<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<policyDefinitionResources revision="2.9" schemaVersion="1.0" >
+<policyDefinitionResources revision="3.3" schemaVersion="1.0" >
<resources >
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF88">Firefox 88 o versione successiva, Firefox 78.10 ESR o versione successiva</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF89">Firefox 89 o versione successiva, Firefox 78.11 ESR o versione successiva</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF90">Firefox 90 o versione successiva, Firefox 78.12 ESR o versione successiva</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF91">Firefox 91 o versione successiva</string>
<string id="firefox">Firefox</string>
<string id="Permissions_group">Permessi</string>
<string id="Camera_group">Fotocamera</string>
<string id="Homepage">Pagina iniziale</string>
<string id="PreviousSession">Sessione precedente</string>
<string id="HomepageLocked">Pagina iniziale (bloccata)</string>
+ <string id="Homepage_ShowHomeButton">Show Home button on toolbar</string>
+ <string id="Homepage_ShowHomeButton_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the home button will appear on the toolbar by default.
+If this policy is disabled, the home button will not appear on the toolbar by default.
+If this policy is not configured, Firefox will determine whether or not the home button appears on the toolbar by default.</string>
<string id="PasswordManagerEnabled">Gestore password</string>
<string id="PasswordManagerEnabled_Explain">Se questo criterio è disabilitato, il gestore password non è disponibile nelle Preferenze.
<string id="UserMessaging_UrlbarInterventions_Explain">Se questo criterio è disabilitato, non saranno consigliate azioni basate su quanto l'utente ha digitato nella barra degli indirizzi.
Se questo criterio è abilitato o non configurato, saranno consigliate azioni basate su quanto l'utente ha digitato nella barra degli indirizzi.</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_SkipOnboarding">Skip Onboarding</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_SkipOnboarding_Explain">If this policy is enabled, onboarding messages will not be shown on the new tab page.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, onboarding messages will be shown on the new tab page.</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
<string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
If this policy is disabled or not configured, preferences are not modified.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#preferences.</string>
+ <string id="Bookmarks">Bookmarks (JSON)</string>
+ <string id="Bookmarks_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure bookmarks, including [] to clear all bookmarks.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the individual bookmark policies are used.
+If this policy is enabled along with individual bookmarks, those bookmarks will not be added.
+This policy has no effect on Managed Bookmarks.
+For detailed information on the JSON, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#bookmarks.</string>
<string id="ManagedBookmarks">Managed Bookmarks</string>
<string id="ManagedBookmarks_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure managed bookmarks.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, managed bookmarks are not added.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#managedbookmarks.</string>
+ <string id="AllowedDomainsForApps">Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace</string>
+ <string id="AllowedDomainsForApps_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users can only access Google Workspace for the specified domains (separated by a comma). To allow access to Gmail, you can add consumer_accounts.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, users can access any account on Google Workspace as well as Gmail.</string>
+ <string id="BackgroundAppUpdate">Background updater</string>
+ <string id="BackgroundAppUpdate_Explain">If this policy disabled, the application will not try to install updates when the application is not running.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, application updates may be installed (without user approval) in the background, even when the application is not running. The operating system might still require approval.</string>
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins">Auto Launch Protocols From Origins</string>
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, any site that invokes an external protocol will ask the user for permission.
+For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#autolaunchprotocolsfromorigins.</string>
+ <string id="WindowsSSO">Windows SSO</string>
+ <string id="WindowsSSO_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will use credentials stored in Windows to sign in to Microsoft, work, and school accounts.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, credentials must be entered manually.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Se questo criterio è abilitato, la preferenza è impostata a Vero e resa non modificabile. Se questo criterio è disabilitato, la preferenza è impostata a Falso e resa non modificabile.
Per una descrizione della preferenza, si veda:
<textBox refId="SearchEngine_PostData">
<label>Dati POST:</label>
+ <textBox refId="SearchEngine_Encoding">
+ <label>Encoding:</label>
+ </textBox>
<presentation id="SearchEngines_Default">
<textBox refId="SearchEngines_Default">