2024-05-02 Michael KaplyAdd deprecation info back to readme and remove deprecat...
2024-05-01 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1099 from qupig/master
2024-05-01 qupigFix `InstallAddonsPermission` preferences affected...
2024-04-30 Michael KaplyAdd container preferences to policy docs
2024-04-30 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1098 from qupig/master
2024-04-30 qupigFix `DisableFirefoxStudies` discrepancy
2024-04-23 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1093 from vossni/master
2024-04-18 vossniGerman translations for autofill for adresses and payme...
2024-04-17 Michael KaplyUpdate version v5.10
2024-04-17 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1092 from mozilla/Autofill
2024-04-17 Michael KaplyUpdates for autofill
2024-04-16 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1085 from vossni/master
2024-04-16 vossniMerge branch 'mozilla:master' into master
2024-04-15 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1088 from jobisoft/patch-1
2024-04-12 John BielingFix wrong html entity
2024-03-25 vossniGerman translation for Fallback to DNSOverHTTPS, Manual...
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.9
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1084 from mozilla/AllowFileSelectio...
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyAdd AllowFileSelectionDialogs policy
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1082 from mozilla/ManualUpdateOnly
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyAdd ManualAppUpdateOnly to GPO
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyAdd examples for updates_disabled
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyAdd new strings to other languages
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1081 from mozilla/Fallback
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyRemove typo
2024-03-20 Michael KaplyAdd Fallback to DNSOverHTTPS
2024-03-19 Michael KaplyAdd 124 only strings
2024-02-20 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.8
2024-02-20 Michael KaplyDocument Preference Type and other cleanups
2024-02-12 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1071 from peter-kehl/typo_pdfjs...
2024-02-10 Peter KehlTypo: pdfjs.diabled -> pdfjs.disabled
2024-01-19 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.7
2024-01-19 Michael KaplyAdd proxy variables to mac plist
2024-01-19 Michael KaplyUpdates for Firefox 122
2024-01-02 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.6
2024-01-02 Michael KaplyXML Cleanup
2024-01-02 Michael KaplyAdd new security prefs
2023-12-28 Michael KaplyAdd a clarification
2023-12-21 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1067 from vossni/master
2023-12-19 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.5
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' of github.com:mozilla/policy...
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1060 from mozilla/PrintingEnabled
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyAdd pref. to Preferences list
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyAdd PrintingEnabled to GPO
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyPreadd future Firefox versions to version list
2023-11-21 Michael KaplyAdd PrintingEnabled to docs
2023-10-24 Michael KaplyUpdate version for release v5.4
2023-10-03 Michael KaplyFixes #1054
2023-10-02 Michael KaplyRemove documentation from the README v5.3
2023-10-02 Michael KaplyBump version for release
2023-09-29 Michael KaplyFix typo
2023-09-16 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1052 from vossni/master
2023-09-12 vossniGerman Translation for Firefox Suggest
2023-09-07 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1051 from mozilla/FirefoxSuggest
2023-09-06 Michael KaplyAdd information for new FirefoxSuggest policy
2023-09-05 Michael KaplyAdd Firefox 118 stringds
2023-09-05 Michael KaplyAdd xpinstall.whitelist.required to docs
2023-09-05 Michael KaplyAdd documentation for security.ssl.require_safe_negotiation
2023-08-29 Michael KaplyTranslation of new string for German v5.2
2023-08-29 Michael KaplyBump version for release
2023-08-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1049 from mozilla/JSONOneLine
2023-08-29 Michael KaplyAdd JSON one line policies for compatibility with new...
2023-08-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1046 from htcfreek/FfPolSSL
2023-08-22 Michael KaplyAdd container extension as an example
2023-08-17 Michael KaplyAdd documentation for default_area
2023-08-04 htcfreekset default values for other langs
2023-08-04 htcfreekset default values en-us
2023-08-04 htcfreekUpdate strings
2023-08-02 Michael KaplyBump version for release v5.1
2023-07-28 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1045 from vossni/master
2023-07-27 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-07-27 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-07-05 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1024 from vossni/master v5.0
2023-07-03 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyBump version for release
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyRemove Proxy item in favor of category.
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyRemove deprecated policies from the documentation ...
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyMerge branch 'master' of github.com:mozilla/policy...
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyRemove FlashPlugin from documentation
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1021 from vossni/master
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1023 from mozilla/UserMessaging_Locked
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyCorrect typo
2023-06-29 Michael KaplyAdd UserMessaging->Locked to documentation
2023-06-20 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-06-20 vossniUpdate firefox.adml
2023-06-14 Michael KaplyStill trying to fix the table.
2023-06-14 Michael KaplyMove policy docs back to README.md so links in Firefox...
2023-06-07 Michael KaplyStill trying to fix tables
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyFix other tables
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyOne more change to try to fix table.
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyTrying to fix tables
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyChange markdown renderer
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyAdd Firefox version to new preference. v4.12
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyRemove docs test
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyVersion docs
2023-06-06 Michael KaplyBump version for release
2023-06-05 Michael KaplyMerge pull request #1020 from mozilla/SecurityDevices
2023-06-05 Michael KaplyUpdate security device policy
2023-06-05 Michael KaplyCorrect missing strings
