| `normal_installed`| The extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. If installing from the local file system, use a file:/// URL. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi. If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.
| `install_sources` | A list of sources from which installing extensions is allowed. **This is unnecessary if you are only allowing the installation of certain extensions by ID.** Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern. Users will be able to easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.xpi file and the page where the download is started from (i.e. the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns. This setting can be used only for the default configuration. If you want to allow the install of extensions from the recommended add-ons page, you must add `about:addons` to this list.
| `normal_installed`| The extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user. This option is not valid for the default configuration and requires an install_url.
| `install_url`| Maps to a URL indicating where Firefox can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension. If installing from the addons.mozilla.org, use the following URL (substituting SHORT_NAME from the URL on AMO), https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/SHORT_NAME/latest.xpi. If installing from the local file system, use a file:/// URL. Languages packs are available from https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/VERSION/PLATFORM/xpi/LANGUAGE.xpi. If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.
| `install_sources` | A list of sources from which installing extensions is allowed. **This is unnecessary if you are only allowing the installation of certain extensions by ID.** Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern. Users will be able to easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.xpi file and the page where the download is started from (i.e. the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns. This setting can be used only for the default configuration. If you want to allow the install of extensions from the recommended add-ons page, you must add `about:addons` to this list.