From: Michael Kaply <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:11:29 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: Remove Proxy item in favor of category.
X-Git-Tag: v5.0~2

Remove Proxy item in favor of category.

diff --git a/windows/firefox.admx b/windows/firefox.admx
index fb00375..e2fdcd4 100644
--- a/windows/firefox.admx
+++ b/windows/firefox.admx
@@ -2532,89 +2532,6 @@
         <list id="List" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\PasswordManagerExceptions" valuePrefix=""/>
-    <policy name="Proxy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Proxy)" explainText="$(string.Proxy_Explain)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" presentation="$(presentation.Proxy)" >
-      <parentCategory ref="firefox" />
-      <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF60" />
-      <elements>
-        <boolean id="ProxyLocked" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" valueName="Locked">
-          <trueValue>
-            <decimal value="1"/>
-          </trueValue>
-          <falseValue>
-            <decimal value="0"/>
-          </falseValue>
-        </boolean>
-        <enum id="ConnectionType" valueName="Mode">
-          <item displayName="$(string.NoProxy)">
-            <value>
-              <string>none</string>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-          <item displayName="$(string.SystemProxy)">
-            <value>
-              <string>system</string>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-          <item displayName="$(string.ManualProxy)">
-            <value>
-              <string>manual</string>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-          <item displayName="$(string.AutoDetectProxy)">
-            <value>
-              <string>autoDetect</string>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-          <item displayName="$(string.AutoConfigProxy)">
-            <value>
-              <string>autoConfig</string>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-        </enum>
-        <text id="HTTPProxy" valueName="HTTPProxy"/>
-        <boolean id="UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" valueName="UseHTTPProxyForAllProtocols">
-          <trueValue>
-            <decimal value="1"/>
-          </trueValue>
-          <falseValue>
-            <decimal value="0"/>
-          </falseValue>
-        </boolean>
-        <text id="SSLProxy" valueName="SSLProxy"/>
-        <text id="FTPProxy" valueName="FTPProxy"/>
-        <text id="SOCKSProxy" valueName="SOCKSProxy"/>
-        <enum id="SOCKSVersion" valueName="SOCKSVersion">
-          <item displayName="$(string.SOCKSVersion4)">
-            <value>
-              <decimal value="4"/>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-          <item displayName="$(string.SOCKSVersion5)">
-            <value>
-              <decimal value="5"/>
-            </value>
-          </item>
-        </enum>
-        <text id="AutoConfigURL" valueName="AutoConfigURL"/>
-        <text id="Passthrough" valueName="Passthrough"/>
-        <boolean id="AutoLogin" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" valueName="AutoLogin">
-          <trueValue>
-            <decimal value="1"/>
-          </trueValue>
-          <falseValue>
-            <decimal value="0"/>
-          </falseValue>
-        </boolean>
-        <boolean id="UseProxyForDNS" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" valueName="UseProxyForDNS">
-          <trueValue>
-            <decimal value="1"/>
-          </trueValue>
-          <falseValue>
-            <decimal value="0"/>
-          </falseValue>
-        </boolean>
-      </elements>
-    </policy>
     <policy name="Proxy_Locked" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Proxy_Locked)" explainText="$(string.Proxy_Locked_Explain)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Proxy" valueName="Locked">
       <parentCategory ref="ProxySettings"/>
       <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF60"/>