+ <string id="UserMessaging_SkipOnboarding">跳過新功能說明訊息</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_SkipOnboarding_Explain">若啟用此原則,將不會在「新分頁」頁面顯示新功能說明訊息。
+ <string id="UserMessaging_MoreFromMozilla">「Mozilla 的更多產品」頁面</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_MoreFromMozilla_Explain">若停用此原則,偏好設定中將不會顯示「Mozilla 的更多產品」頁面。
+若啟用或不設定此原則,將會在偏好設定中顯示「Mozilla 的更多產品」頁面。</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_Locked">Do not allow user messaging preferences to be changed</string>
+ <string id="UserMessaging_Locked_Explain">If this policy is disabled, user messaging preferences can be changed by the user.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, user messaging preferences cannot be changed by the user.</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256">TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA">TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256">TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384">TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA">TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384">TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256">TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256">TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256</string>
+ <string id="DisabledCiphers_Explain">若啟用此原則,將停用指定的加密套件組。
+若不設定此原則,則會根據 Firefox 當中的預設值來啟用或停用加密套件組。</string>
+ <string id="EncryptedMediaExtensions_Enabled">開啟加密媒體擴充功能</string>
+ <string id="EncryptedMediaExtensions_Enabled_Explain">若停用此原則,需經使用者明確同意才會下載加密媒體擴充功能(例如 Widevine),Firefox 不會主動下載。
+若啟用或不設定此原則,Firefox 將自動下載並使用加密媒體擴充功能(例如 Widevine)。</string>
+ <string id="EncryptedMediaExtensions_Locked">鎖定加密媒體擴充功能</string>
+ <string id="EncryptedMediaExtensions_Locked_Explain">若啟用此原則且停用了 EncryptedMediaExtensions,Firefox 將不會下載加密媒體擴充功能(例如 Widevine),也不會詢問使用者是否要安裝。
+ <string id="PDFjs_Enabled">啟用 PDF.js</string>
+ <string id="PDFjs_Enabled_Explain">若停用此原則,將不會使用內建的 PDF 檢視器。
+若啟用或不設定此原則,就會使用內建的 PDF 檢視器。</string>
+ <string id="PDFjs_EnablePermissions">啟用權限</string>
+ <string id="PDFjs_EnablePermissions_Explain">若啟用此原則,將會遵循文件權限設定(例如防止文字複製)。
+ <string id="PictureInPicture_Enabled">啟用</string>
+ <string id="PictureInPicture_Enabled_Explain">若停用此原則,將不會在影片上顯示切換進入子母畫面的按鈕。
+ <string id="PictureInPicture_Locked">鎖定</string>
+ <string id="PictureInPicture_Locked_Explain">若啟用此原則,使用者將無法更改子母畫面設定。
+ <string id="PrimaryPassword">主控密碼</string>
+ <string id="PrimaryPassword_Explain">若啟用此原則,將必須輸入主控密碼。
+ <string id="HandlersOneLine">應用程式處理方式(JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="Handlers">應用程式處理方式</string>
+ <string id="Handlers_Explain">若啟用此原則,您可以使用 JSON 檔案來設定預設應用程式處理方式。
+若停用或不設定此原則,則使用 Firefox 預設設定。
+若需要建立原則的詳細資訊,請參考 https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#handlers。</string>
+ <string id="PreferencesOneLine">偏好設定(JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="Preferences">偏好設定</string>
+ <string id="Preferences_Explain">註:若要使用此原則,您必須先清除「偏好設定(已棄用)」區段當中的舊設定。
+若啟用此原則,您可以使用 JSON 檔案來預先指定偏好設定。
+若需要建立原則的詳細資訊,請參考 https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#preferences。</string>
+ <string id="BookmarksOneLine">書籤(JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="Bookmarks">書籤(JSON)</string>
+ <string id="Bookmarks_Explain">若啟用此原則,您可以使用 JSON 字串來設定書籤,也可以使用 [] 來清除所有書籤。
+若需要 JSON 書籤原則的詳細資訊,請參考 https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#bookmarks。</string>
+ <string id="ManagedBookmarksOneLine">受管理的書籤(JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="ManagedBookmarks">受管理的書籤</string>
+ <string id="ManagedBookmarks_Explain">若啟用此原則,您可以使用 JSON 檔案來指定受管理的書籤。
+若需要建立原則的詳細資訊,請參考 https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#managedbookmarks。</string>
+ <string id="AllowedDomainsForApps">指定允許存取的 Google Workspace 網域</string>
+ <string id="AllowedDomainsForApps_Explain">若啟用此原則,使用者將只能存取指定的 Google Workspace 網域(以半形逗號分隔)。若要允許存取 Gmail,可新增 consumer_accounts。
+若停用或不設定此原則,使用者則可存取任何 Google Workspace 帳號以及 Gmail。</string>
+ <string id="BackgroundAppUpdate">背景更新程式</string>
+ <string id="BackgroundAppUpdate_Explain">若停用此原則,應用程式將不會在未執行時嘗試安裝更新。
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOriginsOneLine">於指定來源網址自動啟動外部應用程式(JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins">於指定來源網址自動啟動外部應用程式</string>
+ <string id="AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins_Explain">若啟用此原則,可列舉一組外部通訊協定的清單與來源網址,可不提示使用者就自動啟動外部通訊協定。
+若需要建立原則的詳細資訊,請參考 https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#autolaunchprotocolsfromorigins。</string>
+ <string id="WindowsSSO">Windows SSO 單一登入</string>
+ <string id="WindowsSSO_Explain">若啟用此原則,Firefox 將使用儲存於 Windows 的帳號密碼來登入微軟、工作單位、學校提供的帳號。
+ <string id="UseSystemPrintDialog">Use System Print Dialog</string>
+ <string id="UseSystemPrintDialog_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will use the system print dialog instead of showing print preview before printing.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will show print preview before printing.</string>
+ <string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarningsOneLine">Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains (JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings">Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains</string>
+ <string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can define a list of domains and file type extensions that will be exempt from executable warnings.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
+For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
+ <string id="GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar">Force direct intranet site navigation on single word entries in the address bar</string>
+ <string id="GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar_Explain">If this policy is enabled, typing single word entries in the address bar will attempt to navigate to intranet sites first, falling back to search if the DNS request fails.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, typing single word entries in the address bar will search.</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdatePin">Pin updates to a specific version</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdatePin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify a Firefox version as xx. or xx.xx. and Firefox will not be updated beyond that major or minor version.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will update normally.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Locked">Do not allow proxy settings to be changed</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Locked_Explain">If this policy is enabled, proxy settings cannot be changed by the user.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can change their proxy settings.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_ConnectionType">Connection Type</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_ConnectionType_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the connection type.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox defaults to using the system proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_HTTPProxy">HTTP Proxy</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_HTTPProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the HTTP Proxy used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTP Proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols">Use HTTP proxy for HTTPS</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the HTTP Proxy is used for HTTPS when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTPS Proxy unless specified.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SSLProxy">HTTPS Proxy</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SSLProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the HTTPS Proxy used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an HTTPS Proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SOCKSProxy">SOCKS Host</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_SOCKSProxy_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the SOCKS Host and version used when manual proxy configuration is specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use a SOCKS Host.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoConfigURL">Automatic proxy configuration URL</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoConfigURL_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set the automatic proxy configuration URL.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not use an automatic proxy configuration URL.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Passthrough">Proxy Passthrough</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_Passthrough_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the proxy settings are bypassed for the locations specified.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox does not bypass the proxy.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoLogin">Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_AutoLogin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not prompt for proxy authentication when a password is saved.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will always prompt for proxy authentication.</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS">Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5</string>
+ <string id="Proxy_UseProxyForDNS_Explain">If this policy is enabled, DNS is proxied when using SOCKS v5.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, DNS is not proxied when using SOCKS v5.</string>
+ <string id="DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking">Disable Third Party Module Blocking</string>
+ <string id="DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users are not allowed to block third-party modules from the about:third-party page.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, users users are allowed to block third-party modules from the about:third-party page.</string>
+ <string id="ContainersOneLine">Containers (JSON on one line)</string>
+ <string id="Containers">Containers</string>
+ <string id="Containers_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can use JSON to configure the default containers.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the built-in defaults are used.
+For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#containers.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_WebSuggestions">Suggestions from the web</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_WebSuggestions_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will get suggestions from Firefox related to your search.
+If this policy is disabled, you will not get these suggestions.
+If this policy is not configured, , you will get suggestions from Firefox related to your search.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_SponsoredSuggestions">Suggestions from sponsors</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_SponsoredSuggestions_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will support the development of Firefox with occasional sponsored suggestions.
+If this policy is disabled, you will not get these suggestions.
+If this policy is not configured, you will get occasional sponsored suggestions.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_ImproveSuggest">Improve the Firefox Suggest experience</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_ImproveSuggest_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you will help create a richer search experience by allowing Mozilla to process your search queries.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, you do not allow Mozilla to process your search queries.</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_Locked">Do not allow preferences to be changed</string>
+ <string id="FirefoxSuggest_Locked_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox Suggest preferences cannot be changed by the user.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can change their Firefox Suggest preferences.</string>