<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<policyDefinitionResources revision="4.7" schemaVersion="1.0" >
+<policyDefinitionResources revision="6.8" schemaVersion="1.0">
- <resources >
- <stringTable >
+ <resources>
+ <stringTable>
<string id="SUPPORTED_WINXPSP2">Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later</string>
<string id="UNSUPPORTED">No longer supported.</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF60">Firefox 60 or later, Firefox 60 ESR or later</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF108">Firefox 108 or later, Firefox 102.6 ESR or later</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF109">Firefox 109 or later, Firefox 102.7 ESR or later</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF110">Firefox 110 or later, Firefox 102.8 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF112_ONLY">Firefox 112 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF113_ONLY">Firefox 113 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF114">Firefox 114 or later, Firefox 102.12 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF118">Firefox 118 or later, Firefox 115.3 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF120">Firefox 120 or later, Firefox 115.5 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF121">Firefox 121 or later, Firefox 115.6 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF122">Firefox 122 or later, Firefox 115.7 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF123">Firefox 123 or later, Firefox 115.8 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF124">Firefox 124 or later, Firefox 115.9 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF124_ONLY">Firefox 124 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF125">Firefox 125 or later, Firefox 115.10 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF126_ONLY">Firefox 126 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF127_ONLY">Firefox 127 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF128">Firefox 128 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF129">Firefox 129 or later, Firefox 128.1 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF130">Firefox 130 or later, Firefox 128.2 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF130_ONLY">Firefox 130 or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF131">Firefox 131 or later, Firefox 128.3 ESR or later</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF137_ONLY">Firefox 137 or later</string>
<string id="firefox">Firefox</string>
<string id="Permissions_group">Permissions</string>
<string id="Camera_group">Camera</string>
<string id="PDFjs_group">PDF.js</string>
<string id="PictureInPicture_group">Picture-in-Picture</string>
<string id="ProxySettings_group">Proxy Settings</string>
+ <string id="SecurityDevices_group">Security Devices</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_group">Firefox Suggest (US only)</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_group">Content Analysis (DLP)</string>
+ <string id="InterceptionPoints_group">Interception Points</string>
<string id="Allow">Allowed Sites</string>
<string id="AllowSession">Allowed Sites (Session Only)</string>
<string id="Block">Blocked Sites</string>
If this policy is disabled or not configured, integrated authentication is not used in private browsing.</string>
<string id="BlockAboutAddons">Block Add-ons Manager</string>
- <string id="BlockAboutAddons_Explain" >If this policy is enabled, the user cannot access the Add-ons Manager or about:addons.
+ <string id="BlockAboutAddons_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the user cannot access the Add-ons Manager or about:addons.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can access the Add-ons Manager and about:addons.</string>
<string id="BlockAboutConfig">Block about:config</string>
<string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the default configuration for DNS over HTTPS can be changed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, DNS Over HTTPS uses the default Firefox configuration.</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback">Fallback</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback_Explain">If this policy is disabled, Firefox will not fallback to your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, Firefox will use your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation">Disable Master Password Creation</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users cannot create a master password.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, web developer tools are available within Firefox.</string>
<string id="DisableFeedbackCommands">Disable Feedback Commands</string>
- <string id="DisableFeedbackCommands_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Submit Feedback" and "Report Deceptive Site" menuitems are not available from the help menu.
+ <string id="DisableFeedbackCommands_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Submit Feedback" and "Report Deceptive Site" menuitems are not available from the help menu.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Submit Feedback" and "Report Deceptive Site" menuitems are available from the help menu.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Submit Feedback" and "Report Deceptive Site" menuitems are available from the help menu.</string>
<string id="DisableFirefoxAccounts">Disable Firefox Accounts</string>
<string id="DisableFirefoxAccounts_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox Accounts is disabled which includes disabling Sync.
For more information, see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/shield and https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Shield/Heartbeat</string>
<string id="DisableForgetButton">Disable Forget Button</string>
- <string id="DisableForgetButton_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Forget" button is not available.
+ <string id="DisableForgetButton_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Forget" button is not available.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Forget" button is available.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Forget" button is available.</string>
<string id="DisableFormHistory">Disable Form History</string>
<string id="DisableFormHistory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not remember form or search history.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, private browsing is allowed.</string>
<string id="DisableProfileImport">Disable Profile Import</string>
- <string id="DisableProfileImport_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Import data from another browser" option is not available in the bookmarks window.
+ <string id="DisableProfileImport_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Import data from another browser" option is not available in the bookmarks window.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Import data from another browser" option is available.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Import data from another browser" option is available.</string>
<string id="DisableProfileRefresh">Disable Profile Refresh</string>
- <string id="DisableProfileRefresh_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Refresh Firefox" button is not available on the about:support page or on support.mozilla.org.
+ <string id="DisableProfileRefresh_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Refresh Firefox" button is not available on the about:support page or on support.mozilla.org.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Refresh Firefox" button is available.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the "Refresh Firefox" button is available.</string>
<string id="DisableSafeMode">Disable Safe Mode</string>
<string id="DisableSafeMode_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the user cannot restart the browser into safe mode.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, safe mode is allowed.</string>
<string id="DisableSecurityBypass_InvalidCertificate">Prevent overriding certificate errors</string>
- <string id="DisableSecurityBypass_InvalidCertificate_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Add Exception" button is not available when a certificate is invalid. This prevents the user from overriding the certificate error.
+ <string id="DisableSecurityBypass_InvalidCertificate_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the "Add Exception" button is not available when a certificate is invalid. This prevents the user from overriding the certificate error.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, certificate errors can be overridden.</string>
<string id="DisableSecurityBypass_SafeBrowsing">Prevent overriding safe browsing errors</string>
If this policy is disabled or not configured, extensions will not be managed.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#extensionsettings.</string>
+ <string id="ExtensionSettingsOneLine">Extension Management (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="HardwareAcceleration">Hardware Acceleration</string>
<string id="HardwareAcceleration_Explain">If this policy is disabled, hardware acceleration is disabled and cannot be enabled.
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Cookies_Explain">If the policy is enabled, cookies are cleared when the browser is closed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, cookies are not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
- <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Downloads">Download History</string>
+ <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Downloads">Download History (Deprecated)</string>
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Downloads_Explain">If the policy is enabled, download history is cleared when the browser is closed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, download history is not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
- <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_FormData">Form & Search History</string>
+ <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_FormData">Form & Search History (Deprecated)</string>
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_FormData_Explain">If the policy is enabled, form data is cleared when the browser is closed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, form data is not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
- <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_History">Browsing History</string>
- <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_History_Explain">If the policy is enabled, browsing history is cleared when the browser is closed.
+ <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_History">History</string>
+ <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_History_Explain">If the policy is enabled, browsing history, download history, search history, and form data are cleared when the browser is closed.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, browsing history is not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, browsing history, download history, search history, and form data are not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Sessions">Active Logins</string>
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_Sessions_Explain">If the policy is enabled, sessions cleared when the browser is closed.
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_SiteSettings_Explain">If the policy is enabled, site preferences are cleared when the browser is closed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, site preferences are not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
- <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_OfflineApps">Offline Website Data</string>
+ <string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_OfflineApps">Offline Website Data (Deprecated)</string>
<string id="SanitizeOnShutdown_OfflineApps_Explain">If the policy is enabled, offline application storage is cleared when the browser is closed.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, offline application storage is not cleared when the browser is closed.</string>
<string id="WebsiteFilter_Exceptions_Explain">If this policy is enabled, and the website filter is enabled, you can specify match patterns for sites you do not want to block. The match patterns are documented at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Match_patterns. There is a 1000 entry limit.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, there are no exceptions to the website filter.</string>
+ <string id="WebsiteFilterOneLine">Website Filter (JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="WebsiteFilter">Website Filter (JSON)</string>
+ <string id="WebsiteFilter_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify blocked sites and exceptions via JSON.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, websites are not filtered.</string>
<string id="Bookmark01">Bookmark 01</string>
<string id="Bookmark02">Bookmark 02</string>
<string id="Bookmark03">Bookmark 03</string>
<string id="TrackingProtection_Locked_Explain">If this policy is enabled, tracking protection preferences cannot be changed by the user.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can change tracking protection preferences.</string>
+ <string id="TrackingProtection_EmailTracking">Email Tracking</string>
+ <string id="TrackingProtection_EmailTracking_Explain">If this policy is enabled, hidden email tracking pixels and scripts on websites are blocked.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, hidden email tracking pixels and scripts on websites are not blocked.</string>
<string id="RequestedLocales">Requested locale</string>
<string id="RequestedLocalesString">Requested locale (string)</string>
<string id="RequestedLocales_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a list of requested locales for the application in order of preference. It will cause the corresponding language pack to become active.
<string id="SecurityDevices_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a list of PKCS #11 modules to be installed. Modules are specified as a name and a fully qualified path.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, no additional PKCS #11 modules will be installed.</string>
+ <string id="SecurityDevices_Add">Add</string>
+ <string id="SecurityDevices_Delete">Delete</string>
+ <string id="SecurityDevices_Delete_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify the names of PKCS #11 modules to be deleted.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, no PKCS #11 modules will be deleted.</string>
<string id="SearchBar">Search bar location</string>
<string id="SearchBar_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set whether the search bar is separate from the URL bar.
<string id="SSLVersionMin">Minimum SSL version enabled</string>
<string id="SSLVersionMin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not use SSL/TLS versions less than the value specified.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox defaults to a minimum of TLS 1.0.</string>
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox defaults to a minimum of TLS 1.2.</string>
<string id="SSLVersionMax">Maximum SSL version enabled</string>
<string id="SSLVersionMax_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not use SSL/TLS versions greater than the value specified.
<string id="SupportMenu_Explain">If this policy is enabled, a new menuitem is added to the help menu with support information.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, no menuitem is added.</string>
- <string id="UserMessaging_WhatsNew">What's New</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_WhatsNew">What's New (Deprecated)</string>
<string id="UserMessaging_WhatsNew_Explain">If this policy is disabled, the What's new icon and menuitem will not be displayed.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, the What's New icon and menuitem will be displayed.</string>
<string id="UserMessaging_MoreFromMozilla_Explain">If this policy is disabled, the More from Mozilla section will not be shown in preferences.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, the More from Mozilla section will be shown in preferences.</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_FirefoxLabs">Firefox Labs</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_FirefoxLabs_Explain">If this policy is disabled, the Firefox Labs section will not be shown in preferences.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, the Firefox Labs section will be shown in preferences.</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_Locked">Do not allow user messaging preferences to be changed</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_Locked_Explain">If this policy is disabled, user messaging preferences can be changed by the user.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, user messaging preferences cannot be changed by the user.</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
If this policy is disabled, users cannot create a primary password.
If this policy is not configured, users can choose to create a primary password.</string>
+ <string id="HandlersOneLine">Handlers (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="Handlers">Handlers</string>
<string id="Handlers_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure default application handlers.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox defaults are used.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#handlers.</string>
+ <string id="PreferencesOneLine">Preferences (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="Preferences">Preferences</string>
<string id="Preferences_Explain">Note: In order to use this policy, you must clear all settings in the old Preferences (Deprecated) section.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, preferences are not modified.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#preferences.</string>
+ <string id="BookmarksOneLine">Bookmarks (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="Bookmarks">Bookmarks (JSON)</string>
<string id="Bookmarks_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure bookmarks, including [] to clear all bookmarks.
This policy has no effect on Managed Bookmarks.
For detailed information on the JSON, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#bookmarks.</string>
+ <string id="ManagedBookmarksOneLine">Managed Bookmarks (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="ManagedBookmarks">Managed Bookmarks</string>
<string id="ManagedBookmarks_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure managed bookmarks.
<string id="BackgroundAppUpdate_Explain">If this policy disabled, the application will not try to install updates when the application is not running.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, application updates may be installed (without user approval) in the background, even when the application is not running. The operating system might still require approval.</string>
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOriginsOneLine">Auto Launch Protocols From Origins (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins">Auto Launch Protocols From Origins</string>
<string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user.
<string id="UseSystemPrintDialog_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will use the system print dialog instead of showing print preview before printing.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will show print preview before printing.</string>
+ <string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarningsOneLine">Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains (JSON on one line)</string>
<string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings">Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains</string>
<string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can define a list of domains and file type extensions that will be exempt from executable warnings.
<string id="Proxy_AutoLogin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not prompt for proxy authentication when a password is saved.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will always prompt for proxy authentication.</string>
- <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS">Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5</string>
- <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS_Explain">If this policy is enabled, DNS is proxied when using SOCKS v5.
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS">Proxy DNS when using SOCKS</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS_Explain">If this policy is enabled, DNS is proxied when using SOCKS.
+If this policy is disabled, DNS is not proxied when using SOCKS.
-If this policy is disabled or not configured, DNS is not proxied when using SOCKS v5.</string>
+If this policy not configured, DNS is not proxied when using SOCKS v4, but proxied when using SOCKS v5.</string>
<string id="DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking">Disable Third Party Module Blocking</string>
<string id="DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users are not allowed to block third-party modules from the about:third-party page.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, users users are allowed to block third-party modules from the about:third-party page.</string>
+ <string id="ContainersOneLine">Containers (JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="Containers">Containers</string>
+ <string id="Containers_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure the default containers.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the built-in defaults are used.
+For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#containers.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_WebSuggestions">Suggestions from the web</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_WebSuggestions_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will get suggestions from Firefox related to your search.
+If this policy is disabled, you will not get these suggestions.
+If this policy is not configured, , you will get suggestions from Firefox related to your search.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_SponsoredSuggestions">Suggestions from sponsors</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_SponsoredSuggestions_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will support the development of Firefox with occasional sponsored suggestions.
+If this policy is disabled, you will not get these suggestions.
+If this policy is not configured, you will get occasional sponsored suggestions.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_ImproveSuggest">Improve the Firefox Suggest experience</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_ImproveSuggest_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will help create a richer search experience by allowing Mozilla to process your search queries.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, you do not allow Mozilla to process your search queries.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_Locked">Do not allow preferences to be changed</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_Locked_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox Suggest preferences cannot be changed by the user.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can change their Firefox Suggest preferences.</string>
+ <string id="PrintingEnabled">Printing</string>
+ <string id="PrintingEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, printing is disabled.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, printing is enabled.</string>
+ <string id="ManualAppUpdateOnly">Manual Update Only</string>
+ <string id="ManualAppUpdateOnly_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users will not be prompted to install updates and Firefox will not check for updates in the background. The user must manually check and install updates from the About dialog.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the browser receives updates.
+This policy is not recommended for most users.</string>
+ <string id="AllowFileSelectionDialogs">Allow File Selection Dialogs</string>
+ <string id="AllowFileSelectionDialogs_Explain">If this policy is disabled, users will not be able to open file selection dialogs. In most cases, Firefox will act as if the user clicked the cancel button.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, users can open file selection dialogs.</string>
+ <string id="AutofillAddressEnabled">Enable autofill for addresses</string>
+ <string id="AutofillAddressEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, addresses will not be autofilled for Firefox versions and regions that support it.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, addresses will be autofilled for Firefox versions and regions that support it.</string>
+ <string id="AutofillCreditCardEnabled">Enable autofill for payment methods</string>
+ <string id="AutofillCreditCardEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, payment methods will not be autofilled for Firefox versions and regions that support it.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, payment methods will be autofilled for Firefox versions and regions that support it.</string>
+ <string id="TranslateEnabled">Enable webpage translation</string>
+ <string id="TranslateEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, web page translation will not be available.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, web page translation will be available.
+Note: Web page translation is done completely on the client, so there is no data or privacy risk.</string>
+ <string id="DisableEncryptedClientHello">Disable Encrypted Client Hello</string>
+ <string id="DisableEncryptedClientHello_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the TLS feature Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) will be disabled.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the TLS feature Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) will be enabled.</string>
+ <string id="PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled">Enable post-quantum key agreement</string>
+ <string id="PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled_Explain">If this policy is enabled, post-quantum key agreement for TLS will be enabled.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, post-quantum key agreement for TLS will be disabled.</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode">HTTPS-Only Mode</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the default behavior for HTTPS-Only Mode.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, HTTPS-Only Mode is not enabled.</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode_Allowed">Off by default</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode_Disallowed">Off and locked</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode_Enabled">On by default</string>
+ <string id="HttpsOnlyMode_ForceEnabled">On and locked</string>
+ <string id="HttpAllowlist">HTTP Allowlist</string>
+ <string id="HttpAllowlist_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a list origins that will not be upgraded to HTTPS.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, all origins are upgraded to HTTPS if HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled.</string>
+ <string id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability">Private Browsing Mode Availability</string>
+ <string id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the availability of Private Browsing Mode.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Private Browsing Mode is available.</string>
+ <string id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability_0">Allow Private Browsing Mode</string>
+ <string id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability_1">Disable Private Browsing Mode</string>
+ <string id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability_2">Force Private Browsing Mode</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AgentName">Agent Name</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AgentName_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify the name of the DLP agent, used in dialogs and notifications about DLP operations.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the agent name "A DLP Agent" is used.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AgentTimeout">Agent Timeout</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AgentTimeout_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify the timeout in number of seconds after a DLP request is sent to the agent. After this timeout, the request will be denied unless 'Default Result' is set to 1 or 2.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the timeout is 30 seconds.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AllowUrlRegexList">Allow Url Regex List</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_AllowUrlRegexList_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a space-separated list of regular expressions that indicates URLs for which DLP operations will always be allowed without consulting the agent. The default is "^about:(?!blank|srcdoc).*", meaning that any pages that start with "about:" will be exempt from DLP except for "about:blank" and "about:srcdoc", as these can be controlled by web content.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the DLP agent will always be consulted.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_BypassForSameTabOperations">Bypass For Same Tab Operations</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_BypassForSameTabOperations_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will automatically allow DLP requests whose data comes from the same tab and frame - for example, if data is copied to the clipboard and then pasted on the same page.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox Firefox will not pass DLP requests whose data comes from the same tab and frame to the DLP agent as normal.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_ClientSignature">Client Signature</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_ClientSignature_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the required signature of the DLP agent connected to the pipe. If this is a non-empty string and the DLP agent does not have a signature with a Subject Name that exactly matches this value, Firefox will not connect to the pipe.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the signature will not be verified.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult">Default Result</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can indicate the desired behavior for DLP requests if there is a problem connecting to the DLP agent.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the DLP request will be denied if there is a problem connecting to the agent.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult_0">Deny the request</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult_1">Warn the user and allow them to choose whether to allow or deny</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult_2">Allow the request</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DenyUrlRegexList">Deny Url Regex List</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_DenyUrlRegexList_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a space-separated list of regular expressions that indicates URLs for which DLP operations will always be denied without consulting the agent.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the DLP agent will always be consulted.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_Enabled">Enabled</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_Enabled_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will use DLP.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will not use DLP.
+Note: If this policy is enabled and no DLP agent is running, all DLP requests will be denied unless Default Result is set to 1 or 2.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_IsPerUser">Is Per User</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_IsPerUser_Explain">If this policy is disabled, the pipe the DLP agent creates is per-system.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, the pipe the DLP agent creates is per-user.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_PipePathName">Pipe Path Name</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_PipePathName_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can change the name of the pipe for the DLP agent.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the default pipe name of 'path_user' is used.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_ShowBlockedResult">Show Blocked Result</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_ShowBlockedResult_Explain">If this policy is disabled, Firefox will not show a notification when a DLP request is denied.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, Firefox will show a notification when a DLP request is denied.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_Clipboard">Clipboard</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_Clipboard_Explain">If this policy is disabled, clipboard operations will not use DLP.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, clipboard operations will use DLP.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_DragAndDrop">Drag And Drop</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_DragAndDrop_Explain">If this policy is disabled, drag and drop operations will not use DLP.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, drag and drop operations will use DLP.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_FileUpload">File Upload</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_FileUpload_Explain">If this policy is disabled, file upload operations will not use DLP.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, file upload operations will use DLP.</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_Print">Print</string>
+ <string id="ContentAnalysis_InterceptionPoints_Print_Explain">If this policy is disabled, print operations will not use DLP.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, print operations will use DLP.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the preference is locked to true. If this policy is disabled, the preference is locked to false.
For a description of the preference, see:
<checkBox refId="DNSOverHTTPSEnabled">Enable DNS over HTTPS.</checkBox>
<checkBox refId="DNSOverHTTPSLocked">Don't allow DNS over HTTPS preferences to be changed.</checkBox>
- <presentation id="SSLVersion">
- <dropdownList refId="SSLVersion"/>
+ <presentation id="SSLVersionMin">
+ <dropdownList refId="SSLVersion" defaultItem="2"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="SSLVersionMax">
+ <dropdownList refId="SSLVersion" defaultItem="3"/>
<presentation id="SupportMenu">
<presentation id="JSON">
<multiTextBox refId="JSON"/>
+ <presentation id="JSONOneLine">
+ <textBox refId="JSONOneLine">
+ <label/>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
<presentation id="Proxy_ConnectionType">
<dropdownList refId="Proxy_ConnectionType"/>
<text>Example: .mozilla.org, .net.nz,</text>
<text>Connections to localhost,, and ::1 are never proxied.</text>
+ <presentation id="HttpsOnlyMode">
+ <dropdownList refId="HttpsOnlyMode"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability">
+ <dropdownList refId="PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult">
+ <dropdownList refId="ContentAnalysis_DefaultResult"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="Number">
+ <decimalTextBox refId="Number"/>
+ </presentation>