<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
-<policyDefinitionResources revision="2.9" schemaVersion="1.0" >\r
+<policyDefinitionResources revision="2.10" schemaVersion="1.0" >\r
<resources >\r
<string id="Homepage">Page d'accueil</string>\r
<string id="PreviousSession">Session précédente</string>\r
<string id="HomepageLocked">Homepage (Locked)</string>\r
+ <string id="Homepage_ShowHomeButton">Show Home button on toolbar</string>\r
+ <string id="Homepage_ShowHomeButton_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the home button will appear on the toolbar by default.\r
+If this policy is disabled, the home button will not appear on the toolbar by default.\r
+If this policy is not configured, Firefox will determine whether or not the home button appears on the toolbar by default.</string>\r
<string id="PasswordManagerEnabled">Gestionnaire de mots de passe</string>\r
<string id="PasswordManagerEnabled_Explain">Si cette stratégie est désactivée, le gestionnaire de mots de passe n'est pas disponible via les préférences.\r