| **[`PictureInPicture`](#pictureinpicture)** | Enable or disable Picture-in-Picture.
| **[`PopupBlocking`](#popupblocking)** | Configure the default pop-up window policy as well as origins for which pop-up windows are allowed.
| **[`Preferences`](#preferences)** | Set and lock preferences.
-| **[`Preferences (Deprecated)`](#preferences--deprecated)** | Set and lock some preferences.
+| **[`Preferences (Deprecated)`](#preferences-deprecated)** | Set and lock some preferences.
| **[`PromptForDownloadLocation`](#promptfordownloadlocation)** | Ask where to save each file before downloading.
| **[`Proxy`](#proxy)** | Configure proxy settings.
| **[`RequestedLocales`](#requestedlocales)** | Set the the list of requested locales for the application in order of preference.
`Status` can be "default", "locked", "user" or "clear"
+Default preferences can be modified by the user.
If a value is locked, it is also set as the default.
-User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox.
+User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy.
+User preferences persist even if the policy is removed, so if you need to remove them, you should use the clear policy.
See the examples below for more detail.