="ProxyLocked">Don't allow proxy settings to be changed.</checkBox>
+ <text>Connection Type:</text>
+ <dropdownList refId="ConnectionType"/>
+ <text>HTTP Proxy:</text>
+ <textBox refId="HTTPProxy">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <checkBox refId="UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols">Use this proxy server for all protocols.</checkBox>
+ <text>SSL Proxy:</text>
+ <textBox refId="SSLProxy">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>FTP Proxy:</text>
+ <textBox refId="FTPProxy">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>SOCKS Host:</text>
+ <textBox refId="SOCKSProxy">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>SOCKS Version:</text>
+ <dropdownList refId="SOCKSVersion"/>
+ <text>No proxy for</text>
+ <textBox refId="Passthrough">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <text>Example: .mozilla.org, .net.nz,</text>
+ <text>Automatic proxy configuration URL:</text>
+ <textBox refId="AutoConfigURL">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ <checkBox refId="AutoLogin">Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved.</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="UseProxyForDNS">Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5.</checkBox>
+ </presentation>