]> git.p6c8.net - policy-templates.git/history - README.md
Move out release for DLP
[policy-templates.git] / README.md
2020-09-02 Jesse KrissFixing typo
2020-09-02 Michael KaplyCorrect Intune ExtensionSettings example. Fixes #679
2020-08-27 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #676 from altonius/patch-1
2020-08-27 Alton(ius) BlomUpdate README.md
2020-08-27 Michael KaplyAdd new tracking protection Intune URIs. Fixes #674
2020-08-27 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #673 from altonius/patch-1
2020-08-26 Alton(ius) BlomUpdate README.md
2020-08-20 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #671 from mozilla/Permissions_Virtua...
2020-08-20 Michael KaplyVirtual Reality policy for Permissions
2020-08-18 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #664 from clear-code/fix-issue-663
2020-08-10 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #666 from andrewjharms/master
2020-08-10 Andrew HarmsCorrect the name of the registry key used for Handlers
2020-08-10 Michael KaplyFix proxy example
2020-08-03 Michael KaplyCorrect descriptions for UserMessaging
2020-07-31 Michael KaplyBe clear on interaction between PrimaryPassword and...
2020-07-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #654 from mozilla/Cookies_AllowSession
2020-07-23 Michael KaplyAdd AllowSession to Cookies policy
2020-07-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #653 from mozilla/PrimaryPassword
2020-07-23 Michael KaplyNew PrimaryPassword policy
2020-07-22 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #651 from mozilla/bug_1643155
2020-07-22 Michael KaplyRename webrtc pref
2020-07-21 Michael KaplyAdd policies around Handlers example.
2020-07-02 Michael Kaplycorrect ampersands
2020-07-01 Michael KaplyIntune Examples for Extension Install/Uninstall/Locked...
2020-07-01 Michael KaplyAdd example for string preference name
2020-07-01 Michael KaplyRemove MasterPassword since it is in 79
2020-06-30 Michael KaplyAdd Linux disclaimer for ImportEnterpriseRoots
2020-06-26 Michael KaplyAdd some better examples, point to new ID addon.
2020-06-25 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #628 from mozilla/Handlers
2020-06-25 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #629 from mozilla/ExtensionSettings
2020-06-25 Michael KaplyAdd restricted domains and cleanup install sources
2020-06-25 Michael KaplyHandlers policy
2020-06-25 Michael KaplyUpdate README.md
2020-06-24 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #627 from mozilla/DisabledCiphers
2020-06-24 Michael KaplyUpdate DisabledCiphers policy
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #626 from mozilla/MasterPassword
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyMasterPassword
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #625 from mozilla/PictureInPicture
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #624 from mozilla/locked-homepage
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyForgot TOC entry.
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyPictureInPicture policy
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyUpdates for new locked-homepage option on Startpage
2020-06-23 Michael KaplySystem wide Linux policies update.
2020-06-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #619 from petercpg/0605_zhtw
2020-06-05 Michael KaplyUpdate README.md
2020-06-03 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #616 from mozilla/PDFjs v1.17
2020-06-03 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' into PDFjs
2020-06-03 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #614 from drlellinger/patch-1
2020-06-03 Michael KaplyPDFjs Permission (78 only)
2020-06-03 Michael KaplyFix missing pipe symbols
2020-06-02 Michael KaplyFix bad syntax for some booleans
2020-05-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #610 from mozilla/EnrcryptedMediaExt...
2020-05-29 Michael KaplyEncryptedMediaExtensions policy
2020-05-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #609 from mozilla/Authentication_Pri...
2020-05-29 Michael KaplyAdd PrivateBrowsing to Authentication
2020-05-28 Michael KaplyAdd Intune link and cleanup links.
2020-05-26 Michael KaplyFix typo
2020-05-21 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #581 from mozilla/intune
2020-05-20 Michael KaplyCorrect SecurityDevices syntax
2020-05-20 Michael KaplyMore Intune updates
2020-05-20 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' into intune
2020-05-20 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #583 from Evans-Notch/patch-1
2020-05-19 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' into master
2020-05-06 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #593 from kapsiR/patch-1
2020-05-06 kapsiRFix wrong compatibility for DisabledCiphers
2020-04-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #585 from mozilla/DisabledCiphers
2020-04-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #586 from mozilla/Permissions_Autopl...
2020-04-23 Michael KaplyInitial checkin of Autoplay->Default/Locked
2020-04-19 Evans-NotchAdded more Intune configuration examples
2020-04-17 Michael KaplyInitial checkin of new policy DisabledCiphers
2020-04-17 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' of github.com:mozilla/policy...
2020-04-09 Michael KaplyUpdate message for client certs pref
2020-04-08 Michael KaplyIntune updates
2020-04-08 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' into intune
2020-04-08 vossniMerge pull request #2 from mozilla/master
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #569 from vossni/patch-2
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #570 from AlessandroMenti/update...
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyTrying to fix anchors
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyFix anchors
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyMove anchors before
2020-04-07 Michael KaplyAdd hidden anchors for new Firefox documentation, clean...
2020-04-07 vossniMerge pull request #1 from mozilla/master
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #564 from mozilla/DNSOverHTTPS_Exclu...
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' into DNSOverHTTPS_ExcludedDomains
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #565 from mozilla/DisableDefaultBrow...
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #566 from mozilla/AppAutoUpdate
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #567 from mozilla/UserMessaging
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyMore clarification
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyDocument policy better.
2020-04-06 Michael KaplyDisablePasswordReveal missing from TOC
2020-04-03 Michael KaplyUpdates for new UserMessaging policy
2020-04-03 Michael KaplyFix typo
2020-04-02 Michael KaplyAdd support for DisableDefaultBrowserAgent
2020-04-02 Michael KaplyAdd AppAutoUpdate policy
2020-04-02 Michael KaplyDNSOverHTTPS - Move to category, add ExcludedDomains
2020-03-12 drlellingerMerge pull request #1 from mozilla/master
2020-03-10 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #553 from mozilla/Permissions_Autoplay
2020-03-10 Michael KaplyAdd Autoplay permission policy
2020-03-05 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #547 from mozilla/TrackingProtection...
2020-03-05 Michael KaplyTypos - Fixes #548 and fixes #549
