+### Preferences
+Set and lock preferences.
+Previously you could only set and lock a subset of preferences. Starting with Firefox 81 and Firefox ESR 78.3 you can set many more preferences. You can also set default preferences, user preferences and you can clear preferences.
+Preferences that start with the following prefixes are supported:
+as well as the following security preferences:
+| Preference | Type | Default
+| --- | --- | ---
+| security.default_personal_cert | string | Ask Every Time
+| If set to Select Automatically, Firefox automatically chooses the default personal certificate.
+| security.insecure_connection_text.enabled | bool | false
+| If set to true, adds the words "Not Secure" for insecure sites.
+| security.insecure_connection_text.pbmode.enabled | bool | false
+| If set to true, adds the words "Not Secure" for insecure sites in private browsing.
+| security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled | bool | true
+| If set to false, remove the warning for inscure login fields.
+| security.mixed_content.block_active_content | boolean | true
+| If false, mixed active content (HTTP and HTTPS) is not blocked.
+| security.osclientcerts.autoload | boolean | false
+| If true, client certificates are loaded from the operating system certificate store.
+| security.ssl.errorReporting.enabled | boolean | true
+| If false, SSL errors cannot be sent to Mozilla.
+| security.tls.hello_downgrade_check | boolean | true
+| If false, the TLS 1.3 downgrade check is disabled.
+| security.warn_submit_secure_to_insecure | boolean | true
+| If false, no warning is shown when submitting s form from https to http.
+Using the preference as the key, set the `Value` to the corresponding preference value.
+`Status` can be "default", "locked", "user" or "clear"
+Default preferences can be modified by the user.
+If a value is locked, it is also set as the default.
+User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy.
+User preferences persist even if the policy is removed, so if you need to remove them, you should use the clear policy.
+See the examples below for more detail.
+IMPORTANT: Make sure you're only setting a particular preference using this mechanism and not some other way.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 81, Firefox ESR 78.3\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `preferences`\
+**Preferences Affected:** Many
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Preferences (REG_MULTI_SZ) =
+ "accessibility.force_disabled": {
+ "Value": 1,
+ "Status": "default"
+ },
+ "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory": {
+ "Value": "SOME_NATIVE_PATH",
+ "Status": "user"
+ },
+ "browser.tabs.warnOnClose": {
+ "Value": false,
+ "Status": "locked"
+ }
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="Preferences" value='
+ "accessibility.force_disabled": {
+ "Value": 1,
+ "Status": "default"
+ },
+ "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory": {
+ "Value": "SOME_NATIVE_PATH",
+ "Status": "user"
+ },
+ "browser.tabs.warnOnClose": {
+ "Value": false,
+ "Status": "locked"
+ }
+#### macOS
+ <key>Preferences</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>accessibility.force_disabled</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Status</key>
+ <string>default</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>browser.cache.disk.parent_directory</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <string>SOME_NATIVE_PATH</string>
+ <key>Status</key>
+ <string>user</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>browser.tabs.warnOnClose</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Status</key>
+ <string>locked</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "Preferences": {
+ "accessibility.force_disabled": {
+ "Value": 1,
+ "Status": "default"
+ },
+ "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory": {
+ "Value": "SOME_NATIVE_PATH",
+ "Status": "user"
+ },
+ "browser.tabs.warnOnClose": {
+ "Value": false,
+ "Status": "locked"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Preferences (Deprecated)
+Set and lock certain preferences.
+**Compatibility:** See below\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `preferences`\
+**Preferences Affected:** See below
+| Preference | Type | Compatibility | Default
+| --- | --- | --- | ---
+| accessibility.force_disabled | integer | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | 0
+| If set to 1, platform accessibility is disabled.
+| app.update.auto (Deprecated - Switch to AppAutoUpdate policy) | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, Firefox doesn't automatically install update.
+| browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | false
+| If true, bookmarks are exported on shutdown.
+| browser.bookmarks.file | string | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | N/A
+| If set, the name of the file where bookmarks are exported and imported.
+| browser.bookmarks.restore_default_bookmarks | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | N/A
+| If true, bookmarks are restored to their defaults.
+| browser.cache.disk.enable | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, don't store cache on the hard drive.
+| ~browser.cache.disk.parent_directory~ | string | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | Profile temporary directory
+| ~If set, changes the location of the disk cache.~ This policy doesn't work. It's being worked on.
+| browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
+| If true, single words are sent to DNS, not directly to search.
+| browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.default.sites | string | Firefox 72, ESR 68.4 | Locale dependent
+| If set, a list of URLs to use as the default top sites on the new tab page. Due to Firefox limitations, search sites can't be added. In addition, sites with the same name but different TLDs (example.org/example.com) will not display properly.
+| browser.places.importBookmarksHTML | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2
+| If true, bookmarks are always imported on startup.
+| browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, phishing protection is not enabled (Not recommended)
+| browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, malware protection is not enabled (Not recommended)
+| browser.search.update | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, updates for search engines are not checked.
+| browser.slowStartup.notificationDisabled | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | false
+| If true, a notification isn't shown if startup is slow.
+| browser.tabs.warnOnClose | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, there is no warning when the browser is closed.
+| browser.taskbar.previews.enable | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 (Windows only) | false
+| If true, tab previews are shown in the Windows taskbar.
+| browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, bookmarks aren't suggested when typing in the URL bar.
+| browser.urlbar.suggest.history | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, history isn't suggested when typing in the URL bar.
+| browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, open tabs aren't suggested when typing in the URL bar.
+| datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
+| If true, don't show the privacy policy tab on first run.
+| dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | false
+| If false, web page can close windows.
+| dom.disable_window_flip | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, web pages can focus and activate windows.
+| dom.disable_window_move_resize | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
+| If true, web pages can't move or resize windows.
+| dom.event.contextmenu.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, web pages can't override context menus.
+| dom.keyboardevent.keypress.hack.dispatch_non_printable_keys.addl | string | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | N/A
+| See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/dom-events-changes-introduced-firefox-66
+| dom.keyboardevent.keypress.hack.use_legacy_keycode_and_charcode.addl | string | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | N/A
+| See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/dom-events-changes-introduced-firefox-66
+| dom.xmldocument.load.enabled | boolean | Firefox ESR 68.5 | true.
+| If false, XMLDocument.load is not available.
+| dom.xmldocument.async.enabled | boolean | Firefox ESR 68.5 | true
+| If false, XMLDocument.async is not available.
+| extensions.blocklist.enabled | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, the extensions blocklist is not used (Not recommended)
+| extensions.getAddons.showPane | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | N/A
+| If false, the Recommendations tab is not displayed in the Add-ons Manager.
+| extensions.htmlaboutaddons.recommendations.enabled | boolean | Firefox 72, Firefox ESR 68.4 | true
+| If false, recommendations are not shown on the Extensions tab in the Add-ons Manager.
+| geo.enabled | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, the geolocation API is disabled. | Language dependent
+| intl.accept_languages | string | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2
+| If set, preferred language for web pages.
+| media.eme.enabled (Deprecated - Switch to EncryptedMediaExtensions policy) | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, Encrypted Media Extensions are not enabled.
+| media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, the OpenH264 plugin is not downloaded.
+| media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, the Widevine plugin is not downloaded.
+| media.peerconnection.enabled | boolean | Firefox 72, Firefox ESR 68.4 | true
+| If false, WebRTC is disabled
+| media.peerconnection.ice.obfuscate_host_addresses.whitelist (Deprecated) | string | Firefox 72, Firefox ESR 68.4 | N/A
+| If set, a list of domains for which mDNS hostname obfuscation is
+| media.peerconnection.ice.obfuscate_host_addresses.blocklist | string | Firefox 79, Firefox ESR 78.1 | N/A
+| If set, a list of domains for which mDNS hostname obfuscation is
+| network.dns.disableIPv6 | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
+| If true, IPv6 DNS lokoups are disabled.
+| network.IDN_show_punycode | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | false
+| If true, display the punycode version of internationalized domain names.
+| places.history.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, history is not enabled.
+| print.save_print_settings | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, print settings are not saved between jobs.
+| security.default_personal_cert | string | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | Ask Every Time
+| If set to Select Automatically, Firefox automatically chooses the default personal certificate.
+| security.mixed_content.block_active_content | boolean | Firefox 70, Firefox ESR 68.2 | true
+| If false, mixed active content (HTTP and HTTPS) is not blocked.
+| security.osclientcerts.autoload | boolean | Firefox 72 (Windows), Firefox 75 (macOS) | false
+| If true, client certificates are loaded from the operating system certificate store.
+| security.ssl.errorReporting.enabled | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, SSL errors cannot be sent to Mozilla.
+| security.tls.hello_downgrade_check | boolean | Firefox 72, Firefox ESR 68.4 | true
+| If false, the TLS 1.3 downgrade check is disabled.
+| ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses | boolean | Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 | true
+| If false, the Alt key doesn't show the menubar on Windows.
+| widget.content.gtk-theme-override | string | Firefox 72, Firefox ESR 68.4 (Linux only) | N/A
+| If set, overrides the GTK theme for widgets.
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Preferences\boolean_preference_name = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Preferences\string_preference_name = "string_value"
+#### Windows (Intune)
+OMA-URI: (periods are replaced by underscores)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+OMA-URI: (periods are replaced by underscores)
+Value (string):
+<data id="Preferences_String" value="string_value"/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>Preferences</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>boolean_preference_name</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>string_preference_name</key>
+ <string>string_value</string>
+ </dict>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "Preferences": {
+ "boolean_preference_name": true | false,
+ "string_preference_name": "string_value"
+ }
+ }
+### PromptForDownloadLocation
+Ask where to save each file before downloading.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `browser.download.useDownloadDir`
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PromptForDownloadLocation = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>PromptForDownloadLocation</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "PromptForDownloadLocation": true | false
+ }