| `blocked_install_message` | This maps to a string specifying the error message to display to users if they're blocked from installing an extension. This setting allows you to append text to the generic error message displayed when the extension is blocked. This could be be used to direct users to your help desk, explain why a particular extension is blocked, or something else. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `restricted_domains` | An array of domains on which content scripts can't be run. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `blocked_install_message` | This maps to a string specifying the error message to display to users if they're blocked from installing an extension. This setting allows you to append text to the generic error message displayed when the extension is blocked. This could be be used to direct users to your help desk, explain why a particular extension is blocked, or something else. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.
| `restricted_domains` | An array of domains on which content scripts can't be run. This setting can be used only for the default configuration.