<string id="HardwareAcceleration_Explain">Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung deaktivieren, wird die Hardware-Beschleunigung deaktiviert.
Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung aktivieren oder nicht konfigurieren, wird die Hardware-Beschleunigung aktiviert.</string>
+ <string id="LocalFileLinks">Local File Links</string>
+ <string id="LocalFileLinks_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify origins where linking to local files is allowed.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, websites can't link to local files.</string>
<string id="NetworkPrediction">Network Prediction</string>
<string id="NetworkPrediction_Explain">Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung deaktivieren, wird Network Prediction (DNS prefetching) deaktiviert.
Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung aktivieren oder nicht konfigurieren, wird Network Prediction (DNS prefetching) aktiviert.</string>
+ <string id="NewTabPage">New Tab Page</string>
+ <string id="NewTabPage_Explain">If this policy is disabled, the new tab page will be blank.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, the new tab page will be the default.</string>
<string id="OfferToSaveLogins">Zugangsdaten und Passwörter für Webseiten speichen</string>
<string id="OfferToSaveLogins_Explain">Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung aktivieren oder nicht konfigurieren, fordert Firefox zum speichern von Logindaten und Passwörtern auf.
<string id="SearchEngines_Remove_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can specify the names of engines to be removed or hidden.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, search engines will not be removed or hidden.</string>
+ <string id="SearchSuggestEnabled">Search Suggestions</string>
+ <string id="SearchSuggestEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, search suggestions will be disabled.
+If this policy is enabled, search suggestions will be enabled.
+If this policy is not configured, search suggestions will be enabled, but the user can turn them off.</string>
<string id="SSLVersionMin">Minimum SSL version enabled</string>
<string id="SSLVersionMin_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will not use SSL/TLS versions less than the value specified.
<presentation id="Preferences_security_default_personal_cert">
<dropdownList refId="Preferences_security_default_personal_cert"/>
+ <presentation id="LocalFileLinks">
+ <listBox refId="LocalFileLinks"/>
+ </presentation>
+ <presentation id="SanitizeOnShutdown">
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_Cache">Cache</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_Cookies">Cookies</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_Downloads">Download History</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_FormData">Form & Search History</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_History">Browsing History</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_Sessions">Active Logins</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_SiteSettings">Site Preferences</checkBox>
+ <checkBox refId="SanitizeOnShutdown_OfflineApps">Offline Website Data</checkBox>
+ </presentation>