<string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, se podrá cambiar la configuración predeterminada de DNS mediante HTTPS.
Si esta política está deshabilitada o no está configurada, DNS mediante HTTPS usa la configuración predeterminada de Firefox.</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback">Fallback</string>
+ <string id="DNSOverHTTPS_Fallback_Explain">If this policy is disabled, Firefox will not fallback to your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.
+If this policy is enabled or not configured, Firefox will use your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider.</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation">Deshabilitar la creación de contraseña maestra</string>
<string id="DisableMasterPasswordCreation_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, los usuarios no podrán crear una contraseña maestra.
<string id="PrintingEnabled_Explain">If this policy is disabled, printing is disabled.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, printing is enabled.</string>
+ <string id="ManualAppUpdateOnly">Manual Update Only</string>
+ <string id="ManualAppUpdateOnly_Explain">If this policy is enabled, users will not be prompted to install updates and Firefox will not check for updates in the background. The user must manually check and install updates from the About dialog.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the browser receives updates.
+This policy is not recommended for most users.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, la preferencia se bloquea en true. Si esta política está deshabilitada, la preferencia está bloqueada en false.
Para una descripción de la preferencia, visita: