-**These policies are in active development and so might contain changes that do not work with current versions of Firefox.**
-**You should use the [officially released versions](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/releases) if you are deploying changes.**
Policies can be specified using the [Group Policy templates on Windows](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/tree/master/windows), [Intune on Windows](https://support.mozilla.org/kb/managing-firefox-intune), [configuration profiles on macOS](https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/tree/master/mac), or by creating a file called `policies.json`. On Windows, create a directory called `distribution` where the EXE is located and place the file there. On Mac, the file goes into `Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/distribution`. On Linux, the file goes into `firefox/distribution`, where `firefox` is the installation directory for firefox, which varies by distribution or you can specify system-wide policy by placing the file in `/etc/firefox/policies`.
| Policy Name | Description
| **[`Certificates -> ImportEnterpriseRoots`](#certificates--importenterpriseroots)** | Trust certificates that have been added to the operating system certificate store by a user or administrator.
| **[`Certificates -> Install`](#certificates--install)** | Install certificates into the Firefox certificate store.
| **[`Cookies`](#cookies)** | Configure cookie preferences.
+| **[`DefaultDownloadDirectory`](#defaultdownloaddirectory)** | Set the default download directory.
| **[`DisableAppUpdate`](#disableappupdate)** | Turn off application updates.
| **[`DisableBuiltinPDFViewer`](#disablebuiltinpdfviewer)** | Disable the built in PDF viewer.
| **[`DisabledCiphers`](#disabledciphers)** | Disable ciphers.
| **[`DisableDefaultBrowserAgent`](#disabledefaultbrowseragent)** | Prevent the default browser agent from taking any actions (Windows only).
| **[`DisableDeveloperTools`](#disabledevelopertools)** | Remove access to all developer tools.
| **[`DisableFeedbackCommands`](#disablefeedbackcommands)** | Disable the menus for reporting sites.
-| **[`DisableFirefoxScreenshots`](#disablefirefoxscreenshots)** | Remove access to Firefox Screenshots.
| **[`DisableFirefoxAccounts`](#disablefirefoxaccounts)** | Disable Firefox Accounts integration (Sync).
+| **[`DisableFirefoxScreenshots`](#disablefirefoxscreenshots)** | Remove access to Firefox Screenshots.
| **[`DisableFirefoxStudies`](#disablefirefoxstudies)** | Disable Firefox studies (Shield).
| **[`DisableForgetButton`](#disableforgetbutton)** | Disable the "Forget" button.
| **[`DisableFormHistory`](#disableformhistory)** | Turn off saving information on web forms and the search bar.
| **[`DisableSystemAddonUpdate`](#disablesystemaddonupdate)** | Prevent system add-ons from being installed or update.
| **[`DisableTelemetry`](#disabletelemetry)** | DisableTelemetry
| **[`DisplayBookmarksToolbar`](#displaybookmarkstoolbar)** | Set the initial state of the bookmarks toolbar.
-| **[`DisplayMenuBar (Deprecated)`](#displaymenubar-deprecated)** | Set the initial state of the menubar.
| **[`DisplayMenuBar`](#displaymenubar)** | Set the state of the menubar.
+| **[`DisplayMenuBar (Deprecated)`](#displaymenubar-deprecated)** | Set the initial state of the menubar.
| **[`DNSOverHTTPS`](#dnsoverhttps)** | Configure DNS over HTTPS.
| **[`DontCheckDefaultBrowser`](#dontcheckdefaultbrowser)** | Don't check if Firefox is the default browser at startup.
-| **[`DefaultDownloadDirectory`](#defaultdownloaddirectory)** | Set the default download directory.
| **[`DownloadDirectory`](#downloaddirectory)** | Set and lock the download directory.
| **[`EnableTrackingProtection`](#enabletrackingprotection)** | Configure tracking protection.
| **[`EncryptedMediaExtensions`](#encryptedmediaextensions)** | Enable or disable Encrypted Media Extensions and optionally lock it.
| **[`Extensions`](#extensions)** | Control the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions.
| **[`ExtensionSettings`](#extensionsettings)** | Manage all aspects of extensions.
| **[`ExtensionUpdate`](#extensionupdate)** | Control extension updates.
-| **[`FlashPlugin`](#flashplugin)** | Configure the default Flash plugin policy as well as origins for which Flash is allowed.
| **[`FirefoxHome`](#firefoxhome)** | Customize the Firefox Home page.
-| **[`HardwareAcceleration`](#hardwareacceleration)** | Control hardware acceleration.
+| **[`FlashPlugin`](#flashplugin)** | Configure the default Flash plugin policy as well as origins for which Flash is allowed.
| **[`Handlers`](#handlers)** | Configure default application handlers.
+| **[`HardwareAcceleration`](#hardwareacceleration)** | Control hardware acceleration.
| **[`Homepage`](#homepage)** | Configure the default homepage and how Firefox starts.
| **[`InstallAddonsPermission`](#installaddonspermission)** | Configure the default extension install policy as well as origins for extension installs are allowed.
| **[`LegacyProfiles`](#legacyprofiles)** | Disable the feature enforcing a separate profile for each installation.
| **[`LocalFileLinks`](#localfilelinks)** | Enable linking to local files by origin.
| **[`ManagedBookmarks`](#managedbookmarks)** | Configures a list of bookmarks managed by an administrator that cannot be changed by the user.
| **[`ManualAppUpdateOnly`](#manualappupdateonly)** | Allow manual updates only and do not notify the user about updates..
-| **[`PrimaryPassword`](#primarypassword)** | Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
| **[`NetworkPrediction`](#networkprediction)** | Enable or disable network prediction (DNS prefetching).
| **[`NewTabPage`](#newtabpage)** | Enable or disable the New Tab page.
| **[`NoDefaultBookmarks`](#nodefaultbookmarks)** | Disable the creation of default bookmarks.
| **[`PopupBlocking`](#popupblocking)** | Configure the default pop-up window policy as well as origins for which pop-up windows are allowed.
| **[`Preferences`](#preferences)** | Set and lock preferences.
| **[`Preferences (Deprecated)`](#preferences-deprecated)** | Set and lock some preferences.
+| **[`PrimaryPassword`](#primarypassword)** | Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
| **[`PromptForDownloadLocation`](#promptfordownloadlocation)** | Ask where to save each file before downloading.
| **[`Proxy`](#proxy)** | Configure proxy settings.
| **[`RequestedLocales`](#requestedlocales)** | Set the the list of requested locales for the application in order of preference.
| **[`SanitizeOnShutdown` (Selective)](#sanitizeonshutdown-selective)** | Clear data on shutdown.
| **[`SearchBar`](#searchbar)** | Set whether or not search bar is displayed.
| **[`SearchEngines`](#searchengines-this-policy-is-only-available-on-the-esr)** |
+| **[`SearchEngines -> Add`](#searchengines--add)** | Add new search engines.
| **[`SearchEngines -> Default`](#searchengines--default)** | Set the default search engine.
| **[`SearchEngines -> PreventInstalls`](#searchengines--preventinstalls)** | Prevent installing search engines from webpages.
| **[`SearchEngines -> Remove`](#searchengines--remove)** | Hide built-in search engines.
-| **[`SearchEngines -> Add`](#searchengines--add)** | Add new search engines.
| **[`SearchSuggestEnabled`](#searchsuggestenabled)** | Enable search suggestions.
| **[`SecurityDevices`](#securitydevices)** | Install PKCS #11 modules.
| **[`ShowHomeButton`](#showhomebutton)** | Show the home button on the toolbar.
If set to false, application updates are downloaded but the user can choose when to install the update.
-If you have disabled updates via DisableAppUpdate, this policy has no effect.
+If you have disabled updates via `DisableAppUpdate`, this policy has no effect.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 75, Firefox ESR 68.7\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
Add bookmarks in either the bookmarks toolbar or menu. Only `Title` and `URL` are required. If `Placement` is not specified, the bookmark will be placed on the toolbar. If `Folder` is specified, it is automatically created and bookmarks with the same folder name are grouped together.
-If you want to clear all bookmarks set with this policy, you can set the value to an empty array (```[]```). This can be on Windows via GPO or Intune with the new Bookmarks (JSON) policy.
+If you want to clear all bookmarks set with this policy, you can set the value to an empty array (```[]```). This can be on Windows via the new Bookmarks (JSON) policy available with GPO and Intune.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** `bookmarks.toolbar`,`bookmarks.menu`\
`Block` is a list of origins (not domains) where cookies are always blocked. You must include http or https.
-`Default` determines whether cookies are accepted at all.
+`Behavior` sets the default behavior for cookies based on the values below.
-`AcceptThirdParty` determines how third-party cookies are handled.
+`BehaviorPrivateBrowsing` sets the default behavior for cookies in private browsing based on the values below.
+| Value | Description
+| --- | ---
+| accept | Accept all cookies
+| reject-foreign | Reject third party cookies
+| reject | Reject all cookies
+| limit-foreign | Reject third party cookies for sites you haven't visited
+| reject-tracker | Reject cookies for known trackers (default)
+| reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign | Reject cookies for known trackers and partition third-party cookies (Total Cookie Protection) (default for private browsing)
+`Default` (Deprecated) determines whether cookies are accepted at all.
+`AcceptThirdParty` (Deprecated) determines how third-party cookies are handled.
`ExpireAtSessionEnd` determines when cookies expire.
-`RejectTracker` only rejects cookies for trackers.
+`RejectTracker` (Deprecated) only rejects cookies for trackers.
`Locked` prevents the user from changing cookie preferences.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (RejectTracker added in Firefox 63, AllowSession added in Firefox 79/78.1)\
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (RejectTracker added in Firefox 63, AllowSession added in Firefox 79/78.1, Behavior added in Firefox 95/91.4)\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `network.cookie.cookieBehavior`, `network.cookie.lifetimePolicy`
+**Preferences Affected:** `network.cookie.cookieBehavior`, `network.cookie.cookieBehavior.pbmode`, `network.cookie.lifetimePolicy`
#### Windows (GPO)
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\AcceptThirdParty = "always" | "never" | "from-visited"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\ExpireAtSessionEnd = 0x1 | 0x0
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\RejectTracker = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\Behavior = "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\BehaviorPrivateBrowsing = "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Cookies\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
+<data id="Cookies_Behavior" value="accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"/>
+Value (string):
+<data id="Cookies_BehaviorPrivateBrowsing" value="accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign"/>
#### macOS
<true/> | <false/>
<true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Behavior</key>
+ <string>accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign</string>
+ <key>BehaviorPrivateBrowsing</key>
+ <string>accept | reject-foreign | reject | limit-foreign | reject-tracker | reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign</string>
"AcceptThirdParty": "always" | "never" | "from-visited",
"ExpireAtSessionEnd": true | false,
"RejectTracker": true | false,
- "Locked": true | false
+ "Locked": true | false,
+ "Behavior": "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign",
+ "BehaviorPrivateBrowsing": "accept" | "reject-foreign" | "reject" | "limit-foreign" | "reject-tracker" | "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign",
If this value is true, it works the same as setting [`PrimaryPassword`](#primarypassword) to false and removes the primary password functionality.
-If both DisableMasterPasswordCreation and PrimaryPassword are used, DisableMasterPasswordCreation takes precedent.
+If both `DisableMasterPasswordCreation` and `PrimaryPassword` are used, `DisableMasterPasswordCreation` takes precedent.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
**CCK2 Equivalent:** `noMasterPassword`\
+### DefaultDownloadDirectory
+Set the default download directory.
+You can use ${home} for the native home directory.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `browser.download.dir`, `browser.download.folderList`
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DefaultDownloadDirectory = "${home}\Downloads"
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="Preferences_String" value="${home}\Downloads"/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>DefaultDownloadDirectory</key>
+ <string>${home}/Downloads</string>
+#### policies.json (macOS and Linux)
+ "policies": {
+ "DefaultDownloadDirectory": "${home}/Downloads"
+#### policies.json (Windows)
+ "policies": {
+ "DefaultDownloadDirectory": "${home}\\Downloads"
### DisableAppUpdate
Turn off application updates within Firefox.
-### DisableFirefoxScreenshots
-Remove access to Firefox Screenshots.
+### DisableFirefoxAccounts
+Disable Firefox Accounts integration (Sync).
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `extensions.screenshots.disabled`
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `disableSync`\
+**Preferences Affected:** `identity.fxaccounts.enabled`
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisableFirefoxScreenshots = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisableFirefoxAccounts = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
#### macOS
- <key>DisableFirefoxScreenshots</key>
+ <key>DisableFirefoxAccounts</key>
<true/> | <false/>
"policies": {
- "DisableFirefoxScreenshots": true | false
+ "DisableFirefoxAccounts": true | false
-### DisableFirefoxAccounts
-Disable Firefox Accounts integration (Sync).
+### DisableFirefoxScreenshots
+Remove access to Firefox Screenshots.
**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `disableSync`\
-**Preferences Affected:** `identity.fxaccounts.enabled`
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `extensions.screenshots.disabled`
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisableFirefoxAccounts = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisableFirefoxScreenshots = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
#### macOS
- <key>DisableFirefoxAccounts</key>
+ <key>DisableFirefoxScreenshots</key>
<true/> | <false/>
"policies": {
- "DisableFirefoxAccounts": true | false
+ "DisableFirefoxScreenshots": true | false
-### DisplayMenuBar (Deprecated)
-Set the initial state of the menubar. A user can still hide it and it will stay hidden.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (Windows, some Linux)\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `displayMenuBar`\
-**Preferences Affected:** N/A
-#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisplayMenuBar = 0x1 | 0x0
-#### macOS
- <key>DisplayMenuBar</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
-#### policies.json
- "policies": {
- "DisplayMenuBar": true | false
- }
### DisplayMenuBar
Set the state of the menubar.
+### DisplayMenuBar (Deprecated)
+Set the initial state of the menubar. A user can still hide it and it will stay hidden.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60 (Windows, some Linux)\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `displayMenuBar`\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DisplayMenuBar = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### macOS
+ <key>DisplayMenuBar</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "DisplayMenuBar": true | false
+ }
Configure DNS over HTTPS.
-### DefaultDownloadDirectory
-Set the default download directory.
-You can use ${home} for the native home directory.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `browser.download.dir`, `browser.download.folderList`
-#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\DefaultDownloadDirectory = "${home}\Downloads"
-#### Windows (Intune)
-Value (string):
-<data id="Preferences_String" value="${home}\Downloads"/>
-#### macOS
- <key>DefaultDownloadDirectory</key>
- <string>${home}/Downloads</string>
-#### policies.json (macOS and Linux)
- "policies": {
- "DefaultDownloadDirectory": "${home}/Downloads"
-#### policies.json (Windows)
- "policies": {
- "DefaultDownloadDirectory": "${home}\\Downloads"
### DownloadDirectory
Set and lock the download directory.
-### FlashPlugin
-Configure the default Flash plugin policy as well as origins for which Flash is allowed.
-`Allow` is a list of origins where Flash are allowed.
-`Block` is a list of origins where Flash is not allowed.
-`Default` determines whether or not Flash is allowed by default.
-`Locked` prevents the user from changing Flash preferences.
+### FirefoxHome
+Customize the Firefox Home page.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `permissions.plugin`\
-**Preferences Affected:** `plugin.state.flash`
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68 (SponsoredTopSites and SponsoredPocket were added in Firefox 95, Firefox ESR 91.4)
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSearch`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.snippets`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsoredTopSites`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsored`
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Allow\1 = "https://example.org"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Block\1 = "https://example.edu"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Default = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Search = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\TopSites = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\SponsoredTopSites = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Highlights = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Pocket = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\SponsoredPocket = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Snippets = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
-<data id="Permissions" value="1https://example.org2https://example.edu"/>
-Value (string):
-<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_Search" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_TopSites" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_SponsoredTopSites" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_Highlights" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_Pocket" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_SponsoredPocket" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_Snippets" value="true | false"/>
+<data id="FirefoxHome_Locked" value="true | false"/>
-Value (string):
+#### macOS
+ <key>FirefoxHome</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Search</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>TopSites</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>SponsoredTopSites</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Highlights</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Pocket</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>SponsoredPocket</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Snippets</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Locked</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+ </dict>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "FirefoxHome": {
+ "Search": true | false,
+ "TopSites": true | false,
+ "SponsoredTopSites": true | false,
+ "Highlights": true | false,
+ "Pocket": true | false,
+ "SponsoredPocket": true | false,
+ "Snippets": true | false,
+ "Locked": true | false
+ }
+ }
+### FlashPlugin (Deprecated)
+Configure the default Flash plugin policy as well as origins for which Flash is allowed.
+`Allow` is a list of origins where Flash are allowed.
+`Block` is a list of origins where Flash is not allowed.
+`Default` determines whether or not Flash is allowed by default.
+`Locked` prevents the user from changing Flash preferences.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `permissions.plugin`\
+**Preferences Affected:** `plugin.state.flash`
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Allow\1 = "https://example.org"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Block\1 = "https://example.edu"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Default = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FlashPlugin\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<data id="Permissions" value="1https://example.org2https://example.edu"/>
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+Value (string):
<enabled/> or <disabled/>
### Handlers
Configure default application handlers. This policy is based on the internal format of `handlers.json`.
-### FirefoxHome
-Customize the Firefox Home page.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 68, Firefox ESR 68\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
-**Preferences Affected:** `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSearch`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories`, `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.snippets`
-#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Search = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\TopSites = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Highlights = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Pocket = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Snippets = 0x1 | 0x0
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\FirefoxHome\Locked = 0x1 | 0x0
-#### Windows (Intune)
-Value (string):
-<data id="FirefoxHome_Search" value="true | false"/>
-<data id="FirefoxHome_TopSites" value="true | false"/>
-<data id="FirefoxHome_Highlights" value="true | false"/>
-<data id="FirefoxHome_Pocket" value="true | false"/>
-<data id="FirefoxHome_Snippets" value="true | false"/>
-<data id="FirefoxHome_Locked" value="true | false"/>
-#### macOS
- <key>FirefoxHome</key>
- <dict>
- <key>Search</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- <key>TopSites</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- <key>Highlights</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- <key>Pocket</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- <key>Snippets</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- <key>Locked</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
- </dict>
-#### policies.json
- "policies": {
- "FirefoxHome": {
- "Search": true | false,
- "TopSites": true | false,
- "Highlights": true | false,
- "Pocket": true | false,
- "Snippets": true | false,
- "Locked": true | false
- }
- }
### HardwareAcceleration
Control hardware acceleration.
-### PrimaryPassword
-Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
-If this value is true, a primary password is required. If this value is false, it works the same as if [`DisableMasterPasswordCreation`](#disablemasterpasswordcreation) was true and removes the primary password functionality.
-If both DisableMasterPasswordCreation and PrimaryPassword are used, DisableMasterPasswordCreation takes precedent.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox 79, Firefox ESR 78.1\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `noMasterPassword`\
-**Preferences Affected:** N/A
-#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PrimaryPassword = 0x1 | 0x0
-#### Windows (Intune)
-Value (string):
-<enabled/> or <disabled/>
-#### macOS
- <key>PrimaryPassword</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
-#### policies.json
- "policies": {
- "PrimaryPassword": true | false
- }
### NetworkPrediction
Enable or disable network prediction (DNS prefetching).
+keyword.enabled (Firefox 95, Firefox ESR 91.4)
signon. (Firefox 83, Firefox ESR 78.5)
spellchecker. (Firefox 84, Firefox ESR 78.6)
+toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets (Firefox 95, Firefox ESR 91.4)
| security.tls.version.enable-deprecated | boolean | false
| If true, browser will accept TLS 1.0. and TLS 1.1 (Firefox 86, Firefox 78.8).
| security.warn_submit_secure_to_insecure | boolean | true
-| If false, no warning is shown when submitting s form from https to http.
+| If false, no warning is shown when submitting a form from https to http.
Using the preference as the key, set the `Value` to the corresponding preference value.
If a value is locked, it is also set as the default.
-User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy.
+User preferences persist across invocations of Firefox. It is the equivalent of a user setting the preference. They are most useful when a preference is needed very early in startup so it can't be set as default by policy. An example of this is ```toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets```.
User preferences persist even if the policy is removed, so if you need to remove them, you should use the clear policy.
+### PrimaryPassword
+Require or prevent using a primary (formerly master) password.
+If this value is true, a primary password is required. If this value is false, it works the same as if [`DisableMasterPasswordCreation`](#disablemasterpasswordcreation) was true and removes the primary password functionality.
+If both DisableMasterPasswordCreation and PrimaryPassword are used, DisableMasterPasswordCreation takes precedent.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 79, Firefox ESR 78.1\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `noMasterPassword`\
+**Preferences Affected:** N/A
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PrimaryPassword = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>PrimaryPassword</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "PrimaryPassword": true | false
+ }
### PromptForDownloadLocation
Ask where to save each file before downloading.
### SearchEngines (This policy is only available on the ESR.)
-### SearchEngines | Default
+### SearchEngines | Add
-Set the default search engine. This policy is only available on the ESR.
+Add new search engines (up to five). This policy is only available on the ESR. `Name` and `URLTemplate` are required.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `defaultSearchEngine`\
+`Name` is the name of the search engine.
+`URLTemplate` is the search URL with {searchTerms} to substitute for the search term.
+`Method` is either GET or POST
+`IconURL` is a URL for the icon to use.
+`Alias` is a keyword to use for the engine.
+`Description` is a description of the search engine.
+`PostData` is the POST data as name value pairs separated by &.
+`SuggestURLTemplate` is a search suggestions URL with {searchTerms} to substitute for the search term.
+`Encoding` is the query charset for the engine. It defaults to UTF-8.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60 (POST support in Firefox ESR 68, Encoding support in Firefox 91)\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `searchplugins`\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Default = NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Name = "Example1"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\URLTemplate = "https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Method = "GET" | "POST"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\IconURL = "https://www.example.org/favicon.ico"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Alias = "example"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Description = "Example Description"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\SuggestURLTemplate = "https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\PostData = "name=value&q={searchTerms}"
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
-<data id="SearchEngines_Default" value="NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_Name" value="Example1"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_URLTemplate" value="https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_Method" value="GET | POST"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_IconURL" value="https://www.example.org/favicon.ico"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_Alias" value="example"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_Description" value="Example Description"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_SuggestURLTemplate" value="https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"/>
+<data id="SearchEngine_PostData" value="name=value&q={searchTerms}"/>
#### macOS
- <key>Default</key>
- <string>NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE</string>
+ <key>Add</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Example1</string>
+ <key>URLTemplate</key>
+ <string>https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}</string>
+ <key>Method</key>
+ <string>GET | POST </string>
+ <key>IconURL</key>
+ <string>https://www.example.org/favicon.ico</string>
+ <key>Alias</key>
+ <string>example</string>
+ <key>Description</key>
+ <string>Example Description</string>
+ <key>SuggestURLTemplate</key>
+ <string>https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}</string>
+ <key>PostData</key>
+ <string>name=value&q={searchTerms}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <array>
"policies": {
"SearchEngines": {
+ "Add": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Example1",
+ "URLTemplate": "https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}",
+ "Method": "GET" | "POST",
+ "IconURL": "https://www.example.org/favicon.ico",
+ "Alias": "example",
+ "Description": "Description",
+ "PostData": "name=value&q={searchTerms}",
+ "SuggestURLTemplate": "https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"
+ }
+ ]
-### SearchEngines | PreventInstalls
+### SearchEngines | Default
-Prevent installing search engines from webpages.
+Set the default search engine. This policy is only available on the ESR.
**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `disableSearchEngineInstall`\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `defaultSearchEngine`\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\PreventInstalls = 0x1 | 0x0
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Default = NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
-<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+<data id="SearchEngines_Default" value="NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE"/>
#### macOS
- <key>PreventInstalls</key>
- <true/> | <false/>
+ <key>Default</key>
+ <string>NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE</string>
"policies": {
"SearchEngines": {
- "PreventInstalls": true | false
-### SearchEngines | Remove
+### SearchEngines | PreventInstalls
-Hide built-in search engines. This policy is only available on the ESR.
+Prevent installing search engines from webpages.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60.2\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `removeDefaultSearchEngines` (removed all built-in engines)\
+**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `disableSearchEngineInstall`\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Remove\1 = NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\PreventInstalls = 0x1 | 0x0
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
-<data id="SearchEngines_Remove" value="1NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE"/>
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
#### macOS
- <key>Remove</key>
- <array>
- <string>NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE</string>
- </array>
+ <key>PreventInstalls</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
"policies": {
"SearchEngines": {
+ "PreventInstalls": true | false
-### SearchEngines | Add
-Add new search engines (up to five). This policy is only available on the ESR. `Name` and `URLTemplate` are required.
-`Name` is the name of the search engine.
-`URLTemplate` is the search URL with {searchTerms} to substitute for the search term.
-`Method` is either GET or POST
-`IconURL` is a URL for the icon to use.
-`Alias` is a keyword to use for the engine.
-`Description` is a description of the search engine.
-`PostData` is the POST data as name value pairs separated by &.
-`SuggestURLTemplate` is a search suggestions URL with {searchTerms} to substitute for the search term.
+### SearchEngines | Remove
-`Encoding` is the query charset for the engine. It defaults to UTF-8.
+Hide built-in search engines. This policy is only available on the ESR.
-**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60 (POST support in Firefox ESR 68, Encoding support in Firefox 91)\
-**CCK2 Equivalent:** `searchplugins`\
+**Compatibility:** Firefox ESR 60.2\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** `removeDefaultSearchEngines` (removed all built-in engines)\
**Preferences Affected:** N/A
#### Windows (GPO)
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Name = "Example1"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\URLTemplate = "https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Method = "GET" | "POST"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\IconURL = "https://www.example.org/favicon.ico"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Alias = "example"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\Description = "Example Description"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\SuggestURLTemplate = "https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"
-Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Add\1\PostData = "name=value&q={searchTerms}"
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\SearchEngines\Remove\1 = NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE
#### Windows (Intune)
Value (string):
-<data id="SearchEngine_Name" value="Example1"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_URLTemplate" value="https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_Method" value="GET | POST"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_IconURL" value="https://www.example.org/favicon.ico"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_Alias" value="example"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_Description" value="Example Description"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_SuggestURLTemplate" value="https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"/>
-<data id="SearchEngine_PostData" value="name=value&q={searchTerms}"/>
+<data id="SearchEngines_Remove" value="1NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE"/>
#### macOS
- <key>Add</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>Name</key>
- <string>Example1</string>
- <key>URLTemplate</key>
- <string>https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}</string>
- <key>Method</key>
- <string>GET | POST </string>
- <key>IconURL</key>
- <string>https://www.example.org/favicon.ico</string>
- <key>Alias</key>
- <string>example</string>
- <key>Description</key>
- <string>Example Description</string>
- <key>SuggestURLTemplate</key>
- <string>https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}</string>
- <key>PostData</key>
- <string>name=value&q={searchTerms}</string>
- </dict>
+ <key>Remove</key>
+ <string>NAME_OF_SEARCH_ENGINE</string>
+ </array>
"policies": {
"SearchEngines": {
- "Add": [
- {
- "Name": "Example1",
- "URLTemplate": "https://www.example.org/q={searchTerms}",
- "Method": "GET" | "POST",
- "IconURL": "https://www.example.org/favicon.ico",
- "Alias": "example",
- "Description": "Description",
- "PostData": "name=value&q={searchTerms}",
- "SuggestURLTemplate": "https://www.example.org/suggestions/q={searchTerms}"
- }
- ]
`ExtensionRecommendations` If false, don't recommend extensions while the user is visiting web pages.
-`FeatureRecommendations` IF false, don't recommend browser features.
+`FeatureRecommendations` If false, don't recommend browser features.
`UrlbarInterventions` If false, Don't offer Firefox specific suggestions in the URL bar.