If you want to set specific options from the command line, we also provide flattened shortcuts to any item that is nested in the plist file.
For example, this policy:
"policies": {
"Homepage": {
which would be set in the plist file like this:
-can be set via the command line like this:
-defaults write org.mozilla.firefox Homepage__URL -string "http://example.com"
+Correctly writing the nested value with the `defaults` command can be hard, so you can flatten the keys by separating them with `__`, like this:
+sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.firefox Homepage__URL -string "http://example.com"
Before any command line policies will work, you need to enable policies like this:
-defaults write org.mozilla.firefox EnterprisePoliciesEnabled -bool TRUE
+sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.firefox EnterprisePoliciesEnabled -bool TRUE