<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<policyDefinitionResources revision="5.6" schemaVersion="1.0">
+<policyDefinitionResources revision="5.8" schemaVersion="1.0">
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF122">Firefox 122 o posterior, Firefox 115.7 ESR o posterior</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF123">Firefox 123 o posterior, Firefox 115.8 ESR o posterior</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF124">Firefox 124 o posterior, Firefox 115.9 ESR o posterior</string>
+ <string id="SUPPORTED_FF124_ONLY">Firefox 124 o posterior</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF125">Firefox 125 o posterior, Firefox 115.10 ESR o posterior</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF126">Firefox 126 o posterior, Firefox 115.11 ESR o posterior</string>
<string id="SUPPORTED_FF127">Firefox 127 o posterior, Firefox 115.12 ESR o posterior</string>
<string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, se podrá cambiar la configuración predeterminada de DNS mediante HTTPS.
Si esta política está deshabilitada o no está configurada, DNS mediante HTTPS usa la configuración predeterminada de Firefox.</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback">Fallback</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback_Explain">If this policy is disabled, Firefox will not fallback to your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, Firefox will use your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation">Deshabilitar la creación de contraseña maestra</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, los usuarios no podrán crear una contraseña maestra.