### GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar
Whether to always go through the DNS server before sending a single word search string to a search engine.
-If the site exists, it will navigate to the website. If the intranet responds with a 404, the page will show a 404. If the intranet does not respond, the browser will either attempt to search the term.
+If the site exists, it will navigate to the website. If the intranet responds with a 404, the page will show a 404. If the intranet does not respond, the browser will attempt a search.
The second result in the URL bar will be a search result to allow users to conduct a web search exactly as it was entered.
If instead you would like to enable the ability to have your domain appear as a valid URL and to disallow the browser from ever searching that term using the first result that matches it, add the pref `browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.YOUR_DOMAIN` (where `YOUR_DOMAIN` is the name of the domain you'd like to add), and set the pref to `true`. The URL bar will then suggest `YOUR_DOMAIN` when the user fully types `YOUR_DOMAIN`. If the user attempts to load that domain and it fails to load, it will show an "Unable to connect" error page.
-You can also whitelist a domain suffix that is not part of the [Public Suffix List](https://publicsuffix.org/) by adding the pref `browser.fixup.domainsuffixwhitelist.YOUR_DOMAIN_SUFFIX` with a value of `true`.
+You can also whitelist a domain suffix that is not part of the [Public Suffix List](https://publicsuffix.org/) by adding the pref `browser.fixup.domainsuffixwhitelist.YOUR_DOMAIN_SUFFIX` with a value of `true`.
Additionally, if you want users to see a "Did you mean to go to 'YOUR_DOMAIN'" prompt below the URL bar if they land on a search results page instead of an intranet domain that provides a response, set the pref `browser.urlbar.dnsResolveSingleWordsAfterSearch` to `1`. Enabling this will cause the browser to commit a DNS check after every single word search. If the browser receives a response from the intranet, a prompt will ask the user if they'd like to instead navigate to `YOUR_DOMAIN`. If the user presses the **yes** button, `browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.YOUR_DOMAIN` will be set to `true`.