| Policy Name | Description
| --- | --- |
-| **[`AppAutoUpdate`](#appautoupdate)** | Enable or disable automatic application update.
+| **[`3rdparty`](#3rdparty)** | Set policies that WebExtensions can access via chrome.storage.managed.
+| **[`AllowedDomainsForApps`](#alloweddomainsforapps)** | Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace.
+| **[`AppAutoUpdate`](#appautoupdate)** | Enable or disable automatic application update.
| **[`AppUpdateURL`](#appupdateurl)** | Change the URL for application update.
| **[`Authentication`](#authentication)** | Configure sites that support integrated authentication.
+| **[`AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins`](#autolaunchprotocolsfromorigins)** | Define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user.
+| **[`BackgroundAppUpdate`](#backgroundappupdate)** | Enable or disable the background updater (Windows only).
| **[`BlockAboutAddons`](#blockaboutaddons)** | Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons).
| **[`BlockAboutConfig`](#blockaboutconfig)** | Block access to about:config.
| **[`BlockAboutProfiles`](#blockaboutprofiles)** | Block access to About Profiles (about:profiles).
| **[`InstallAddonsPermission`](#installaddonspermission)** | Configure the default extension install policy as well as origins for extension installs are allowed.
| **[`LegacyProfiles`](#legacyprofiles)** | Disable the feature enforcing a separate profile for each installation.
| **[`LocalFileLinks`](#localfilelinks)** | Enable linking to local files by origin.
+| **[`ManagedBookmarks`](#managedbookmarks)** | Configures a list of bookmarks managed by an administrator that cannot be changed by the user.
+| **[`ManualAppUpdateOnly`](#manualappupdateonly)** | Allow manual updates only and do not notify the user about updates..
| **[`PrimaryPassword`](#primarypassword)** | Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
| **[`NetworkPrediction`](#networkprediction)** | Enable or disable network prediction (DNS prefetching).
| **[`NewTabPage`](#newtabpage)** | Enable or disable the New Tab page.
| **[`SearchEngines -> Add`](#searchengines--add)** | Add new search engines.
| **[`SearchSuggestEnabled`](#searchsuggestenabled)** | Enable search suggestions.
| **[`SecurityDevices`](#securitydevices)** | Install PKCS #11 modules.
+| **[`ShowHomeButton`](#showhomebutton)** | Show the home button on the toolbar.
| **[`SSLVersionMax`](#sslversionmax)** | Set and lock the maximum version of TLS.
| **[`SSLVersionMin`](#sslversionmin)** | Set and lock the minimum version of TLS.
| **[`SupportMenu`](#supportmenu)** | Add a menuitem to the help menu for specifying support information.
| **[`UserMessaging`](#usermessaging)** | Don't show certain messages to the user.
| **[`WebsiteFilter`](#websitefilter)** | Block websites from being visited.
+### 3rdparty
+Allow WebExtensions to configure policy. For more information, see [Adding policy support to your extension](https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/enterprise/adding-policy-support-to-your-extension/).
### AppAutoUpdate
Enable or disable **automatic** application update.
-If set to true, application updates are installed without user approval.
+If set to true, application updates are installed without user approval within Firefox. The operating system might still require approval.
If set to false, application updates are downloaded but the user can choose when to install the update.
+### AllowedDomainsForApps
+Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace.
+This policy is based on the [Chrome policy](https://chromeenterprise.google/policies/#AllowedDomainsForApps) of the same name.
+If this policy is enabled, users can only access Google Workspace using accounts from the specified domains. If you want to allow Gmail, you can add ```consumer_accounts``` to the list.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 89, Firefox ESR 78.11\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\AllowedDomainsForApps = "managedfirefox.com,example.com"
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="AllowedDomainsForApps" value="managedfirefox.com,example.com"/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>AllowedDomainsForApps</key>
+ <string>managedfirefox.com,example.com</string>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "AllowedDomainsForApps": "managedfirefox.com,example.com"
+ }
### AppUpdateURL
-Change the URL for application update.
+Change the URL for application update if you are providing Firefox updates from a custom update server.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 62, Firefox ESR 60.2\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+### AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins
+Define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user.
+The syntax of this policy is exactly the same as the [Chrome AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins policy](https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/?policy=AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins) except that you can only use valid origins (not just hostnames). This also means that you cannot specify an asterisk for all origins.
+The schema is:
+ "items": {
+ "properties": {
+ "allowed_origins": {
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+ },
+ "protocol": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "protocol",
+ "allowed_origins"
+ ],
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 90, Firefox ESR 78.12\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
+ {
+ "protocol": "zoommtg",
+ "allowed_origins": [
+ "https://somesite.zoom.us"
+ ]
+ }
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="JSON" value='
+ {
+ "protocol": "zoommtg",
+ "allowed_origins": [
+ "https://somesite.zoom.us"
+ ]
+ }
+#### macOS
+ <key>AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>protocol</key>
+ <string>zoommtg</string>
+ <key>allowed_origins</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>https://somesite.zoom.us</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins": [{
+ "protocol": "zoommtg",
+ "allowed_origins": [
+ "https://somesite.zoom.us"
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+### BackgroundAppUpdate
+Enable or disable **automatic** application update **in the background**, when the application is not running.
+If set to true, application updates may be installed (without user approval) in the background, even when the application is not running. The operating system might still require approval.
+If set to false, the application will not try to install updates when the application is not running.
+If you have disabled updates via `DisableAppUpdate` or disabled automatic updates via `AppAutoUpdate`, this policy has no effect.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 90 (Windows only)\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `app.update.background.enabled`
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\BackgroundAppUpdate = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>BackgroundAppUpdate</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "BackgroundAppUpdate": true | false
+ }
### BlockAboutAddons
Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons).
### Bookmarks
+Note: [`ManagedBookmarks`](#managedbookmarks) is the new recommended way to add bookmarks. This policy will continue to be supported.
Add bookmarks in either the bookmarks toolbar or menu. Only `Title` and `URL` are required. If `Placement` is not specified, the bookmark will be placed on the toolbar. If `Folder` is specified, it is automatically created and bookmarks with the same folder name are grouped together.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
### DisableAppUpdate
-Turn off application updates.
+Turn off application updates within Firefox.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** `disableFirefoxUpdates`\
### DisabledCiphers
Disable specific cryptographic ciphers.
+**Preferences Affected:** `security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha`, `security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha`, `security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256`, `security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256`, `security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_sha`, `security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_sha`, `security.ssl3.rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256`, `security.ssl3.rsa_aes_128_sha`, `security.ssl3.rsa_aes_256_gcm_sha384`, `security.ssl3.rsa_aes_256_sha`, `security.ssl3.rsa_des_ede3_sha`
"policies": {
- "DisabledCiphers" {
+ "DisabledCiphers": {
"TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": true | false,
"TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA": true | false,
"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": true | false,
"TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true | false,
"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": true | false,
"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA": true | false,
- "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA": true | false
- "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true | false
+ "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA": true | false,
+ "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true | false,
"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384": true | false
### DisableDefaultBrowserAgent
Prevent the default browser agent from taking any actions. Only applicable to Windows; other platforms don’t have the agent.
+The browser agent is a Windows-only scheduled task which runs in the background to collect and submit data about the browser that the user has set as their OS default. More information is available [here](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/mozapps/defaultagent/default-browser-agent/index.html).
**Compatibility:** Firefox 75, Firefox ESR 68.7 (Windows only)\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
"Fingerprinting": true | false,
"Exceptions": ["https://example.com"]
+ }
### EncryptedMediaExtensions
"Enabled": true | false,
"Locked": true | false
+ }
### EnterprisePoliciesEnabled
### Extensions
Control the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions.
-`Install` is a list of URLs or native paths for extensions to be installed.
+While this policy is not technically deprecated, it is recommended that you use the **[`ExtensionSettings`](#extensionsettings)** policy. It has the same functionality and adds more. It does not support native paths, though, so you'll have to use file:/// URLs.
+`Install` is a list of URLs or native paths for extensions to be installed.
`Uninstall` is a list of extension IDs that should be uninstalled if found.
| `blocked`| Blocks installation of the extension and removes it from the device if already installed.
| `force_installed`| The extension is automatically installed and can't be removed by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `normal_installed`| The extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
-| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. If installing from the local file system, use a file:/// URL. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi. If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.
+| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the local file system, use a [```file:///``` URL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme). If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi. If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.
| `install_sources` | A list of sources from which installing extensions is allowed. **This is unnecessary if you are only allowing the installation of certain extensions by ID.** Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern. Users will be able to easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.xpi file and the page where the download is started from (i.e. the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `allowed_types` | This setting whitelists the allowed types of extension/apps that can be installed in Firefox. The value is a list of strings, each of which should be one of the following: "extension", "theme", "dictionary", "locale" This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `blocked_install_message` | This maps to a string specifying the error message to display to users if they're blocked from installing an extension. This setting allows you to append text to the generic error message displayed when the extension is blocked. This could be be used to direct users to your help desk, explain why a particular extension is blocked, or something else. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `restricted_domains` | An array of domains on which content scripts can't be run. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
+| `updates_disabled` | (Firefox 89, Firefox ESR 78.11) Boolean that indicates whether or not to disable automatic updates for an individual extension.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 69, Firefox ESR 68.1\
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 69, Firefox ESR 68.1 (As of Firefox 85, Firefox ESR 78.7, installing a theme makes it the default.)\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
"*": {
"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
"install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
"https-everywhere@eff.org": {
- "installation_mode": "allowed",
+ "installation_mode": "allowed"
"install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
"https-everywhere@eff.org": {
- "installation_mode": "allowed",
+ "installation_mode": "allowed"
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Handlers (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
"mimeTypes": {
"application/msword": {
`StartPage` is how Firefox starts. The choices are no homepage, the default homepage or the previous session.
-With Firefox 78, an additional option as added for `Startpage`, `homepage-locked`. This allows for locking the homepage, but still allowing the user to choose whether or not they want to restore their session.
+With Firefox 78, an additional option as added for `Startpage`, `homepage-locked`. If this is value is set for the Startpage, the user will always get the homepage at startup and cannot choose to restore their session.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (StartPage was added in Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60.4, homepage-locked added in Firefox 78)\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** `homePage`,`lockHomePage`\
+### ManagedBookmarks
+Configures a list of bookmarks managed by an administrator that cannot be changed by the user.
+The bookmarks are only added as a button on the personal toolbar. They are not in the bookmarks folder.
+The syntax of this policy is exactly the same as the [Chrome ManagedBookmarks policy](https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/?policy=ManagedBookmarks). The schema is:
+ "items": {
+ "id": "BookmarkType",
+ "properties": {
+ "children": {
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "BookmarkType"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "toplevel_name": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "url": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ManagedBookmarks (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
+ {
+ "toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "example.com",
+ "name": "Example"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mozilla links",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://mozilla.org",
+ "name": "Mozilla.org"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "https://support.mozilla.org/",
+ "name": "SUMO"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="JSON" value='
+ {
+ "toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "example.com",
+ "name": "Example"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mozilla links",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://mozilla.org",
+ "name": "Mozilla.org"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "https://support.mozilla.org/",
+ "name": "SUMO"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+#### macOS
+ <key>ManagedBookmarks</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>toplevel_name</key>
+ <string>My managed bookmarks folder</string>
+ <dict>
+ <key>url</key>
+ <string>example.com</string>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Example</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Mozilla links</string>
+ <key>children</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>url</key>
+ <string>https://mozilla.org</string>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Mozilla</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>url</key>
+ <string>https://support.mozilla.org/</string>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>SUMO</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "ManagedBookmarks": [
+ {
+ "toplevel_name": "My managed bookmarks folder"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "example.com",
+ "name": "Example"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mozilla links",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://mozilla.org",
+ "name": "Mozilla.org"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "https://support.mozilla.org/",
+ "name": "SUMO"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### ManualAppUpdateOnly
+Switch to manual updates only.
+If this policy is enabled:
+ 1. The user will never be prompted to install updates
+ 2. Firefox will not check for updates in the background, though it will check automatically when an update UI is displayed (such as the one in the About dialog). This check will be used to show "Update to version X" in the UI, but will not automatically download the update or prompt the user to update in any other way.
+ 3. The update UI will work as expected, unlike when using DisableAppUpdate.
+This policy is primarily intended for advanced end users, not for enterprises.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 87\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "ManualAppUpdateOnly": true | false
+ }
### PrimaryPassword
Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
### OverrideFirstRunPage
Override the first run page. If the value is an empty string (""), the first run page is not displayed.
+Starting with Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5, you can also specify multiple URLS separated by a vertical bar (|).
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** `welcomePage`,`noWelcomePage`\
**Preferences Affected:** `startup.homepage_welcome_url`
"policies": {
"OverrideFirstRunPage": "http://example.org"
+ }
### OverridePostUpdatePage
"policies": {
"OverridePostUpdatePage": "http://example.org"
+ }
### PasswordManagerEnabled
"Enabled": true | false,
"EnablePermissions": true | false
+ }
### Permissions
### PictureInPicture
-Enable or disable Picture-in-Picture.
+Enable or disable Picture-in-Picture as well as prevent the user from enabling or disabling it (Locked).
**Compatibility:** Firefox 78, Firefox ESR 78\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PictureInPicture = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PictureInPicture\Enabled = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PictureInPicture\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
- <true/> | <false/>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Enabled</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Locked</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ </dict>
#### policies.json
"policies": {
- "PictureInPicture": true | false
+ "PictureInPicture": {
+ "Enabled": true | false,
+ "Locked": true | false
+ }
Preferences that start with the following prefixes are supported:
+app.update.* (Firefox 86, Firefox 78.8)
+general.autoScroll (Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5)
+general.smoothScroll (Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5)
+pdfjs. (Firefox 84, Firefox ESR 78.6)
+signon. (Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5)
+spellchecker. (Firefox 84, Firefox ESR 78.6)
| If false, SSL errors cannot be sent to Mozilla.
| security.tls.hello_downgrade_check | boolean | true
| If false, the TLS 1.3 downgrade check is disabled.
+| security.tls.version.enable-deprecated | boolean | false
+| If true, browser will accept TLS 1.0. and TLS 1.1 (Firefox 86, Firefox 78.8)
| security.warn_submit_secure_to_insecure | boolean | true
| If false, no warning is shown when submitting s form from https to http.
**Preferences Affected:** Many
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Preferences (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
"accessibility.force_disabled": {
"Value": 1,
Value (string):
-<data id="Preferences" value='
+<data id="JSON" value='
"accessibility.force_disabled": {
"Value": 1,
| network.dns.disableIPv6 | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
| If true, IPv6 DNS lokoups are disabled.
| network.IDN_show_punycode | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
-| If true, display the punycode version of internationalized domain names.
+| If true, display the punycode version of internationalized domain names.
| places.history.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
| If false, history is not enabled.
| print.save_print_settings | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
"SSLProxy": "hostname",
"FTPProxy": "hostname",
"SOCKSProxy": "hostname",
- "SOCKSVersion": 4 | 5
+ "SOCKSVersion": 4 | 5,
"Passthrough": "<local>",
"AutoLogin": true | false,
#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
Value (string):
Value (string):
-<data id="Permissions" value="unified | separate"/>
+<data id="SearchBar" value="unified | separate"/>
#### macOS
+### ShowHomeButton
+Show the home button on the toolbar.
+Future versions of Firefox will not show the home button by default.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 88, Firefox ESR 78.10\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ShowHomeButton = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>ShowHomeButton</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "ShowHomeButton": true | false
+ }
### SSLVersionMax
Set and lock the maximum version of TLS.
Prevent Firefox from messaging the user in certain situations.
-`WhatsNew` Remove the "What's New" icon and menuitem. (Firefox 75 only)
+`WhatsNew` Remove the "What's New" icon and menuitem.
-`ExtensionRecommendations` Don't recommend extensions while the user is visiting web pages.
+`ExtensionRecommendations` If false, don't recommend extensions while the user is visiting web pages.
-`FeatureRecommendations` Don't recommend browser features.
+`FeatureRecommendations` IF false, don't recommend browser features.
-`UrlbarInterventions` Don't offer Firefox specific suggestions in the URL bar. (Firefox 75 only)
+`UrlbarInterventions` If false, Don't offer Firefox specific suggestions in the URL bar.
+`SkipOnboarding` If true, don't show onboarding messages on the new tab page.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 75, Firefox ESR 68.7\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled`,`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons`,`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features`
+**Preferences Affected:** `browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled`,`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons`,`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features`,`browser.aboutwelcome.enabled`
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\UserMessaging\ExtensionRecommendations = 0x1 | 0x0
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\UserMessaging\FeatureRecommendations = 0x1 | 0x0
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\UserMessaging\UrlbarInterventions = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\UserMessaging\SkipOnboarding = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
<true/> | <false/>
<true/> | <false/>
+ <key>SkipOnboarding</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
"ExtensionRecommendations": true | false,
"FeatureRecommendations": true | false,
"UrlbarInterventions": true | false
+ "SkipOnboarding": true | false